Pope: "Let's ban all weapons so we don't have to live in fear of war"

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Some are more interested in pointless thought experiments than others, I guess.
Because thinking about how we can reduce murders, wars and the fears associated with them is pointless?
This is the kind of adolescent romanticism I grew tired of by the time I was 30; it is untrue and pretty limited stuff in terms of analyzing human nature. How can you tweet this and believe in evil at the same time? Love is all you need; that sort of thing. My uncle talks like this. And another parallel, my uncle is not all about love. 😇 If you disagree with him you are a redneck bigot. It gets nasty pretty fast - in the name of love. This is leftist ideology not Christianity.
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Thinking about the things you mention is a good idea. Offering “solutions” which are “most likely not possible this side of heaven and because man is fallen, … wouldn’t work,” is not the same thing.
I don’t think he was offering a real solution. I think he was challenging people to find a solution, but that was my take on it. As I stated, I think he was purposely ambiguous so people would debate it. He tweeted a fairly radical tweet which in my opinion, has accomplished its task of stirring debate and conversation. It took hundreds of years of debate for the church to come to certain doctrinal decisions regarding Mary. So much debate and prayer took placeover centuries. I think the pope wants as many people thinking about solving huge issues like war, immigration, poverty, abortion etc because the more people discussing and debating an issue, the greater the likelihood of finding a solution.
I doubt there will ever be official doctrine with what to do with nuclear weapons, nor should there be. The Catholic Church, frankly, doesn’t put in enough research and critical thinking to do that.
All these problems would solve themselves with sufficient prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and evangelization. We don’t have to figure out separate solutions for the different problems.
Right and it shouldn’t. It should worry about tending souls, not setting public policy. Just because you put on a cleric’s robe doesn’t make you a fount of wisdom either. God’s or man’s. There is a little emperor’s new clothes going on here.
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Saint John Paul 2 called for the lessening of nuclear stockpiles. Just because something isn’t part of church doctrine, doesn’t mean the church or the Pope shouldn’t speak about it. I think it would be neglectful to not speak on certain issues, even if they have nothing to do with doctrine.

Biological weapons are completely immoral and serve no purpose. The church has a duty to speak out about an issue like this even if it isn’t doctrine
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What if the proven solution is to keep nukes and allow private ownership of arms?
Do we then make excuses against the Truth to look cool?
The Proven solution to keep nukes? Only if the goal is future disarmament. Pope John Paul II noted that nuclear deterrence could be morally acceptable as a “step on the way toward a progressive disarmament." As long as the end isn’t to keep nuclear weapons but the disarmament of them, John Paul 2 was ok with temporarily having them as a deterrent.
and the church also had a duty to protect innocent children from molester priests…but it struck out on that… I don’t see how arguments like these even add to what we were talking about .
If all you look at is that he said “all weapons”… Its like you are reading 1 page of a book and think you know what the book is about… If you do this instead of the whole tweet and you ignore what he has already said about war and the threats we face of a world war and nuclear war, you will clearly not like what he says because you completely misunderstand … Its silly to think he would mean “ALL” weapons. He didn’t say people shouldn’t hunt to feed their families ergo he doesn’t think we should ban bow and arrows and rifles. He talks about banning all weapons so we don’t live in the fear of war. I’m not afraid of a rock and stick war, are you? I’m afraid of a world war. A nuclear war. A chemical war. A biological war. People are looking at his tweet irrationally. He is talking about war. We live in the year 2018. The main fears of war today are a war involving the world and involving nuclear weapons, A.I capable weapons, Cruise missiles, WMD’s etc etc.

Pope Paul VI said “No more war! Never again war! If you wish to be brothers, drop your weapons”

Is Francis saying anything much different than this?
He talks about banning all weapons so we don’t live in the fear of war.
i believe you are missing the point.

will those motivated by evil give up their weapons.

limit it as you will, we will never be able to ban all weapons and survive.
I’m not missing any point… I’m not saying getting rid of weapons will take care of the problem of sin and evil. I’m saying reducing certain weapons would make us fear war less. No nukes = no fear of nuclear war. I’m including those who would be evil and inclined NOT to reduce their weapons. World Nukes - All Nukes = No threat of nuclear war = no fear of nuclear war. Just because those who are evil wont give them up, doesn’t mean the statement lacks any truth. All Men are capable of conversion. No man is outside of salvation. Meaning of these evil men you speak of, through a miracle, could possibly agree to disarmament. I’m not saying it will happen. I’m just defending the statement that removing all Nuclear, Biological, Chemical weapons would reduce or eliminate our fear of these types of wars. Is there something you are missing?

If we were able to somehow rid the entire world of nuclear weapons, biological, chemical, WMDs, ICBMs, why couldn’t we survive? If faith can move mountains… why couldn’t faith, prayer , fasting move such a mountain?
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