Praises to the Holy Spirit! Please tell your story!

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Hello all, can you PLEASE pray for me?? I am currently going through a VERY tough time: I have not been able to find the job of my vocation: teaching. I feel all the people also whom I thought were my friends, have not been there for me during all this time, and a couple of them are in the ability of helping me actually obtain a teaching job at their catholic schools, but have not even offerd.

I am starting to be hit in my faith and I am growing spiritually colder.
PLEASE!!! Pray for me.
Sincerely, misericordie.:confused:
Hi edwinG,

As a matter of fact, I do.

However, I also have communion with my Spiritual family, be it here on Earth or with those in Heaven. My communion with Mary, my heavenly Mother, helps me to know Jesus more. In fact, I feel I am a lot closer to Jesus when I pray the Rosary (especially the Sorrowful mysteries) than during praise and worship sessions.
The way I have understood the principle of Roman Catholics using intercessors, like the saints who have died to earth, is because of their powerfull intercessory prayers, which are needed because sometimes God turns His face away. Scripture supporting this is often praying to Moses when bitten by snakes.
If this is so, I ask you, who now have the strength of Christ and the Holy Spirit, why are you in a situation that God has turned His face away from you. Just give up that which is having Him turn his face away. Are you a dry catholic too? If you feel closer to Christ with Mary as your intercessor something is not right. Before Chirst died He told us to go and pray to the Father in His name. To start doing that now. Why do you disobey Christ? The curtain was torn to give you direct access. Can you imagine what you are doing? God, Yes God, sent His only begotton Son , to make a way for you to go directly to Him and you turn your back on this blessing and go to Mary or some person who is **judged **
by men to be a saint. What are you doing? No wonder so many are dry.
I do actually need her, and I do want to honour her. As 1 Cor 12 says, “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’” and, “if one member is honored, all rejoice together”. I need her, because Christ gave her to me to be my Mother and Queen. I need her, because her intercessory prayers are very powerful, and I do not presume myself to be so holy.
I honor Mary and I need her for what she is, a blessed member of Christ body. You"need" her for something she is not. Christ is your intercessor in Heaven and the Holy Spirit is your intercessor on earth. You are saying they are not sufficient. You are saying God is insufficient, that you need to go to man to help God.
I don’t believe that seeking the Truth is a quick one-week fasting session. It is a journey, and a process that takes a lifetime. So, I’ll be praying and also fasting occasionally, but I’ll also be working on my formation, since God can work in me better if I am closer to him. I believe that this is how the Holy Spirit works in us. This is why he lives in us, rather than just to speak to us occasionally. Our search for Truth is in itself a prayer, because God is that Truth.
No one has suggested that the Truth can be obtained in one week, and no one has put a time limit on fasting, a week or a meal or a day. Let Christ decide.
What we sought was the truth on a particular subject, Mary.
MariaG asked me to pray. I listened to her request and did this. This is not holding to a pre-conceived idea. This is inviting God in Christ to help me. Now He told me to fast. So I fasted. and my answer was One God, He alone.
Now if you from your heart really are interested in the truth, seek it, for your own benefit. What am I to do, go back to God and say, Sorry God TTM and a group of catholics don’t believe, they think you are wrong. The other alternative is that it was not the Holy Spirit who gave this to me. I ask you, I dont pray to, worship, or meditate on anyone else except God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, one God. Who has the authority to overcome Him when I am fasting for His truth. Now for yourself, you pray to a multitude of saints. Tell me is their more chance of a mistake in thousands or in One.
Also, the “charism” of infallibility rests only on the authority that Jesus set up, which is on Peter and the Apostles:
Matthew 16:
18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
This rock is all of the prophets and all of the apostles. Not a solitary Peter.
This is why unity is so important - because God sets up certain Earthly authorities to follow. How else would we know truth for sure?
Surely the Holy Spirit. TTM to think that the Holy Spirit is not capable of doing this work, is denying God’s ability. Why do you let hypocrits affect your judgement of His ability. You see a hypocrit and then say, No God can’t work this way, because hypocrites are too wise for Him. The church is His body, not the denominational church.
May Christ fill you TTM
walk in love
Hello all, can you PLEASE pray for me?? I am currently going through a VERY tough time: I have not been able to find the job of my vocation: teaching. I feel all the people also whom I thought were my friends, have not been there for me during all this time, and a couple of them are in the ability of helping me actually obtain a teaching job at their catholic schools, but have not even offerd.

I am starting to be hit in my faith and I am growing spiritually colder.
PLEASE!!! Pray for me.
Sincerely, misericordie.:confused:
Hi misericordie,
You have my prayers. My prayers will be that you find employment that fulfills God’s will. IT may very well be that He has work for you in some other field. If this is the case, you will find that the work He has for you is more interesting and satisying than you could imagine. Fancy working at what He wants from you. How can you go wrong.
So to facilitate this stressful period, go the direct route, pray His will be done and pray for employment. Take anything, and watch Him work in your life. Let Him guide you and joy will well up in you as you see His hand,( through the Holy Spirit) organise everything for you, if you put your trust in Him
In your prayers tell God that you are going to accept the first job that comes along, and do this. Keep your word. Then for the rest of your life just keep obeying and He will keep lifting you up. Your first job may be completely disagreeable but thank Him and do it and wait. When you are in His hands, you are on the golden road.
Trust believe rejoice.
May Christ grow in you
walk in love
In a recent discussion with a non-Catholic Christian, he has remarked on the lack of praises of the works of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Catholics here. He sees much praise for our Blessed Mother, but little for the Holy Spirit. I wanted to start a thread for people to come and praise the Holy Spirit and work He is doing in your lives. The big and the small, and the completely amazing.

Please, take the time to share a story and keep sharing your stories to help each other as well as a separated brethren see the amazing work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Catholic Christians.

Oops, my 3 year old just woke up. I’ll have to come back and share my story later:o

Your sister in Christ,
Hi Maria,
Please note MariaG has gone missing. Please pray for her. She is going through Spiritual warfare.
Come Holy Jesus
Show your abundance in your authority
Help me walk in love
Hi misericordie,
You have my prayers. My prayers will be that you find employment that fulfills God’s will. IT may very well be that He has work for you in some other field. If this is the case, you will find that the work He has for you is more interesting and satisying than you could imagine. Fancy working at what He wants from you. How can you go wrong.
So to facilitate this stressful period, go the direct route, pray His will be done and pray for employment. Take anything, and watch Him work in your life. Let Him guide you and joy will well up in you as you see His hand,( through the Holy Spirit) organise everything for you, if you put your trust in Him
In your prayers tell God that you are going to accept the first job that comes along, and do this. Keep your word. Then for the rest of your life just keep obeying and He will keep lifting you up. Your first job may be completely disagreeable but thank Him and do it and wait. When you are in His hands, you are on the golden road.
Trust believe rejoice.
May Christ grow in you
walk in love
Thank you for your very kind and caring words, and thanks for the much needed prayers.
Today (and yesterday) were trying days…and I have many ahead. Life has been difficult in general lately and I’m always so tired!

Yet I never seem to have time to myself for real…or I use the time I do have unwisely. I have a long spiritual journey ahead, also.

Today I had to go in on an ultrasound of my thyroid, and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t concerned about it. I’m worried about my work, getting ready for having Mom here at Christmas, the dinner I’ve never done before, the stuff I have to do before then…etc.

So today I completed some shopping and my last stop on the way home was the church. Shortly before arriving I realized I’d be there by 3 pm, today, a Friday. The hour of divine mercy.

So I walked into the adoration chapel, said a Divine Mercy prayer, and struggled through it. Then I just sat down and looked at Jesus, praying for understanding. I was so tired! And you know…my head just fell forward, and I actually napped, with the words in the back of my mind…“Come, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.”

I haven’t been that relaxed in a long time. I actually felt comfortable enough to just sit in silence and quietly praise God, laying everything that I am at his feet…all my worries…all my concerns…all my thankfulness. And he let me rest my head on his shoulder for awhile and just take a time out in his presence.

It’s exactly what I needed this afternoon. I couldn’t do any more than just be there…and apparently it was all he wanted. It was the Holy Spirit that brought me to adoration, the Holy Spirit that helped make me comfortable and remind me that taking time out for Jesus doesn’t have to be “one more thing”, but rather, the very thing we need at that very time.
Hi JCPhoenix,
A great testimony. Isnt life just glorious with Him. I love your words, He isn’t just one more thing, but rather the very thing.
These words sound like they came directly from the Holy Spirit. Your testimony will be a glow to many people.
Give your time to Him and you will always have sufficient time to do all the things you need to do. Giving Him time gives you time, it does not take time away from you.
May Christ grow in your heart
walk in love
Hi Maria,
Please note MariaG has gone missing. Please pray for her. She is going through Spiritual warfare.
Come Holy Jesus
Show your abundance in your authority
Help me walk in love
Hi Maria,
Please see that it was Maria who started this thread, and she has gone missing. She is engaged in spiritual warfare. PLEASE pray for her and give her strength.
Send your love to her
May the Truth that is Jesus Christ be revealed
Come Holy Jesus
Help us all to be energised by love
your non-Catholic friend may not be the best person to offer an opinion on how, when and where Catholics praise the Holy Spirit. Is acquainted with the Mass, where the Holy Spirit is praised continually, invoked at the epiclesis, described in the Creed, effects the consecration? Is he aware of the Trinitarian basis of the Eucharistic prayer? Does he understand that we begin and end every prayer with praise for the Holy Spirit in the Trinity – the sign of the Cross? Does he understand the doxology is prayed continually throughout the day in the universal prayer of the Church around the world, the liturgy of the hours? does he understand that the prophetic teaching role of the Church is conducted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and that proclamation of divine revelation under that guidance is itself praise? Does he understand that the Rosary is a prayer about Jesus and the miracle of the incarnational work of the Holy Spirit in Mary? **Before he criticises how we pray, he should make sure he actually knows something abouthow we pray./**QUOTE]
Hi asquared,
Thank you for your posting. I am asking you as a brother in Christ to pray for MariaG. She is in need of your prayers.
May Christ grow in you
walk in love
misericordie - we’ll be praying for you. Don’t forget, God loves you no matter what. Anything that’s happening to you now, God can use to bring good out of - he allows these things to happen, because they contribute to your eternal welfare. Offer them up to God through the Eucharist. Pray, and receive reconciliation often. Ask him to use this to increase in you humility, patience, hope, charity, and all those things that God wants to give you. Carry the cross with joy, for “If God causes you to suffer much, it is a sign that He certainly intends to make you a saint” (Saint Ignatius). 🙂

Bless you,
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you give me strength in my weakness.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, through your love, I can be loving.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you give me wisdom.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you comfort me.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you give me faith.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you guide me and work through me, your unworthy servant.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you help me to forgive, to accept, to love.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, without you, I am nothing.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, for showing me my weakness and sinfulness, that I may increase in humility and in charity.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you are so close to me.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you lead me to the Father and the Son.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you make me joyful.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you form me in Christ’s image.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you are a humble gentleman.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you are my God.

Praise you, Holy Spirit. I could never have written this without your work in me.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you give me strength in my weakness.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, through your love, I can be loving.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you give me wisdom.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you comfort me.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you give me faith.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you guide me and work through me, your unworthy servant.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you help me to forgive, to accept, to love.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, without you, I am nothing.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, for showing me my weakness and sinfulness, that I may increase in humility and in charity.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you are so close to me.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you lead me to the Father and the Son.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you make me joyful.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you form me in Christ’s image.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you are a humble gentleman.
Praise you, Holy Spirit, you are my God.

Praise you, Holy Spirit. I could never have written this without your work in me.
My schedule is up in the air, I am leaving for Australia on the 29th and will arrive back in Thailand on the night of the 9th, hopefully early enough to make work on Monday the 10th. I wont be on the net for this period of time and tomorrow is doubtful and tonight is just a short time.
My love and prayers are with you and for the truth to come to you.
I have not started fasting.
Please pray for Maria G, I ask this of all who read this thread. She is in need of our help.
May Christ mature in your heart
Walk in love
I just wanted to thank all who prayed for me for the time I was absent from the boards. It was a very difficult time spiritually. But it was neccessary to spend my time in more prayer and with my family.

I am truly sorry I had to leave when I did, but I did pray for many of you while I was gone. Especially EdwinG. I continued for about a month to not pray to Our Blessed Mother during my evening prayers as Edwin asked.

I have to say, the blessings poured out on me by the Holy Spirit after it was OVER were tremendous. My love for Christ is stronger than ever, and my understanding of Mary’s role for the Church is getting deeper all the time.

As a revert, Mary was the stumbling block for me. Now I realize through the Holy Spirit, how precious a gift Jesus gave us when He gave His mother to His Church.

I am so deeply saddened by good Christians like EdwinG who do not understand that Mary does not take anything away from Christ but can only add to our Love of Him.

I pray the Holy Spirit will open the hearts and minds of Christians like EdwinG to Our Blessed Mother whom Christ gave to His whole Church.

Was has the Holy Spirit done for me lately? He is my constant companion, He is my comforter and He will never leave me. I am blessed by His constant presence in my life.

At times I feel as if I am walking through a desert. God is teaching me patience. But the Holy Spirit’s gentle presence keeps me sane.

Thank you Father. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit.

God Bless and thanks again for the prayers.

Come on Church! What has the Holy Spirit been doing in your life today!

Your sister in Christ,

I’m Back!

Yesterday, I had beautiful moment with God. I was on my way to teach Religious Education Classes for 6th grade. I thought I would take a 15 - 20 minutes before class to go into the church where it was quiet to pray. I ended up having to pick up an extra child, make copies I had forgotten and also forgot my keys to get into the Church.

By the time I had gotten everything and everybody picked up, straightened out and found, I only had about 5 minutes available to me to go pray. I almost choose not to bother. But I remembered a story from my Protestant friend who said when things out of the ordinary happen, I try to pay extra attention because God is speaking to me. So I listened to his advice and the prompting of the Holy Spirit that told me to go pray. I went to turn on the lights, but once again, listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and did not turn them on.

So when I entered the church to pray, no lights were on, and no candles were lit except the one next to the Tabernacle. The visual impact of walking in to be alone with Christ literally brought me to my knees. I dropped down right there in the middle of the aisle and started to thank God for bringing me here. With tears running down my cheeks, I layed down on the floor and offered all that I am and all that I ever will be to Him.

Wow. 5 minutes later I went and had a fabulous class. I am glad I took that 5 minutes and God was showing me that I don’t always have to have a huge chunk of time. He will come meet me in the time I have. I am glad I listened to the Holy Spirit who was trying to lead me to this wonderful time with God.

Thank you Father, thank you Lord, thank you Holy Spirit.

Your sister in Christ,

I just e-mailed your story to my brother and sister, who have both left the church…😃

prompted by the Holy Spirit, of course ! 😃
The curtain was torn to give you direct access.

Can you imagine what you are doing? God, Yes God, sent His only begotton Son , to make

** a way** for you to go directly to Him

and you turn your back on this blessing and go to Mary or some person who is **judged **
by men to be a saint. What are you doing? No wonder so many are dry.
Hi edwinG,
Forgive me for intruding, I saw (what I embolded) and couldn’t ignore it…so here is my 2 cents;

(A)…the torn curtain does not give us access. …none at all.
It is a sign that those sacrifices were ENDED.
Replaced by one OFFERING, the eternal, perpetual sacrifice of Jesus Christ once for all.

it is now called “The New Living Way” ( Heb.10:20)
(1)…The Message, (Kerygma)
(2)…The Fellowship, (Koinonia)
(3)…The Divine Liturgy, (Eucharistia)
(4)…The Witness, (Marturia)

(3)…being the HEART and direct access, THE FOUNTAIN OF HOLINESS through which we have DIRECT ACCESS to the Throne of God, The Lamb of God…the forgiveness of our sins.

(B)…Mary was “judged to be a saint” not by men, But by God, His word confirms this;
"…a body you have prepared for me." (Heb.10:5}
"…highly favored one"…“blessed are you among women.” ( Lk.1:28)
…“The power of the Most High will overshadow you”. 1:34
"…The mother of my Lord…" 1:43

of course, we men agree with the Word of God and also "judge her to be a Saint…how could we disagree and contradict scripture ? 😃

whatever dryness exists anywhere is due to ignoring THE NEW LIVING WAY.flowing from the ALTAR.

I hope this is what you are saying,

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