Pope condemns possession of nuclear weapons

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Where is Thistle? I am being called incompetent. Isn’t that a slam against me?
No you’re not. He said:
Further, explain to me how radiation causes biological harm, and the different types of radiation. If you cannot do that, you lack the competence to render an opinion on the subject.
Those are basic questions. If you can’t answer those questions, then you’re not really informed enough to say what should or shouldn’t be done about nuclear powerplants. Do you know the answers to his questions?
Thanks for pointing that out I guess I’m behind the times slightly.

God Bless
I don’t have to answer his questions.
He has a vested interest in nuclear power. It is his field.
He is an advocate for an industry.
People who work in the coal industry have invented propagand like clean coal. Which is total malarky. We know coal is responsible for acid rain.
Those who work in the oil industry say there is no such thing as global warming.
Those who advocate for nuclear energy want us to believe that the waste product from reactors is safe. Which it is not.
Even Pope Francis is a person who does not believe in nuclear energy.
Very good post. You obviously know history. Or at least the same history I learned. 🙂
Mutually Assured Destruction. MAD
The waste from nuclear reactors is a much bigger threat. Why? Because the industry is promoting nuclear power as safe and clean. Which it is not.
Mutually Assured Destruction. MAD
The waste from nuclear reactors is a much bigger threat. Why? Because the industry is promoting nuclear power as safe and clean. Which it is not.
Our politicians also promote our nuclear weapons as essential to our safety. This is the lie of the century. The truth is that our depoyment of these evil devices serves only to make us a target from those who feel theatened by them. The coming nuclear war will kill every human being in the northern hemisphere. Fortunately for the southern hemisphere, the weather systems of the earth’s two hemispheres are by and large separate with little mixing between the two. And all of the nuclear weapons nations are in the northern hemisphere. Humanity might survive.

This war is predicted in scripture, as noted.
Pope condemns possession of nuclear weapons Social Justice
Those slaughtered by YHWH that day will be scattered across the world from end to end. No dirge will be raised for them; no one will gather them or bury them; they will stay lying on the ground like dung. Jeremiah 25:33 If the prophets of the OT had not predicted a global nuclear war, then I would not be warning about it. Note that Genesis 8:21 indicates that the cause of the above mentioned catastrophe cannot be any kind of natural disaster which could be termed as an act of God. Isaiah 3:…
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Matthew 24:21

New International Version
For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now–and never to be equaled again.

New Living Translation
For there will be greater anguish than at any time since the world began. And it will never be so great again.

English Standard Version
For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.


New International Version
"If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

New Living Translation
In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive. But it will be shortened for the sake of God’s chosen ones.

English Standard Version
And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
I find it instructive to review the passages in Genesis where YHWH states His reasons for sending the flood, and those reasons seem to be because of mankind’s unrelenting propensity towards using violence against his fellow man. In Genesis 8:21 where YHWH states that He will not be the cause of a future world-wide disaster, we find the same reasons stated again; mankind’s unrelenting propensity towards violence.

M conclusion is that YHWH decided to allow mankind’s violence to go unchecked and to reach its natural conclusion which is the development and full-scale use of nuclear weapons. In other words, a global nuclear war. Since mankind has refused to listen to its sacred Teachers, that war will be the its ultimate lesson about the necessity of loving the Creator and loving our neighbors.
Jeremiah 25:33 graphically describes the aftermath: the dead scattered across the world with no one left to bury them.
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Russia is no longer a communist country.
But it does have a dictator in charge. He is a former commie.
So, I am not sure if things are a whole lot better.
If your interpretation did happen to be true, do you believe it’s possible to thwart Biblical prophecy?
It certainly is possible. Nineveh repented, and Jonah’s prediction of its destruction did not come true.
In the 21st century we have the same opportunity. We could repent of the great evil that we have created (an arsenal of nuclear weapons) and take the necessary steps to dismantle it. Unlike Russia, we have a true democracy in the USA and can elect leaders who reflect our will.

Speaking of Jonah, in my opinion the Sign of Jonah has been revealed to us in the 21st century. That is because the image found on the Shroud of Turin has now been proven to be miraculous. The Shroud has been scientifically dated to the first century, and that leaves the only explanation for its greater than expected C14 content to be the neutron radiation that resulted from the vanishing of the corpse that it held.
The Sign of Jonah warns us to repent or suffer destruction.
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It certainly is possible. Nineveh repented, and Jonah’s prediction of its destruction did not come true.
Yes, but all of that was recorded in the Bible. I’m pretty sure that what has been recorded in the Bible can’t “not” come to pass or else it would be proven false, since there won’t be any more scripture written. Also, what you are saying is that pretty much we could stop the great tribulation. That has to happen before Jesus will come back.

As for the shroud of Turin, I don’t know about the sign of Jonah but I do believe that it is miraculous.
the image found on the Shroud of Turin has now been proven to be miraculous
Don’t start mixing this thread with your Shroud opinions. There is no PROOF except in your head. If you want to take this subject up, which is not part of this thread, then please rejoin the Shroud threads where you certainly did not convince people.
This is a noble idea, and I admire the Pope deeply. But if my enemy has a gun, I want a gun too. Just to defend myself. And if my enemy has a nuclear weapon, I’m not giving mine up until he does first.
This is a noble idea, and I admire the Pope deeply. But if my enemy has a gun, I want a gun too. Just to defend myself. And if my enemy has a nuclear weapon, I’m not giving mine up until he does first.
And that here is the problem. We have been told to love our enemies and to trust in or Creator. Our national disobedience to those divine laws will result in the great chastisement of a global nuclear war. We could avoid this catastrophe by trusting in God’s providence, by doing a good thing for the supposed “enemy” (the 'Russians) and dismantle and destroy all of our nukes.

Your attitude reflects that of the vast majority of citizens in the USA, and that is why Scripture can say with such certainty:

The dead on that day will be scattered across the world from end to end. No dirge will be raised for them. No one will gather them or bury them. They will stay lying on the surface like dung.
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I find it significant that the Shroud in the 21st century is proven by the latest scientific research to be authentic.*
In the Gospel of Matthew the Sign of Jonah is about Jesus’ burial, and, until now, His burial was not miraculous and did not have any “sign” that would prove Him to be the Messiah. In ancient times the Shroud was not even understood to be a bloody burial cloth by all but a very few who kept quiet about that fact. Now we finally know differently.

Those who think that the Shroud has no connection to the events of modern times are mistaken. It is the Sign of Jonah, the miracle that is associated with His burial, that should warn us to repent of the evil that we have created or suffer the consequences.


*The Shroud of Turin: First Century After Christ! - Giulio Fanti, Marco Conca, Pierandrea Malfi - Google Books
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