Pope Francis and his choices

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But many Catholic sources are right winged. TFP, Church militant, ETWN, Dr. Taylor Marshall. What’s wrong with the right? Left winged politics is just a shadow of its former self. Abortion, contraception and other nonsense the church does not accept. All of the Catholic Sources I follow seen or identify themselves as right winged. I myself am right winged National populist, which to the average joe, they don’t understand.
Those things are only a small portion of left-wing politics. Also, those things are bipartisan in most of the world. Especially contraception, which l can’t see anything morally black or gray about.
While maybe not the greatest pope I don’t think we have reason to consider John XXII as especially bad or sinful. He is a great example for the importance of that distinction between a pope’s theological opinions and infallible declarations.
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How does a Pope’s canonization follow at all from the fact that he is chose by the Holy Spirit (whether that is true or not)?
you haven’t answered my question. this will go nowhere answering questions with questions.
Many are chosen, few are called. For those Saul, God chose Solomon, God chose Peter from eternity and he still committed sins, anyone can call away from divine charity, which is salvation, even if they have perfect right faith without error. People who despite the faith they have in mind live lives contrary to it, or not especially heroic, are not canonized, pope or not. This has nothing to do with whether or not they were chosen. Also, not being canonized has no bearing on salvation, maybe all popes have and will be saved.
Okay, my apologies.

Assuming all Popes are chosen by the Holy Spirit, they all aren’t canonized because the canonization of a Pope doesn’t follow from his being chosen by the Holy Spirit. Someone being chosen by the Holy Spirit isn’t a guarantee that they’re going to reach Heaven.

Now, do you have an answer for my question?
no questions. I’ll put my faith in Jesus instead because i know He’s in heaven and infallible.
Yes, they are good examples of some bad Popes.

However in spite of them Church teaching has remained free from error and heresy.

Proof that Jesus has been keeping his promises.
Assuming all Popes are chosen by the Holy Spirit, they all aren’t canonized because the canonization of a Pope doesn’t follow from his being chosen by the Holy Spirit. Someone being chosen by the Holy Spirit isn’t a guarantee that they’re going to reach Heaven.

Jesus himself chose Judas and look where Judas ended.
I meant ended as he ended up betraying Jesus and committing suicide.

I was not referring after death but during life.
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