OK! What is the problem. USA is a shining light on the top of the hill. Statistics in USA: estimated population is 330 million. Debt 21 trillion.
A ship can hold so many passengers or it will sink. The Captain has a purse that is empty. We have homeless ppl on the street, we have homeless Vets. We have Opiod addicts on the streets.We have contaminated needles, that are exposed. Excrement on streets in some Calif. cities.
S.American ppl are mainly Catholic & religious more than USA. Most nations are OK. HONDUROS isn’t in the news. Dangers are MS 13. Human trafficking.(Its here,too) Unless being near a drug cartel or an unstable dictator, life can be sweet and simple.
So, ppl seeking asylum=from drug cartels! From corrupt Venezuela! They would come looking tired and in distress.
If you want this better life, you come legally. We have a good system. But our system can’t handle illegals, who are drawn to our system b/c it has medical care & plenty. That is not asylum. WE HAVE ACLU, WHO TELLS THEM WHAT WORDS TO SAY.
Honduras 1200 caravan was a coordinated group arranged by a L Progressive group. It provided water and travel up to the border to challenge our Pres on immigration. It was an invasion.They were well fed & clothed. Just strolling along. You saw on TV were the ACLU went past the border to prompt them. So theparents are arrested till case heard. Kids shouldn’t be brought on this trip. But, it was encouraged. Kids can’t go to jails…, OK! They go to clean, enclosed areas where they can be observed, fed, cleaned and educated. It’s like a big daycare.
These laws have been on the books since 2005(?) Definitely since Bush II. It was used. 2014 pics of kids in fenced enclosures, under Obama are seen. YouTube videos of Clinton and Obama sounding harder on immigrants than TRUMP! But, the RESISTANCE starts drama to rile up ppl to this horror. They are in better care than the long journey here from Honduras. Now, there is a bill for DEMS to sign NOW! But they refuse. They want to draw this out for effect. So, TRUMP SIGNS EO to bring families together in JAIL. But a judge doesn’t want children in Jail. What they think they will get, is a immediate release of 1200 illegals. NO NO NO!
Pls God , guide TRUMP TO get families together and send them back to Mexico till they can get legally admitted. Asylum is sought in the First Nation you cross that is safe.,We could give Mexico a stipend to help w illegals. Give $50.00 to each family. (maybe). We cannot afford this much population.The Balance of nationalities is out of Balance. Legal Latinos can’t get in…
Everybody blames POTUS…This is a treasonous activity by a L Progressive group to hurt its Pres and govt.
So God, Your children continue to be in trouble and continue to need You. Sort out the troublemakers and reveal them to us. Help Mexico work w POTUS to shelter these illegals till they can find legal entry. St. Michael protect POTUS & his family. Protect Your children from human traffickers & all Evil. In Jesus name