lilder said:http://au.news.yahoo.com/040730/19/q4qr.html
As a woman this makes me HAPPY!!! :dancing:
I’ve long discussed with my peers the evils of the feminist movement, and the destruction it has brought to the church and the country. I am so pleased the Vatican is speaking out.
However, does any one think this will change anything? Will the message of this letter find it’s way into our local parishes?
I am a relatively “new” catholic. I do not mean to sound cynical. Honestly…does this bring hope?
Lllder, there are many branches of feminism. We even had a Catholic feminist branch in my old, ver orthodox, diocese.
Those feminists that demean the god-given role of women in the family, teach evil doctrines. But many feminists don’t hold to that view, rather like the intent of the ideological mothers of feminism, they seek social equality with men in the political sphere. This kind of feminism is fine, and the holy father did not seek to condemn this non-radical branch of feminism.