I’ve turned to the Lord and asked him for help, but i feel i have no guidance! HELP ME–What do I do??
I’ve known a few guys who got into online porn, both married and not. Two in particular are of interest. Both times there was an ostensibly normal marriage and sex lives, until the woman “discovered” his secret, in which case all hell broke loose.
Notice the women had no problems with their husbands until they found out this, and then suddenly there was a big problem.
From the standpoint of a guy, I’d like to suggest that looking at porn is NOT an insult to the wife, nor is it necessarily competition. It may be sinful and all that, but that’s a different topic. It was primarily the hurt feelings of the women that then drove the marriage downhill.
As far as the guy not wanting to fix anything, I’ve heard that, too, in fact from one of those above. The man has always believed that sex is tied to some favor. For example, if he’s caught doing something wrong (such as looking at porn) then he gets cut off from Real Sex as a punishment. What does that do? Increases the desire for the porn, while making the wife less available than before as a person to whom he can go to talk about his issues. The way he figured it, she never made the moves toward him anymore, so she obviously wasn’t interested, and he, AS A GENTLEMAN, would not initiate anything because he was convinced she only had sex with him in order to try to control his behavior.
{edit>> I learned through this, too, that men want their women to come to them because they WANT to, not because they have to, are supposed to, or are trying to “butter up” the guy. Keep in mind that guys think any girl can get sex at darn near any time, so the only reason to do it with them is a) they are deemed superior to others, or b) the wife is being obedient or is setting him up. A guy doesn’t want his wife to be sexually active because she is supposed to; he wants to think that SHE WANTS him, and him alone. In a mature relationship, she still gets to look at other men and even comment on them, but no matter what it always drives her back to him.}
What did she do? Tried to make herself seem more attractive, I guess, by working out and playing sports and she did shape up but now is hanging around other sports guys and has no idea why he has a problem with it. At this time they are at a standoff and they live, with their three children, as brother and sister. I am very concerned about them. Socially they act just fine, but I think it’s a matter of time until someone “officially” cheats.
From this friend’s experience, I can see how many men do think that anytime they have sex they will pay one way or the other, if nothing else than by guilt trip.
What do I think? This may not be strictly Catholic advice, but I suggest you 1) do not feel the porn and chat (if it doesn’t involve physical meetings) are competition or necessarily anything against you (ok, just say it’s a “guy” thing). Do not lose confidence in yourself or your desirability. Become more aggressive in approaching him more often, and make it clear that you are the “real” thing.
Here’s what NOT to do. Do not hold yourself back from him or make sex contingent upon “good behavior” or you are shooting yourself in the foot. I’ve seen others go down that path and it isn’t pretty. There comes a time when a man’s entire being becomes against being controlled – even by something very desirable – and his entire identity becomes wrapped up in maintaining that independence. If he’s physically cheating with other women, then this is a whole different story.