My parish suggests that re-verts coming back after a long period of time go through RCIA. I don’t think it is mandatory but it would be helpful, certainly if you need some level of TLC, which I could understand depending on the circumstances under which you left.
Of course the enemy would prefer you not come back at all. He would delight in giving you a little dollop of pride to keep you away. Go back in spite of that. Start by just going to Mass, or adoration. Christ will be delighted by your visit. HE would LOVE to have you back. Don’t let an unenthusiastic phone or email response stand in the way of your heavenly crown!
Of course the enemy would prefer you not come back at all. He would delight in giving you a little dollop of pride to keep you away. Go back in spite of that. Start by just going to Mass, or adoration. Christ will be delighted by your visit. HE would LOVE to have you back. Don’t let an unenthusiastic phone or email response stand in the way of your heavenly crown!