I just saw this news article about where Catholics stand on issues related to politics these days. Frankly, I shouldn’t be, but am surprised to read these parts, and have trouble making sense of them:
andHalf of white Catholics said they favor allowing “gays and lesbians to marry legally.” Only 38 percent opposed it. Both figures indicate that white Catholics’ attitude to gay marriage is more liberal than other Americans.
How can I make sense of this? I could better handle it if 99% of the people found the teachings too difficult and simply walked away. However, they remain, continue to hear the teaching, and continue to embrace the opposite in spite of it. The church appears to be failing in promoting a matter of fundamental truth and importance. It can’t be, though, because then the gates of hell would be prevailing, right?In addition, Catholics expressed liberal attitudes on the question of whether businesses should provide services, such as catering and flowers, to same-sex married couples. Fifty-seven percent said No while 40 percent said Yes.