However, in war time certain “emergency” or “temporary” measures ARE called for; some time back I ran an article out of Italy where one week 30 mosque services were attended by newspeople and those were all “calls to violence”.You cannot appeal to the constitution to protect your rights, the rights of other innocent classes of persons such as the unborn, unless you are willing to guarantee those rights across the board, including to those you disagree with, or even perceive as a threat.
The FBI no longer attends meetings of German Americans or Italian Americans or Japanese Americans. They certainly did at one time though.
Your mail is no longer censored or read, it was at one time. You can freely go to any embassy now, you are not photographed and named. You were at one time. Common sense needs to prevail.
During the war emeny aliens were “detained” or deported. We don’t do that nowadays. Again, simply have to use common sense.
Certain “peace” groups are no longer infiltrated by intelligence - they were at one time. You can freely say that you work for the government and most of us can say what we do there. You couldn’t at one time.
Behavior in a free and peaceful time is one thing; when death or terror is rampant and loose, certain measures need to temporarily be used to halt and identify that terror.
A perfect example is what happens to you at an airport when you travel nowadays vs. what happened before 9/11. How do you feel about dropping al those security measures we now have and climbing on a plane? These days if you are hijacked you ain’t going to Cuba kiddo.