Poll regarding "Are Charismatics truly Catholic?"

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If you’ve been reading the thread “Are Charismatics truly Catholic?” then you may have formed an opinion. If you haven’t read the thread, please review it prior to posting your response to this question.

In your opinion, which is most true of the Charismatic renewal?

Please try to keep your responses short to make tallying easier. You may want to respond more in-depth in the original thread.

Note, the final tally will not necessarily indicate the church’s position (obviously), but only what those who respond to it think.
The Charismatic renewal is NOT a movement of God, and it is drawing people away from a richer faith life.
The charasmatic movement is a movement of Gods Spirit. It is available for those who are open to recieve it. 👍
The charasmatic movement is a movement of Gods Spirit. It is available for those who are open to recieve it. 👍
Tell me when you get the gift of interpretation. I will contact you to help me reveal lies.
I think the discussions on the Charismatic Renewal reveal something that Fr. Mitch Pacwa revealed in his excellent book *Father, Forgive Me, for I Am Frustrated. *There are a number of groups promoting orthodox teaching and love of the Lord and his Church, but they don’t get along with each other. I was really weireded out the first time I was among charismatics, but even then I saw some admirable qualities. I do believe that the Renewal is of God, and some elements of it are of great benefit to the Church.

There is one thing that convinces me that at least some of the elements are the work of the Holy Spirit. That thing is the fact that every charismatic whom I know believes what the Church teaches and is devoted to the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary. I would be quick to dismiss their movement as silly at best and satanic at worst if things were otherwise.

There are people who place so many of their eggs in the Charismatic Renewal basket that they fail to see the other ways in which people grow in holiness. That is true of many movements, including very good ones. However, the Catholic Church has room for many different kinds of spirituality, as long as it is centered on Christ and his Church.

On the other hand, I am unconvinced of the whole speaking in tongues thing. If they were speaking real languages, I would be convinced. I feel that I can neither affirm these things nor write them off as fake. I do believe that, if speaking in tongues were so important, there would be more widespread teaching about it.

What is the big obsession on the part of some people with kicking the charismatic movement into the dirt?
What is the big obsession on the part of some people with kicking the charismatic movement into the dirt?
I’d like to know that myself. While I think there is room for legitimate criticism of their movement, this is true of anything. I have heard that, at first, there were some charismatics who were obeying what they perceived to be the Holy Spirit when their perception was contrary to the Magisterium of the Church. However, I have never noticed this in charismatics that I know.

David Ancell:
I’d like to know that myself. While I think there is room for legitimate criticism of their movement, this is true of anything. I have heard that, at first, there were some charismatics who were obeying what they perceived to be the Holy Spirit when their perception was contrary to the Magisterium of the Church. However, I have never noticed this in charismatics that I know.

Sure, there’s certainly room for legitimate criticism of any movement. The charismatic movement isn’t perfect and certainly has errors. But every forum has a few posters who ride a one trick pony, and over here I’ve only been reading for a couple of days but I already know who I will always see a charismatic post from.
beng said:
The Charismatic renewal is NOT a movement of God, and it is drawing people away from a richer faith life.

Hi, Beng,

Of course, charismatics are very catholic. I am one. Since I’ve become a member of Couples for Christ, I learned how to read the Bible. (I actually started this year the Book of Genesis and currently, I am doing the Book of Job.)

I’ve learned the Eucharist is the center of my life, and I am trying to live it. I signed up for adoration in my parish one hour every week. Reconciliation is of utmost importance, because I can’t receive Jesus if I am sinful.

I learned to volunteer for service in the community.

Most of all, my family started to pray the Rosary almost daily at night. My youngest, a 4-year old girl, is picking up the habit fast.

My family realized how important it is to live our faith. Faith without works is dead. So we try to support noteworthy Catholi causes.

Oh, I could go on and on and tell you all the good things that have been happening to my family lately.

We’re in love with the LORD.

Thanks to the charismatic movement.

At the same time, we’re praying that we remain steadfast in God’s grace. Without Him, everyhting is bound to fail.

Besides, we believe that the charismatic movement is anchored on God the Holy Spirit.

All praise, honor, glory and thanksgiving be unto the LORD forever and ever. Amen.
Hi Everyone
Im a 22 year old charismatic and i love it. It has never taken me from my Catholic faith, in fact it has helped me to appreciate it more. I love God and i love the church and serving however i can. I admit the renewal is not for everyone but the way i see it, you have to go and find a group that you are comfortable praying with. Every group has their focus eg- charismatic is a focus on getting closer to Jesus and the inviting the Holy Spirit to fill us. The legion of Mary is a devotion to Mary, there are groups that stem from our Church in all kinds of shapes and forms. My point is, eveyone finds their group that they can build their faith in. So long as we are not saying our own groups are “THE ONLY WAY” and we are supporting each other’s groups as a faith community and praying for each other as all good Catholics should do, then i don’t see an issue with charismatics or any other faith building group. In the end, each of these groups should come back to the climax of our faith, the eucharistic celebration at mass.

Amen donadei…
My hubby and 2 children seem to be in the same place as your family…Praise God! I know we are in tune with the Catholic Church.
I Praise God many times throughout the day, because of the charismatic renewal.
Mass to me is Love. The Holy Eucharist is Love. I know without the shadow of a doubt…that the Love I feel for my God and my Church…has become very intense because of the renewal.
Everything about the bible, the Mass, and the Catholic Church is more understandable to me, and my family because of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Jesus for the gift of Your Holy Spirit in the Church.
Thank You Jesus for Your Son Pope John Paul II.
Thank You Jesus for the gift of tongues that you gave me, to give more praise and worship to You.
You alone are worthy of all Glory and Praise.
I Love You Jesus.
I Praise You Jesus.
I Thank You Jesus.

Amen donadei…
My hubby and 2 children seem to be in the same place as your family…Praise God! I know we are in tune with the Catholic Church.
I Praise God many times throughout the day, because of the charismatic renewal.
Mass to me is Love. The Holy Eucharist is Love. I know without the shadow of a doubt…that the Love I feel for my God and my Church…has become very intense because of the renewal.
Everything about the bible, the Mass, and the Catholic Church is more understandable to me, and my family because of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Jesus for the gift of Your Holy Spirit in the Church.
Thank You Jesus for Your Son Pope John Paul II.
Thank You Jesus for the gift of tongues that you gave me, to give more praise and worship to You.
You alone are worthy of all Glory and Praise.
I Love You Jesus.
I Praise You Jesus.
I Thank You Jesus.

Praise the LORD, Snuffy!

You should read the latest pronouncements of the Holy Father from Rome in praise of the charismatic movement. He thinks that these movements are providential.

Let the Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth!
Hi Everyone
Im a 22 year old charismatic and i love it. It has never taken me from my Catholic faith, in fact it has helped me to appreciate it more. I love God and i love the church and serving however i can. I admit the renewal is not for everyone but the way i see it, you have to go and find a group that you are comfortable praying with. Every group has their focus eg- charismatic is a focus on getting closer to Jesus and the inviting the Holy Spirit to fill us. The legion of Mary is a devotion to Mary, there are groups that stem from our Church in all kinds of shapes and forms. My point is, eveyone finds their group that they can build their faith in. So long as we are not saying our own groups are “THE ONLY WAY” and we are supporting each other’s groups as a faith community and praying for each other as all good Catholics should do, then i don’t see an issue with charismatics or any other faith building group. In the end, each of these groups should come back to the climax of our faith, the eucharistic celebration at mass.

Praise the LORD, Lindsay!

You said it right. I also believe that the charismatic movement (something I was opposed to also some years back but came to understand it and became a member now) is also building the Church! Many charismatics I am acquanted with have really changed for the better. There are some though who couldn’t hold on as the faith community I am invovled with is an evangelistic one, and therefore, a lot of service is required of the members.

Pray that my family and I remain steadfast with the grace of God!

After all, what could I give the LORD that He has not given me first?
Whatever one might think of the charismatic movement within the Catholic Church, one thing seems undeniable: The movement is in decline.

Twenty and thirty years ago its conferences were many, and they drew thousands of people. Today there are far fewer conferences, and they tend to draw much smaller crowds.

There was enough interest in the charismatic movement, at one time, to support a monthly magazine, “New Covenant.” Over a long stretch of years the magazine lost subscribers. Eventually it changed its focus, away from the charismatic movement, but even that wasn’t enough to keep it alive.

There used to be many “covenant communities” and other associations arising out of the charismatic movement. Most of them have diminished in size, fissioned, or just disappeared.

A much smaller proportion of Catholics identifies itself as charismatic today, as compared to several decades ago.

Some members of these forums may have the perception that the movement is growing in their areas–and it may be. On the whole, though, the movement is in decline. It might be instructive to think why this might be and what it might say about the movement.
Karl Keating:
Whatever one might think of the charismatic movement within the Catholic Church, one thing seems undeniable: The movement is in decline.

Twenty and thirty years ago its conferences were many, and they drew thousands of people. Today there are far fewer conferences, and they tend to draw much smaller crowds.

There was enough interest in the charismatic movement, at one time, to support a monthly magazine, “New Covenant.” Over a long stretch of years the magazine lost subscribers. Eventually it changed its focus, away from the charismatic movement, but even that wasn’t enough to keep it alive.

There used to be many “covenant communities” and other associations arising out of the charismatic movement. Most of them have diminished in size, fissioned, or just disappeared.

A much smaller proportion of Catholics identifies itself as charismatic today, as compared to several decades ago.

Some members of these forums may have the perception that the movement is growing in their areas–and it may be. On the whole, though, the movement is in decline. It might be instructive to think why this might be and what it might say about the movement.
HI Karl. I can tell you why its on the decline, and thats because the rcc does nothing to promote it. When was the last time you heard from the pulpit promoting the movement? The majority of the priests want nothing to do with it.I was involved with the charismatic movement since 1985 and I can honestly say that in the diocese there were no more than 2 or 3 prayer groups In the churches where priests were involved, their parishes florished.If priests dont encourage the movement what do you think is going to happen? It will never grow. So I say praise God for those who do answer the call. They are the ones that want to be more intimate with Jesus. They are the ones who recieve Gods extra blessings. 👍
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