Pope politics agreement?

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Here in Canada, the division of powers between provinces and the Federal Government is probably different than in the US.

I think what matters is that the social teaching of the Church is implemented. As Catholics we have a duty to ensure it is, at the ballot box. I could for instance choose from two parties with a different approach, but not one that discriminates or throws the poor to the wolves.

I’m by nature pragmatic. Whatever works is fine by me regardless of who delivers the service as long as it’s done efficiently. I’m generally hostile to those who stick to ideology when it goes against common sense or scientific knowledge.
Example: Helping the poor is properly a function of the community and/or local government. State government can help when necessary; the federal government should only help in an emergency. Yet the federal government now performs many of the functions that should be done by state & local government.
Poverty is so wide spread that private charities, Churches, and local Govt lacks the ability to handle it.

I’d personally be dead right now were it not for federal Govt safety nets, and I’m a disabled US Military Veteran.
This idea of calling someone “pro birth “ when they support the rights of the unborn is very disheartening. Very hypocritical in my opinion. As if it’s a nonstarter to make any progress in the rights of a child in the womb because someone hasn’t yet come around on the death penalty and other causes.
last administration got what …$50+ billion to build the wall and got the OK vote to do so and it worked solve the issue in that area correct?
Please provide a reference. I can only find commentary relating to DACA and immigration reform. Other than that it was Trump’s silly claim about Obama’s personal residence having a wall.
First of all, thank you for serving your country. It’s sad that over history our veterans have been treated so shamefully by the government. Since veterans served their country in times of war & peace the government should support them.

However, people should realize that illegal immigrants don’t have the same rights as ordinary citizens. My grandparents came to this country legally and tried to contribute to the U.S. My paternal grandfather hid in the U.S. for 2 years to avoid the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Secret Service before he sent for my grandmother. My maternal uncles served in WWII & Korea. (My dad was 4-F on account of his eyesight.) One of my cousins was actually in the Pentagon on 9/11.

If people want to come to this country they should do so legally. It is patently unjust to expect the American people to support those who don’t deserve it while our own citizens and veterans need help.
This idea of calling someone “pro birth “ when they support the rights of the unborn is very disheartening. Very hypocritical in my opinion.
Of course I’m anti-abortion. I was adopted as an infant. And I’m an orthodox Catholic.

What is hypocritical is calling one’s self “pro-life” when one supports capital punishment, lack of mercy, lack of support for the poor, pro-war, pro-gun, etc. etc.

Those are not “pro-life” policies by any stretch. Pro-life means supporting and nurturing life, especially for the most vulnerable in society, from conception until natural death. Of course the foetus is the most vulnerable of all. But a foetus is not the only vulnerable member of society.
However, people should realize that illegal immigrants don’t have the same rights as ordinary citizens.
I rather like to think that basic human rights are universal for anyone. We have to keep in mind that most illegal immigrants are escaping places where those rights are by no means assured. For example the sad spectacle of a once rich country like Venezuela no longer able to feed its people.

There was a time when a ship of Jewish people seeking asylum, during the Nazi nonsense, was turned away by many “civilized” countries.

Syrians, are escaping the meltdown of their country, caught in a violent civil war. In an area where Christians are persecuted, but also where Muslims are simply afraid for their lives.

We have a duty as Christians to help, to the extent that we have the resources do to so.
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Fortunately you don’t have the power to kick anybody out of the prolife camp. The term prolife came about as a response to the use of “pro choice “ by the abortion rights movement, and is not exclusively comprised of orthodox Catholics nor those that agree with them on all issues and policies.
The tool of the left seems to be nomenclature. Hijacking words to suit their causes. From global warming to LGBT issues, to changing pro life to be more of a social justice issue. The right does this as well with “choose” life. It’s annoying. Pro life means on the abortion issue.
Fortunately you don’t have the power to kick anybody out of the prolife camp.
Most certainly I don’t, but the organization that does have the authority to pronounce on life issues, the Church, seems to take the wider view:
In this regard, Msgr. Paglia stated that the defense of life and the PAV’s commitment should be understood as “all-around.” “To be in favor of life—or ‘pro-life’ as is said in the US—, for us who belong to the PAV, means rethinking the theme of life itself, starting with its semantic value. We must not reduce the theme to bioethics—neither at the beginning nor at the end of life. Last year, I visited one of the five refugee camps in Uganda, where 550,000 refugees are housed.
Being in favor of life implies caring for life and supporting it always and everywhere, be it that of the sick and of refugees or of migrants, and also reflecting on conflicts and trade as well as the arms proliferation.. Life is not a universal abstract, and the PAV wants to declinate the term ‘life’ not only in the theoretical content but also in the different historical, geographical, and cultural contexts.”
(my bold; PAV = Pontifical Academy for Life)
Pro life means on the abortion issue.
Perhaps in the US political arena, but the Church herself takes the wider view, as noted above.
Regardless of how many issues you want to include under the umbrella the pro life movement was born out if the abortion issue and that single issue is bigger than any other issue out there.
It still reeks of an effort to push “bioethics” to the background and exclude people from the movement who can’t get on board with other issues…Or in reality agree on the best political response/solutions to them.
The tool of the left seems to be nomenclature Hijacking words to suit their causes
Hmmm…Black Lives Matters turned into Blue Live Matter?
From global warming
Not sure what you mean there…the world’s (global) atmosphere is holding in more heat (warming) due to CO2 build up.
changing pro life to be more of a social justice issue.
It is a Social (Justice) issue. There are underlying situations that contribute to abortion, I’m not going into that as I’ve posted it extensively here. You can outlaw abortion all you want, but it will not stop abortion to any massive extent.
Yes it happens on both sides. Legalized abortion has killed more people than anything. Yet we outlaw other things. You know, like murder…
Yet we outlaw other things. You know, like murder…
Which, of course, put an immediate and complete stop to murder, right?

People need to stop wishing for a magic stroke of the pen that’s going to stop abortion. This is a heart-by-heart, soul-by-soul, battle.
You can go on every march there is, write your legislators every day, call people who support abortion all the names you can think of. But if you’re not there for the teenager next door who’s scared to death to tell her parents she’s pregnant; If you’re not there for the abused wife who can’t imagine bringing a child into that horrible situation; If you’re not praying for the mothers, the fathers, the babies, and yes, the abortion providers, every single day – nothing is going to change. At least, not for the better.
Hearts and souls, people. Hearts and souls.
Yes it happens on both sides. Legalized abortion has killed more people than anything. Yet we outlaw other things. You know, like murder…
Yes, but you said it was a “liberal” thing until I made a point. The thing is you’d have to be kidding yourself that illegal abortions wouldn’t happen. Your problem is that murder is pretty much universally reviled. Abortion, while ending in the death of a human, happens under different social conditions. You are only going to really mitigate abortions when you address the underlying social conditions. You can choose to try to understand those issues if you really want to get somewhere.
I get that some of you hate Trump and initiatives put forth by Republicans. You post that he is pro birth, not pro life.

There is a saying, don’t make good, the enemy of perfect. He has appointed two supposedly pro life Supreme Court justices and may well have a third appointment.

Are those justices perfect? No. Do justices from Democrat and Republicans weaken the constitution? IMHO, yes.

I’m not sure what utopia you expect in this world but it isn’t going to happen. Is it possible that your hatred of Trump and Republicans will not allow you to concede that he/they haven’t been all bad?
That is a great point. I’m wondering since so many people have a hatred for certain officials, when has the perfect candidate ever been elected or placed in power. Not even king David himself!
The same can be said about using the term “Pro-abortion” …I have never met someone that was “pro-abortion” (at least not someone that has referred to themselves as such) but I have met many that say they are “pro-choice”.
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