If you look at U.S. political history, none of this is unique to Trump. For the past 200+ years, U.S. Presidents have been breaking every commandment of the Decalogue
Yes, because they are humans. But that does not make their behavior all the same. I’m not going to even get into the politics or even what people might consider lies. The objectively racist public comments, the name calling, the petty fights he gets into, the outright disrespect he has shown specific War Heroes, Generals, and ordinary solders who have paid the ultimate price
simply for disagreeing with him. This is behavior that virtually no parent, and I’d suspect even more so here, would
ever tolerate from their child. This is the kind of behavior that HR would chuck you out the door, with cause, the very first day. Worse yet it was behavior fully on display before he was hired. It baffles me why anyone who is a serious “Christian”, claiming the moral high ground, would ever hitch their wagon to such a man.
cannot keep living in a world where they’re “all the same” and that’s just how it is. Or where news sources are all “fake” or “real” or they’re all corrupt. I’ve been around a little bit. There are ones I favored their politics on but find their private choices disagreeable, there’s ones I find upright, but weak on policy or that I disagreed with on the whole. But, they all knew how to do one thing in common, act like gentlemen when the task required it
AND recognize when getting advice from their predecessors, even those they skewered on the campaign trail and disagreed with on general politics, had something to offer. Some of them grew into to deep respectful friendships. These are the men (and hopefully women in the future) that I can in the end say my country was worth their time in leadership.