Possible revert-not anymore

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My parish suggests that re-verts coming back after a long period of time go through RCIA. I don’t think it is mandatory but it would be helpful, certainly if you need some level of TLC, which I could understand depending on the circumstances under which you left.

Of course the enemy would prefer you not come back at all. He would delight in giving you a little dollop of pride to keep you away. Go back in spite of that. Start by just going to Mass, or adoration. Christ will be delighted by your visit. HE would LOVE to have you back. Don’t let an unenthusiastic phone or email response stand in the way of your heavenly crown!
You are Catholic. Just start attending Mass, find out when confession the Sacrament of Reconcilliation is on, and go, go early so you don’t miss out due to time constraints.

As you know, don’t share in the Eucharist until you have been to confession.

Go to Mass and get to know people.
Think of the prodigal son story. This thread has way too few loving fathers and way too many smug older brothers. At this point all I can say is I’m out. Best wishes to the OP. I hope you’re able to work things out.
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I take offense to that. It’s not smug to say that OP shouldn’t expect a hero’s welcome when he goes to mass.
If I email a business and it doesn’t reply or gives a rude reply, I’ll move on to another business. If I contact a friend and he never replies, we probably won’t be friends for very long. It’s about give and take in human relationships. Why expect less in a church? I thought this was common sense.
You are Catholic, you belong to the body of Christ. You belong to the Church. It’s your Church. It’s not a business.
You hurt your Church by being away from it and not practising Catholicism .

So just go back. Stop hurting the body of Christ by being a no show who speaks negatively about your own church body
I am also a member making up the Body of Christ. Your absence as a member of the Body of Christ, hurts me. And every other member.
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My parish suggests that re-verts coming back after a long period of time go through RCIA.
If the re-vert hasn’t been confirmed or first communionized, that’s probably a good idea.

But if someone has already been fully initiated, requiring classes is just a hoop.
This thread has way too few loving fathers and way too many smug older brothers.
We’re not obligated to answer the same way. Sometimes you need consolation and other times a frank explanation. Also it doesn’t help that the OP came in with a chip on their shoulder.
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requiring classes is just a hoop.
As I said in my post, it is not a requirement. I would think it would be helpful though to attend, though not necessary, as I stated. Converts are by their nature very enthusiastic about joining the Church, a great source of possible inspiration. It is also a good place to plug in to different ministries and meet people. Don’t dismiss that out of hand as just a “hoop” please.
It is often difficult for Catholics to hear that there is something they can learn from Protestants, but the reality is that Protestants do evangelization and hospitality much better than the Catholic Church.

That evangelization and hospitality is born out of necessity. Protestants were the persecuted new kids on the block. They had to develop effective ways of gaining members.

Coincidentally, one of the greatest eras for Catholic evangelization happened under similar circumstances.
Many years ago as I was returning to the church I found myself in confession for the first time in decades. I mentioned to the priest I was returning to the church and how long it had been since my last confession and please be patient with me, he responded with " Take all the time you need, welcome home". That right there was all I needed to know that I was where I should be. I hope you have a similar experience.
I agree.

I had hoped to have a reasonable discussion. Some of the responses have been very reasonable and helpful.

Many have made personal assumptions about me based on nothing. A lot of people have read what they wanted into my original post or really not read it at all. It’s sad to see the personal attacks from those who probably consider themselves faithful Catholics. I didn’t expect that in this forum. I don’t think I can say anything more in this thread that I haven’t already said.
In all charity, most of the responses here seem “cold”. We aren’t all as strong as each other, and some are weaker than most. I think the Catholic Church runs advertisements on TV in my locality with the tagline of “welcome home”. It shows many scenes of homey, welcoming environments with clergy and parishoners hugging and celebrating the “prodigal son” who is returning. I think many people who re-vert to the Church are looking for that. They may not have it any place in their lives and are looking for personal connections with meaning.

The responses here, the cold ones at least, sort of sadly remind me of the environment I was raised in. Buck up, Jesus never said life was going to be easy, don’t expect any special treatment. I find it kind of sad, actually. I would think someone coming back to a Faith they associated with rejection at one point in time deserves some warm welcome. I get it.
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In all charity, most of the responses here seem “cold”
I agree. I’m a bit taken aback myself. Like you, I do
get what the OP was getting at. The sense of intimate community is one thing we should look to the Protestants for guidance with. On the whole, they do it better than us Catholics. There’s no disgrace in admitting that and working to change it.
It really is unfortunate, and I am really sorry that this is the reception you are getting both in real life and on these forums.

Like I said earlier, I was knocked off the Rock several times by the attitudes of Catholics.

When you make those first few tentative steps your resolve to become Catholic can be very shaky.

For me, the bottom line is that this faith is the Truth. For me it was a matter of submitting to God’s will in spite of the people that would cause me to stumble.
“I just made the commitment and did what I had to do”
That right there is the only advice/answer the OP needs.
I disagree about looking to Protestants for guidance in anything. Look to Jesus for guidance in all things.
I disagree about looking to Protestants for guidance in anything.
We Catholics don’t have a monopoly on Jesus, and we Christians don’t have a monopoly on God. God put us all all this planet to learn from each other. Cutting yourself off from your neighbor is cutting yourself off from God.
I never said we had a monopoly on Jesus. I said that Jesus is the One to go to for guidance.
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