Sounds pretty reasonable to me!
I think that’s a lot of it right there. Although there are a lot of newbies who are happy to gush on about their Catholic church and Catholic life, you mainly have the majority who are cradle Catholics, and asking them to say happy, positive things about the Church is like asking a goldfish if we could please have a happy, positive discussion about water. Well…it’s always been there, hasn’t it? What can we possibly say about it?Is there a “Happy Catholic” place? Or do happy people just tend to not speak up because they’re busy being happy?
The Church does have excellent teaching on this topic, especially St Paul VI’s first encyclical Ecclesiam Suam. Of course, there are those who do not like dialogue but we have to let them talk too.We address Ourself finally to the sons of God’s house, the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church of which the Roman Church is “mother and head.” How greatly we desire that this dialogue with Our own children may be conducted with the fullness of faith, with charity, and with dynamic holiness. May it be of frequent occurrence and on an intimate level. May it be open and responsive to all truth, every virtue, every spiritual value that goes to make us the heritage of Christian teaching. We want it to be sincere. We want it to be an inspiration to genuine holiness. We want it to show itself ready to listen to the variety of views which are expressed in the world today. We want it to be the sort of dialogue that will make Catholics virtuous, wise, unfettered, fair-minded and strong.
St Paul VI. Ecclesiam Suam 113
An awful lot of frequent and valuable posters have drifted away, never to be heard form again. I miss their presence.True. Let me know if we ever have improvements on this forum. I’ll be glad to express my appreciation.
ETA: my comment refers only to the fact that I don’t believe the platform change gained us anything. It took away a lot.