Annie and OraLabora, in your replies you have changed the topic I addressed, which is the discrete, narrow question framed by OraLabora: “I wonder though, if the root cause has been identified and will be addressed.”
Your replies changed the topic to predatory behavior by a sizable percentage of the entire human race; a mix of alcohol, immaturity, a sexually-charged atmosphere; a legalistic rather than a healing approach; etc.
I’m not making light of your replies, but you might as well have blamed the root cause on the world, the flesh and the Devil, which would have been the more correct but still completely irrelevant and impractical answer.
The root cause of the problem to be solved is a mix of homosexuality (the fire) and Clericalism/disobedience to the rules (the gasoline). Anything more is, as SuscipeMeDomine said above: “Talk, talk, talk.”
I’m sorry my friends, but we don’t need any new rules or additional decades of study and talk. The filth in the Augean Stables needs to be cleaned out now. How much longer do you think God will allow His innocent ones to be raped and sodomized, and His obedient shepherds to be browbeaten and silenced, and his Body On Earth to be ravaged by an evil cancer?
His grace is enough for anyone to overcome the flesh, the world and the Devil. We can’t be swayed by misplaced sympathy for those who choose not to avail themselves of that strength. Chaste homosexuals–God have mercy on them and help them–have proven it can be done.
One thing really disgusts me: The rest of society–secular and religious–short of a people’s revolt will never agree to clean out their just as filthy stables. They, their media and their lawyers just point their fingers at Catholics, while hypocritically raking in the money. I suppose, as usual, the Church will have to lead the way. The rest of society will see that it can make money by exposing the evil under discussion in their own stables.