"Archbishop Kenrick of St. Louis, in his speech prepared for, but not delivered in, the [1st] Vatican Council, and published at Naples in 1870, declares that Roman Catholics cannot establish the Petrine privilege from Scripture, because of the clause in the Creed of Pius IV, binding them to interpret Scripture only according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers.Then why did Jesus call Peter rock and not say that just his belief was rock?
Jesus said “You are rock, and on this kepha I will build my Church.”
When Jesus said on ***this ***rock, it was clear that He was referring to Peter not only Peter’s belief. This is because just before He said “on ***this ***rock”, He said “You are rock” referring to Peter, not only Peter’s belief.
And he adds that there are five different patristic interpretations of St. Matt. 16:18:
(1) That St. Peter is the Rock, taught by seventeen Fathers;
(2) that the whole Apostolic College is the Rock, represented by Peter as its chief, taught by eight;
(3) that St. Peter’s faith is the Rock, taught by forty-four;
(4) that Christ is the Rock, taught by sixteen;
(5) that the Rock is the whole body of the faithful.
Several who teach (1) and (2) also teach (3) and (4), and so the Archbishop sums up thus: “If we are bound to follow the greater number of Fathers in this matter, then we must hold for certain that the word Petra means not Peter professing the faith, but the faith professed by Peter”.
From Friedrich, Docum. ad illust. Conc. Vat. I. pp. 185-246."