Pope, ending synod, says will re-launch study of women deacons

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I will always accept the rulings of the Holy Father validly elected. I am Catholic not Protestant

I am not with the SSPX or any group that would separate itself from the Church
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Let the Holy Father make a definitive judgment ex cathedra that the order of deacon can be validly received by women. That would dispel any doubt. But he won’t.
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I will always accept the rulings of the Holy Father validly elected.
I wonder what you would have done at the time when there were three popes, all at the same time. How would you know which one to follow as they all claimed to be valid popes?
Honestly, I pray for an infallible statement (whether by Council or Ex Cathedra) that states what the Church has always stated; that women can’t be ordained. Just to settle the question once and for all (of course, there would still be some who disagree, but at least your average Catholic would know what is right).

Same thing goes for birth control.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein
Honestly, I pray for an infallible statement (whether by Council or Ex Cathedra) that states what the Church has always stated; that women can’t be ordained.
“Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church’s divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.”

Isn’t the role of EMHC and readers enough? Now what, sermons too?
At one time, I would’ve agreed with you, but the thing is, this then makes the exercise of the Ordinary Magisterium (as opposed to the Extraordinary Magisterium of an ex cathedra statement) in some way cheapened. I suggest a great book by John Kippley called Sex and the Marriage Covenant. He lays out in great detail the instances that St. John Paul II alone taught of contraception’s intrinsically evil nature, all of which was through the Ordinary Magisterium. Kippley also goes more into detail as to why St. John Paul did not exercise the Extraordianry Magisterium with an ex cathedra statement.

Again, I understand where you’re coming from, but if ex cathedra statements keep getting made, then it will make it that much more difficult for people to accept the perfectly legitimate and binding teaching of the Ordianry Magisterium. We just need our bishops to send up and defend truth, instead of remaining silent or actively acting against such defined truth.
Especially since the whole time period as I recall (no! Not personally! Contrary to grandchildren’s opinion I am not THAT old) lasted for about 40 years for the Western Schism.
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