Practicing martial arts

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One other thing… the martial arts are a GREAT way for homeschooled children to get their P.E. credits and interaction with other children. In fact, about a third of our TKD students (children and teenagers) are homeschooled. I’ve found that with my ten-year-old, the focus on discipline and self-control in the dojang carries over into the “classroom”.

One of our best students is a 17-year-old third dan black belt who just graduated from a home school program. He’s off to college this fall and we already miss him! He was a great role model for the younger students (and a lot of the older students commented that he seemed far more mature than the average teenager) and an absolutely awesome martial artist. I will miss the Friday afternoon sparring matches where my 39-year-old second *dan *spouse tried to recapture his youth by sparring this young man–the key being “old age and treachery will overcome youth and ability”!😃 (though very seldom!)

Great thread!

Just a note to those who are considering studying Reiki or esorteric (spelling) M/A.

I posted these links in case anyone is wondering their M/A philosophy is line with the Faith. Martial art cults are out there be prepared!

Keep M/A as a sport or hobby. Jesus Christ is the way of life.
These are great resources! 👍

I boxed for a little more than four years. Beginning just before high school and ending in my senior year. I was involved with the police youth league here where I live.

My paternal granddad was a boxer before WWII and during in the US Army Air Corps. After the war he played minor league baseball in Iowa and Nebraska for a number of years (back then the team would get you the job you needed in the town/city you were in and then you’d go with the team from there).

His son, my Uncle Pat, was a Golden Glove boxer in Iowa. he also boxed in the armed service, although it was the Air Force and during Vietnam. he also played baseball for the Air Force during that time. He played some semi-professional baseball afterward while attending college, but that didn’t amount to much.

My dad was involved with boxing as well until his dad, mentioned above, died when my dad was 14. After that Dad became a “bad boy” and did most of his fighting with the “Losers” bike gang in Aurora, Colorado until he served in the US Army during Vietnam. After that he became a policeman and was our competitive baseball team coach and supported us in other sports.

I loved boxing… I miss it. But I did not love it, nor do I miss it, like I do baseball… 😃

Your unworthy brother in Christ and by the Grace of God a future Maronite priest,
I don’t think the idea of practicing martial arts is to engage in combat or violence. That would be un-Christian-like, I suppose. To some it is a form of exercise, and to some just to be able to defend themselves. Martial arts should used to save lives not destroy them. Which is why I chose Aikido… most techniques are defensive yet not passive. Oh how I wish I could train again. It’s been sooooo long. 😛
As long as one is avoiding the mysticism, I can’t see how this could be much different than any other hobby/sport.

A golfer tries to make his best swing ‘engrained’ in his body and mind in an automatic way. He also might take a deep breath to gather himself before his swing. Would this seem ‘un-Catholic’? I can’t see a difference between that and what you do.

Someone might say that Karate has religious aspects that golf doesn’t, but that’s clearly not true. I’ve seen many people turn golf into a religion.😃
I have my nidan (2nd degree) in Jujitsu and my sandan (3rd degree) in Shotokan karate. I’ve had some experience in some other styles (Si-Lum, Arnis and Kendo), but have always returned to the other 2.
Hey, ccav,

What style of Jujitsu? I practice Dan Zan Ryu. (Dabbled in Wado Ryu Karate).
I’ve seen quite a few students come through who just want to fight. I think only 1 in 20 stick it out the first 6 months. The discipline is paramount. Not only the formal discipline, but the discipline to hang in there when you are tired, discouraged, feel as though you are not progressing, etc. That’s where the building of character comes in. Humility too I think.
I’ve heard the estimate something like.
only 1 in 10 new students will attain their first rank
only 1 in 10 first rank students will attain second rank

and on and on. Seems like it is pretty close to this based on my own casual observation.

Just a warning to fellow martial artists out there. I did not know this until tonight but the martial art I was inovlved in was actually teaching a form of freemasonary! I thought it was kinda of odd that a “peace post” pictured Japan, was also the same “peace post” found near my hometown. This group is a cult! Click on the links “how cults work” and “world religions”

Spread the message fellow Catholics. Freemasonary is forbidden by the Catholc Church. Now its even in the martial arts! I didn’t even know this I just thought I was learning Kempo.
I didn’t know this until tonight but I believe the martial art I was training in was actually teaching a form of freemasonary. Freemasonary is forbidden, under penalty of excommunication, by the Catholic Church. Keep your eyes open and know what you are getting into.

Based on my experience, I believe Kosho Ryu Kempo is a cult! Kosho is NOT compatible with the Catholic Faith. Click on “how cults work” and “world religions”

I can’t be for sure that the art I was learning was actually teaching “freemasonary” but it sure sounded like it.

I didn’t know this while I was training I just thought I was learning self-defense.
Just to let ya’ll know, I FINALLY got my yellow belt on October 8! As I told my chief instructor, “Let’s hope it doesn’t take me another five years to earn my green belt!”

At the same time, my 10-year-old son tested for 1st gup which means he is about 6 months away from his junior black belt. But I can still make him clean his room, eat his broccoli, and do his homework!

I have heard freemasonry blamed for a lot of things, but this is the first time I have heard it characterized as a martial art. learn something every day. Our parochial school has an afterschool program, since most parents work. One of the choices is karate. I am usually around when the class is going on, and it looks like the instructors (both of whom are Catholics active in the parish) are big on discipline and physical fitness. the little boys just want to run around and yell and hit things, like little boys everywhere. My grandson did not like karate, too bad because he could use something that encourages mental focus. he spends most of his time playing fantasy football-he is the entire Cleveland Browns. To see him running around the backyard replaying Sunday’s game is a real hoot. He has just started wrestling. They are hoping he works it out wrestling with other little boys, and not with his little sisters.
Please let me know where I can find that this is in line with the Catholic Churh.
I personally know someone who was high up in this, and she said the higher up you go…the more you feel like God!!!

She has left Reikki…and is now a daily Mass goer.
well, Ursuline college in suburban Cleveland teaches and promotes reiki, a friend took the treatment and then the course, and had such weird influences she came to believe were evil that she dropped it entirely and asked for the sacrament of anointing. UC also hosts Lilith Fair, Catholics for Free Choice and cooperates with other area institutions to host a women’s “health” fair promoting ABC and abortion, so I guess if they push reiki it must be bad. How is that for a negative endorsement.
I would say all activity grown out of or based on the philosophy of a false religion is harmful to some degree. My grandson is in karate, and one of the things his teacher, (I forget the correct term) did during one of his belt promotions is touched his hands saying now I gave you my power. This gave me the willies. If it was up to me, I would have picked him up and he would have never returned to the dogo.

I have trained in Kempo for 12 years. Never during a belt promotion should any instructor say “I give you may power”; that gives me the “willies” reading your statement. For your information, there are many martial art cults and wackos out there so “keep your eyes open”. I would look around for another school.
Here is a good link to learn about martial Budo and other schools of thought.

Budo - “Chivalary” (sp?) code based on Shinto and Buddhist religion or I should say moral eithic.

My teacher in Iai Jitsu (Sword) never pushed religion or eastern mysticism, only breathing methods and eye training since they influence movement and motion during combat. However, My Kempo teacher took me down the dark road of the New Age movement !!! Be warned its easy to get hooked!!

I would look for a school that teaches good budo! NOT religion or hocus pocus! It would be a good idea to read up on Western Chivalary (sp?) as well. Hope this helps
I didn’t read all the replies. Our 3 teens are all black belts in tae kwon do. Our instructor is an awesome Catholic father of 6. His brother is an wonderful diocesan priest. The tae kwon do school has been a sourse of evangelization. Many families have either come into the Church or come back to the Church because of being there. God can use anything! —KCT
George, you are correct. And I wish I could do something about it. But I would be laughed out along with my concerns. I looked it up, the teacher is called sensei. Dojo means “place of the Way” and/or "place of enlightenment.” :crying: Here are some of the terminologies they use: talk.htm :eek:

Frankly, I do not care for activities that have to be scrutinized for signs of new age. What about wholesome activities like hockey? 😃
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