Pope condemns possession of nuclear weapons

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Sticks and stones, Fauken. Sticks and stones.
Call me what you will, just don’t call me later for supper. 🙂
Then you can call him by his name, since while names may not hurt you, they hurt your credibility. It costs you nothing to do so.
The fact of the matter is that nuclear power creates nuclear waste, and that stuff is toxic for a long, long time. There are few safe places to dispose of this stuff.
So what was wrong with his suggestion that they be stored in the very plants that make them? Thick concrete walls (presumably with lead also) that can only crack under 8.9 magnitude earthquakes and a tsunami, and that’s from a few decades ago. It sounds perfect.

The world wants energy and a lot of it. High energy output does not just come from nothing.
Nuclear waste will need to be monitored for centuries or incinerated at high temperatures. There is no alternative. On-site storage is far too risky.

Alternative sources of energy exist today. But there’s less money in it for investors, so the change-over is occurring only now. The world does not need more energy, only “emerging markets” do.
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Nuclear energy is not safe.
Because for the need of water for nuclear reactors, these plants usually are located in areas close to an ocean or a river.
The meltdown in Japan caused by the the combination of the earthquake and title wave has left that area with lethal levels of radiation.
I will take many, many, many years to clean up the mess. Many people will be exposed to varying degrees of radiation while that material is dumped somewhere.
In the past, canisters containing radioactive waste at different nuclear plant sites around the world were just dumped into the ocean.
Nuclear is a dead end. I am being practical, not anti- anything. Climate Change a threat? Tell that to the very wealthy.
Without knowing the long-term issues from radiation in the air, water, and soil, it is hard to know how many people will actually die from nuclear energy.
At least the environmental damage can be reversed. Not so much with radioactive wastes.
Nuclear reactor safety issues are irrelevant in the face of the fact that humanity is set to blow itself into oblivion in a global nuclear war. The bombs are the problem, not the reactors.
According to the open literature, military planners are already aware that nuclear weapons cannot be used, even in a limited scenario. The solution is to deploy beam weapons to shoot down ICBMs and other threats. Storing nuclear weapons is a problem as well.

On a side note, testing of hypersonic weapons that travel at Mach 5, about 3,840 mph, is going on in the US now. Reportedly, the Russians and Chinese already have them.
What I have read indicates that these “planners” have created many limited nuclear war contingency plans which include first-strike elimination of another country’s nuclear weapons capabilities. Sorry that I do not have the sources at hand.
Do you read catholic bibles with footnotes? According to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Isaiah 3 is depicting events that have already happened…
You are right. The condition is that a country must know “with certainty” that a first strike is about to be launched. A great many scenarios have been created and updated since ICBMs first appeared in 1959.
Because of YHWH’s promise in Genesis 8:21 the world-wide disaster predicted for “that day” cannot be anything which can be construed as an act of God…LORD

That bible verse says: …Never again will I curse the ground because of human beings, since the desires of the human heart are evil from youth; nor will I ever again strike down every living being, as I have done.

From my understanding, nothing is going to strike down EVERY living being again because people are supposedly going to still be alive when Jesus returns. Presumably more than just one family like with Noah and the flood. All that to say, God didnt promise not to do anything at all, he just promised he wouldn’t kill everyone.
If it is a prophecy about something happening during the end times, then it definitely is going to happen and we can’t do anything to stop it. It’s impossible. It may even be wrong to try to change prophecy, who knows. Especially if it’s speaking of the great tribulation, then as far as God is concerned, it’s already happened since he is outside of time.
Jesus does return in a human body as the angels said at His ascension. The rest is speculation.
Oh wow. That’s a bit blasphemous, IMO. He says that we will see him coming in the clouds just as he ascended when he left. He didn’t ascend as a nuclear warhead. We are going to know it’s Him when we see him. And if that’s what you really believe you should definitely not be trying to stop Jesus from coming back or assume we even have the power to stop it.

At any rate. Something terrible is going to precede the second coming. It could be nuclear but I’ve always found a giant meteor to be more likely, personally. Either way, we shouldn’t be thinking we can stop the tribulation.
Just as the great city of Nineveh was warned by Jonah of its destruction, so we have the Sign of Jonah in modern times giving us a similar warning. Nineveh repented, but our nation refuses to repent of the great evil that it has created: a retaliatory weapons system that threatens to destroy all human life on this planet.

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My reading, as I remember, has the angels advising that Jesus would return from the sky, and nothing more. I understand that my concept is unusual. I don’t mean to be disrespectful.
Acts 1:11

New International Version
“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

New Living Translation
“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!”

English Standard Version
and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”
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