Pope Francis criticizes Trump's 'zero-tolerance' migrant policy

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“Adopt the culture and traditions” within reason, surely.
The issue I have is that the values of these migrants are completely different to the European values that give birth to western civilisation.

The error of many on this thread is to equate past European immigration to the USA with current Islamic immigration to the USA. The two are not the same. And the difference lies in the fact that the Irish, Italians, Poles etc were Christian and shared a Greco-Roman-Jewish worldview.

Western civilisation is under threat because of low birthrates and mass migration. It is perfectly reasonable for Trump to protect the unique American culture by controlling who is able to enter the States.
Seen my taxes go up to the point where we are considering selling our home and renting because we can’t afford to pay the school district property taxes anymore.
I know different places have different laws, but here rental property also is taxed at the same rate.
I know different places have different laws, but here rental property also is taxed at the same rate.
Here in Pennsylvania, only property owners have to pay property taxes, tenants are exempt.
The error of many on this thread is to equate past European immigration to the USA with current Islamic immigration to the USA.
They are not the same, but there are not a large percentage of Muslims being detained at the border under this policy.
I thought the people detained at the southern border were from Mexico and Central America and many of them are Catholic. Just what we need to offset ann influx of Muslims if you believe that is a problem.
Here in Pennsylvania, only property owners have to pay property taxes, tenants are exempt.
Do you see the problem with this? That is the way it is here too, but where you think the owner gets the money? From the tenant.

My son told me the other day that his apartment has free wi-fi. I looked at him askew and he burst out laughing. Even at his fairly young age he has learned this basic principle. What is worse, those tenants that are renting are also paying a little extra for the property taxes on the unrented ones.
Cruciferi21h JanSobieskiIII
You Imperialist War Monger! 😉

Instead, we should send aid to those countries that way it can be sold on the Black Market!

Even better, let’s have Four Collections during Mass to send even more of our money out of the country?
That’s a great idea…I don’t get a lot on Social Security but would gladly send a few extra bucks to Catholic charities in those countries to help those poor people
I hear you on that, but nationalism is really a modern phenomenon. There’s always been a sense of tribalism, sure, but the idea of the nation-state and the ethnocentric ideas associated with them are really only a few centuries old. I’m optimistic that it might be running its course, especially with an increase in globalization and an increased awareness that my actions in America affect the people who make my clothes in Bangladesh.
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This is some real, “They will not replace us,” nonsense. Cultures adapt, and that’s a good thing. I’m not afraid of a predominantly hispanic population in America. I am not afraid of a predominantly Muslim population in France. We can all live together harmoniously as long as everyone is open to living harmoniously.
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American Catholics should by all means remain faithful to the Church, but not at the cost of their own country. It’s that simple, no need to complicate it.
Rather, it is render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and render unto God that which belongs to God.

To keep from complicating things, we have to remember the basis for the Last Judgement. That, after all, the most simple litmus test, right?

Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’ Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’ He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’ And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Matt. 25:41-46

If there are any mere children coming into our country as strangers and we allow them to be mistreated in any way whatsoever, well… what is going to make us fear for what our lot will be at the Last Judgment, if not things like that?
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True that. It’s so easy for the Left to hijack and distort the Church’s message and intentions. I wish that the Pope would try to pander less to the mainstream media and be more of a good shepherd to us Catholics. And as much as I hesitate to say it, it needs to be said - I miss Pope Benedict XVI.
Words from His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, Regarding Immigration
During His Apostolic Journey to the United States
April 15-20 2008

Interview with His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, during his flight to America, Tuesday, 15 April 2008
(Question from Andrés Leonardo Beltramo Álvarez):

“Your Holiness…There is an enormous growth in Hispanic presence also in the Church in the United States in general: The Catholic community is becoming ever more bilingual and ever more bicultural. At the same time, there exists in the society an increasing anti-immigration movement. The situation of the immigrants is characterized by unstable situations and discrimination. Do you intend to speak of this problem and to invite America to welcome immigrants, many of whom are Catholic?”

(Response from Pope Benedict XVI):
“…I certainly will touch on this point. I have received various “ad limina” visits from the Central American bishops and also from South America, and I have seen the amplitude of this problem, above all the grave problem of the separation of families. And this is truly dangerous for the social, moral and human fabric of these countries. Nevertheless, one must differentiate between measures that must be adopted right away and long-term solutions.

The fundamental solution is that there would no longer exist the need to emigrate because there would be in one’s own country sufficient work, a sufficient social fabric, such that no one has to emigrate. Therefore we should all work for this objective, for a social development that permits offering citizens work and a future in their land of origin. And also about this point, I would like to speak with the President, because above all the United States should help with the aim that these countries can develop in this way. This is in the interest of everyone, not just of these countries, but of the world, and also of the United States.

Besides this, short-term measures: It is very important to help the families above all. In the light of the conversations that I have had with the bishops, the principal problem is that there be protection for the families, that they not be destroyed. What can be done should be done. In the same way, naturally, all that is possible must be done to work against the instability of the situations and against all the violations, and to help so that they can have a truly dignified life where they find themselves in this moment. (cont)
I would like to also say that there are many problems, many sufferings, but there is also a lot of hospitality! I know that above all the American episcopal conference collaborates a lot with the Latin American episcopal conferences in the face of needed help. With all the sorrowful things, let’s not forget also so much true humanity, so many positive actions that also exist.”

Final Holy See – US Joint Statement, Oval Office, Wednesday, 16 April 2008

“The Holy Father and the President also considered the situation in Latin America with reference, among other matters, to immigrants, and the need for a coordinated policy regarding immigration, especially their humane treatment and the well being of their families.”
My comment is that the Pope should stick to commenting on topics on which he is infallible beyond any reasonable doubt.
That would be a gross dereliction of his duty, and I think you know that, particularly considering how stubbornly his doubters are bent on doubting when all the Holy Father is doing is preaching on the plain meaning of what the four evangelists wrote about what Our Lord said and did.
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…you think it’s gonna be anudda shoah?..
Beyond. The. Pale.

Just for the benefit of anyone who may be in doubt about our attitude towards such things, I have to comment that it is beyond the pale to show any willingness to talk about genocide, particularly that most infamous of genocides, in anything approaching a flippant way.
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