Pope, ending synod, says will re-launch study of women deacons

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Pope Francis will consider it, along with many other proposals on issues including the environment and the role of women, in a future document of his own, known as an Apostolic Exhortation.
…wondering how quickly this will happen.
Yeah, at some point, it becomes a bit like be pestered into Vatican 3, kicking off in 1966.
Hopefully the laity in the USA who are courageously speaking out, will find a way to stop this absurdity. Baptized as priestly people, prophetic people and kingly people… saint Athanasius pray for us, St. John Paul ll please help us. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Why do we need deaconesses? Aren’t active women’s religious orders a thing? That’s all we need, more active women’s religious. It’s useless to create a new “ministry” or whatever you want to call it. Just use what we already have :roll_eyes:
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How many times does the ordination Question need to be settled? This is so odd.
There simply is no NEED for females to be deacons. Some women simply WANT to.
This is all about wanting to feed ego.
Where are the Women of Grace?
Where is the Christ Church to protect them?
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These are questions for the hierarchy to study and answer- not the laity.
This is not in accord with what the Second Vatican Council teaches. As Apostolicam actuositatem says:

“Our own times require of the laity no less zeal: in fact, modern conditions demand that their apostolate be broadened and intensified… In the Church there is a diversity of ministry but a oneness of mission. Christ conferred on the Apostles and their successors the duty of teaching, sanctifying, and ruling in His name and power. But the laity likewise share in the priestly, prophetic, and royal office of Christ and therefore have their own share in the mission of the whole people of God in the Church and in the world” (AA 1, 2)

The laity can certainly help the hierarchy study and answer these questions. In fact, the questions have already been answered, in both 2016 and in 2002 with the help of several members of the lay faithful. You can read the conclusion of the 2002 study below, showing, once again, that there never was a female diaconate and that “deaconesses” were more akin to a minor order, never receiving the sacrament of Holy Orders:

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I really don’t care if they adopt some kind of Deaconess role- in whatever form or not. I will accept, without question, the conclusion of our Bishops with the leadership of the Pope.

I see FAR to many armchair theologians and dogmatic busy-bodies among the laity-encouraged by fringe Catholic media like ChurchMillitant, Crisis, Lifesite, and the Remnant- and others.
There simply is no NEED for females to be deacons. Some women simply WANT to.
This is all about wanting to feed ego.
Where are the Women of Grace?
Where is the Christ Church to protect them?
There is essentially no doubt that this is the case. There is no logical reason that “women deacons” would solve anything.

Those in favor of this innovation say that in the Amazon, many communities are led by women. OK, that’s fine. This is even sometimes the case in the U.S. and Europe, in places where laypersons are put in charge of parishes, even though this is not ideal. The real question is, what would conferring the deaconate on these women leaders allow them to do that they can not currently do?

There really is no good answer to this question, and it is why you can tell that there are ulterior motives behind pushing for female deacons. Is it because of baptisms and weddings? Laypersons can baptize if there is a true need, and there are already provisions in Canon Law to do so. Weddings don’t strictly require a priest or deacon either, and are a less urgent matter in any case. Exceptions can be made if the situation is that bad and provisions already exist to do so.

These women leaders can continue to lead their communities without being deacons if they need to do so. If there is some insurmountable handicap that they have in leading their communities because they can’t be deacons, well then let’s hear it. But I doubt that anyone would be able to give a legitimate reason. There certainly wasn’t any in the synod’s final document.
Not women priests. That issue has been settled. There are very definitive limits to papal power. We are called to obey the Church. There’s a subtle distinction.
Then my question to you is this. Suppose in the future, deaconesses are now the norm. And women priests are being considered, as some hierarchy are already in favor of. And let’s say that, blessing gay unions is being proposed. As again, some in the hierarchy are already in favor of. Would you still state that, I will accept, without question, the conclusion of our Bishops with the leadership of the Pope.??? I’m genuinely curious.
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