I never said you were, you bought it because you wanted it and could afford it; plus it is not quite, at least not yet, a human necessity. I was just trying to point out is that because the poor cannot be self suffcient because they own nothing, we are at the mercy of a system that does not care for human dignity. Not everybody can be bill gates and have success(competion won’t allow it); neither can the capitalist market alone be supportive or be sympathetic to the human need becuase the nature of a competitive capitlist market (where only the fittest bennifit and survive), is indifferent to the human need; it puts human needs second to profit, if at all, and thats why there are poor people and people living below the poverty line in two of the most richest countries in the world; there is no saftey net for those that fall victim to the competition of the market. Humans competing agains’t eachother for survival in this technological age is illogical and immoral to me; and christianity is not supportive of it.Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, and Bill Gates are very smart guys who made billions in the computer industry because they created things people wanted. I wasn’t oppressd into buying the computer I am using. Who thinks they were?