Hi edwinG,
As a matter of fact, I do.
However, I also have communion with my Spiritual family, be it here on Earth or with those in Heaven. My communion with Mary, my heavenly Mother, helps me to know Jesus more. In fact, I feel I am a lot closer to Jesus when I pray the Rosary (especially the Sorrowful mysteries) than during praise and worship sessions.
The way I have understood the principle of Roman Catholics using intercessors, like the saints who have died to earth, is because of their powerfull intercessory prayers, which are needed because sometimes God turns His face away. Scripture supporting this is often praying to Moses when bitten by snakes.
If this is so, I ask you, who now have the strength of Christ and the Holy Spirit, why are you in a situation that God has turned His face away from you. Just give up that which is having Him turn his face away. Are you a dry catholic too? If you feel closer to Christ with Mary as your intercessor something is not right. Before Chirst died He told us to go and pray to the Father in His name. To start doing that now. Why do you disobey Christ? The curtain was torn to give you direct access. Can you imagine what you are doing? God, Yes God, sent His only begotton Son , to make a way for you to go directly to Him and you turn your back on this blessing and go to Mary or some person who is **judged **
by men to be a saint. What are you doing? No wonder so many are dry.
I do actually need her, and I do want to honour her. As 1 Cor 12 says, “The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’” and, “if one member is honored, all rejoice together”. I need her, because Christ gave her to me to be my Mother and Queen. I need her, because her intercessory prayers are very powerful, and I do not presume myself to be so holy.
I honor Mary and I need her for what she is, a blessed member of Christ body. You"
need" her for something she is not. Christ is your intercessor in Heaven and the Holy Spirit is your intercessor on earth. You are saying they are not sufficient. You are saying God is insufficient, that you need to go to man to help God.
I don’t believe that seeking the Truth is a quick one-week fasting session. It is a journey, and a process that takes a lifetime. So, I’ll be praying and also fasting occasionally, but I’ll also be working on my formation, since God can work in me better if I am closer to him. I believe that this is how the Holy Spirit works in us. This is why he lives in us, rather than just to speak to us occasionally. Our search for Truth is in itself a prayer, because God is that Truth.
No one has suggested that the Truth can be obtained in one week, and no one has put a time limit on fasting, a week or a meal or a day. Let Christ decide.
What we sought was the truth on a particular subject, Mary.
MariaG asked me to pray. I listened to her request and did this. This is not holding to a pre-conceived idea. This is inviting God in Christ to help me. Now He told me to fast. So I fasted. and my answer was One God, He alone.
Now if you from your heart really are interested in the truth, seek it, for your own benefit. What am I to do, go back to God and say, Sorry God TTM and a group of catholics don’t believe, they think you are wrong. The other alternative is that it was not the Holy Spirit who gave this to me. I ask you, I dont pray to, worship, or meditate on anyone else except God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, one God. Who has the authority to overcome Him when I am fasting for His truth. Now for yourself, you pray to a multitude of saints. Tell me is their more chance of a mistake in thousands or in One.
Also, the “charism” of infallibility rests only on the authority that Jesus set up, which is on Peter and the Apostles:
Matthew 16:
18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
This rock is all of the prophets and all of the apostles. Not a solitary Peter.
This is why unity is so important - because God sets up certain Earthly authorities to follow. How else would we know truth for sure?
Surely the Holy Spirit. TTM to think that the Holy Spirit is not capable of doing this work, is denying God’s ability. Why do you let hypocrits affect your judgement of His ability. You see a hypocrit and then say, No God can’t work this way, because hypocrites are too wise for Him. The church is His body, not the denominational church.
May Christ fill you TTM
walk in love