Praises to the Holy Spirit! Please tell your story!

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Hi Edwin, May I suggest maybe next time you might want to read Isaiah 58. I think it will be less painful. šŸ˜ƒ God Bless
Hi Spokenword,
Thanks for directing me to Isaiah 58. I love it. The messages are so so consistent. The bible is a very amazing and beautiful book. How do you see this as it pertains to these circumstances?
May Christ fill you
walk in love
Hi edwinG,
Hi Thanks again TTM. Scripture passages are amazing. We have a knowledge of them and then something happens sometimes and the meaning we have is not really changed, but moved fractionally and then it falls into a slot and you know in your heart that this deeper meaning is the fulfilled meaning. Amazing words. I thought maybe something might happen to me to give me that deeper meaning of the passage but I am still at the same level.
My pleasure.

Yes, thatā€™s true. We always have certain ways of looking at the scriptures, which is often coloured by our preconceptions, prejudices and/or lack of information. This is especially true in a Catholic-Protestant dialogue, and especially regarding Mary. I read with interest an article by Mark Shea, a Protestant-turned-Catholic-apologist, which puts forward a case for Marian devotion. (You may be interested in reading this - itā€™s entitlled ā€œThe Mother of the Son: The Case for Marian Devotionā€). He reckons that, most of all, itā€™s the cultural (read: preconceptions), and not theological, difference that makes it hard for a Protestant to grasp Marian devotion.

A clear locution is a very rare gifting, and it is also a dangerous one (something which needs a lot of discernment). The Holy Spirit, I find, works naturally through the thought process to guide me as I make an effort with my mind to find the truth.

Keep seeking in perseverance the Truth with all your heart with an open mind, and donā€™t be afraid to seek him with your mind. Thatā€™s how we can love him fully.

God bless!
Hi Spokenword,
Thanks for directing me to Isaiah 58. I love it. The messages are so so consistent. The bible is a very amazing and beautiful book. How do you see this as it pertains to these circumstances?
May Christ fill you
walk in love
edwinG, you are a gentleman.
Keep seeking in perseverance the Truth with all your heart with an open mind, and donā€™t be afraid to seek him with your mind. Thatā€™s how we can love him fully.

TTM, yes and praying for wisdom is is essential if we want to love God above all else.

Hi edwinG,

My pleasure.

Yes, thatā€™s true. We always have certain ways of looking at the scriptures, which is often coloured by our preconceptions, prejudices and/or lack of information. This is especially true in a Catholic-Protestant dialogue, and especially regarding Mary. I read with interest an article by Mark Shea, a Protestant-turned-Catholic-apologist, which puts forward a case for Marian devotion. (You may be interested in reading this - itā€™s entitlled ā€œThe Mother of the Son: The Case for Marian Devotionā€). He reckons that, most of all, itā€™s the cultural (read: preconceptions), and not theological, difference that makes it hard for a Protestant to grasp Marian devotion.

A clear locution is a very rare gifting, and it is also a dangerous one (something which needs a lot of discernment). The Holy Spirit, I find, works naturally through the thought process to guide me as I make an effort with my mind to find the truth.

Keep seeking in perseverance the Truth with all your heart with an open mind, and donā€™t be afraid to seek him with your mind. Thatā€™s how we can love him fully.

God bless!
Thanks for staying with us.
The truth is a notch too high for us. Without spiritual help, Jesus, born and growing in our hearts, the Son of Man, giving direction to the Holy Spirit we are helpless.
I was participating in a thread on tattoos. The bible clearly states no tattoos. But people still can defend tattoos, and from more than one direction. It shows just how hard consensus is when OUR wills are involved. Of course we are all guilty of this. I am not throwing stones. But this thread (tattoos) is a good thread to see ourselves and to see the problems we have in seeing the word when it is not agreeable. We certainly are a basketfull and blessed that He has so much patience.
May Christ blossom in you TTM
Walk in love
Thanks for staying with us.
The truth is a notch too high for us. Without spiritual help, Jesus, born and growing in our hearts, the Son of Man, giving direction to the Holy Spirit we are helpless.
I was participating in a thread on tattoos. The bible clearly states no tattoos. But people still can defend tattoos, and from more than one direction. It shows just how hard consensus is when OUR wills are involved. Of course we are all guilty of this. I am not throwing stones. But this thread (tattoos) is a good thread to see ourselves and to see the problems we have in seeing the word when it is not agreeable. We certainly are a basketfull and blessed that He has so much patience.
May Christ blossom in you TTM
Walk in love
Hi everyone,
Has anyone seen MariaG. Please pray for her as she may be in need of our prayers. Yesterday early in the evening I ducked a forehand from Satan, and was feeling quite bulletproof and then when I came home at about 9 pm I was hit by a backhand. A dog across the road, which I pat when he calls me, called and I went over to pat him and he bit my hand. I had to go to hospital and am now on a course of anti rabies shots. 5 needles which finish about the 9/1/05. I also had to have a tetanus and now I am off to have the wound redressed and will need to have it checked for 5 days. It means that I will have to give up washing up and some cleaning activities etc but I guess I will survive.
Washing the same side arm pit is not easy for an old man either.
my love to you all
Find your energy to do
from love
Hi everyone,
Has anyone seen MariaG. Please pray for her as she may be in need of our prayers. Yesterday early in the evening I ducked a forehand from Satan, and was feeling quite bulletproof and then when I came home at about 9 pm I was hit by a backhand. A dog across the road, which I pat when he calls me, called and I went over to pat him and he bit my hand. I had to go to hospital and am now on a course of anti rabies shots. 5 needles which finish about the 9/1/05. I also had to have a tetanus and now I am off to have the wound redressed and will need to have it checked for 5 days. It means that I will have to give up washing up and some cleaning activities etc but I guess I will survive.
Washing the same side arm pit is not easy for an old man either.
my love to you all
Find your energy to do
from love
Hi MariaG,
Where are you MariaG. I am missing you and concerned for your welfare. I know you will end up with joy bubbling out all over, but sometimes the road is dark and stony for a while. Surely you are over the worst of it. Christ has not let me bear a tribulation for longer than a week in a severe attack.And then only with highlights of intensity. Where are you.
Would all who read this put in some prayers for MariaG as she is involved in spiritual warfare.
May Christ grow strongly in you Ma
walk in love
Hi Maria again,
I am writing this as I botched the previous post and now this one looks as though it is for the high jump as well.
The previous post is a two in one, but in the second half I have asked all who read that post to pray for MariaG. She seems to be missing and the last I heard from her she was having some troubles in spiritual warfare.
Please pray for her.
walk in love
Hi all,
1 Maria:
TTM, yes and praying for wisdom is is essential if we want to love God above all else.
Yes, I agree. I think itā€™s good and necessary to pray.

However, I also think that a person must work to remove anything that may get in the way of receiving the grace to know the truth.

In the Power of the Rosary thread (where this thread originated), I noticed that edwinG, as good as his intention was, has many preconceptions and prejudices against Marian devotion (which are perfectly normal for our Protestant brothers, but are misconceptions and misinformation nonetheless), that he was not so much there to find out the truth, but assumed that he was in the right when it came to the truth about Mary and the Saints.

Now, I hope I donā€™t sound too harsh, but I guess this is what I meant about the preconceptions (often leading to straw-man arguments) and spiritual pride (post #39) that block our prayers; if we are not prepared to accept even the possibilities, I donā€™t think that God would show them to us, because he respects our free will.

So, itā€™s not an either/or situation. We need both prayer (which directs our efforts) and effort (which receives the grace poured out through prayer).

Hi edwinG,
Thanks for staying with us.
The truth is a notch too high for us. Without spiritual help, Jesus, born and growing in our hearts, the Son of Man, giving direction to the Holy Spirit we are helpless.
Yup, I agree. We can do nothing good without God. This why prayer is so necessary.
I was participating in a thread on tattoos. The bible clearly states no tattoos. But people still can defend tattoos, and from more than one direction. It shows just how hard consensus is when OUR wills are involved. Of course we are all guilty of this. I am not throwing stones. But this thread (tattoos) is a good thread to see ourselves and to see the problems we have in seeing the word when it is not agreeable. We certainly are a basketfull and blessed that He has so much patience.
Yes, I agree. Iā€™m not exempt from that, for sure! This is why I think an open mind is necessary, because God will constantly reveal more and more about himself (which reveal the often distorted image we have about him), and about us (most of which we must change!).

God bless,
A dog across the road, which I pat when he calls me, called and I went over to pat him and he bit my hand. I had to go to hospital and am now on a course of anti rabies shots. 5 needles which finish about the 9/1/05. I also had to have a tetanus and now I am off to have the wound redressed and will need to have it checked for 5 days.
Poor you!

May God bless you, keep you, lead you, and surround you with his angels,
Hi all,

Yes, I agree. I think itā€™s good and necessary to pray.

However, I also think that a person must work to remove anything that may get in the way of receiving the grace to know the truth.

In the Power of the Rosary thread (where this thread originated), I noticed that edwinG, as good as his intention was, has many preconceptions and prejudices against Marian devotion (which are perfectly normal for our Protestant brothers, but are misconceptions and misinformation nonetheless), that he was not so much there to find out the truth, but assumed that he was in the right when it came to the truth about Mary and the Saints.

Now, I hope I donā€™t sound too harsh, but I guess this is what I meant about the preconceptions (often leading to straw-man arguments) and spiritual pride (post #39) that block our prayers; if we are not prepared to accept even the possibilities, I donā€™t think that God would show them to us, because he respects our free will.

So, itā€™s not an either/or situation. We need both prayer (which directs our efforts) and effort (which receives the grace poured out through prayer).

What can I say to your words. My words have no affect. Why dont you go to God through Jesus Christ as I did and as MariaG did. As Mary will not be jealous and you donā€™t need her because you area sure of her love for you, in faith, fast and ask for the truth, just you and God, in Christā€™s holy name. I assume you (alone) are allowed into Godā€™s presence without a catholic intercessor Fast until you receive an answer, because your faith will ensure you are answered.
Then come here on this thread and tell us what you were told.
I eagerly await your answer.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Poor you!

May God bless you, keep you, lead you, and surround you with his angels,
God is the first and of course the greatest and an almighty conservationist. Nothing is wasted in Him because of His wisdom. Not one tear, one agony or one joy will be missed or wasted by Him. Now I know, I was led to the dog, that he might bite me because God loves all of His creation.
He loves
  1. the dog which is maltreated and is starved, possibly to make it a better watch dog.
  2. The people who maltreat the dog
  3. The person, or people,child or adult, that God knows will be bitten in the future unless the treatment of this dog is altered to one of loving care.
    As I am Gods servant, He asked me to speak to these people. I did this and warned them of the danger of being near the dog with food in your hand or even the smell of food on your breath. They told me that they do not let the children ( they have 2) into the yard (small) when the dog is out of his caged area.
    I felt compelled to tell these people this but it was not until after that I realised that it was His will. I am sorry I did not mention Jesusā€™s name as I spoke to these people. I am so slow. Then on Tuesday a bank employee came and gave me a message I was waiting for, I had never seen this man before, and he told me he was dying from cancer in the lung. I told him Jesus had total authority. I told him not to be scared. I asked him if he wanted to live and he said he did so I told him I would pray for him. I was too shy to touch him, but I know Jesus has healed him, forgiving me my lack of boldness.
    May Christ grow strong in your heart,
    walk in love
Why is it that we do give less praises to the Holy Spirit? We praise our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Im just as guilty. I think I take for granted the Works of the Holy Spirit like its expected. Maybe because we recognize the Father and Son as a person but see the Holy Spirit as a teaching] spirit? Maybe thats just the way we were taught. But anyways its no excuse. Im going to make an extra effort that I may give extra praises to the Holy Spirit for the times I failed to. šŸ˜¦ God Bless.
Hi MariaG,
My prayers are for you daily Maria.My thoughts are often with you during the day. I know you are safe in His care and your victory will bring you overwhelming joy.
Would all who read this post pray for MariaG please.
Come Lord Jesus
walk in love
Hi edwinG,
Why dont you go to God through Jesus Christ as I did and as MariaG did.
As a matter of fact, I do.

However, I also have communion with my Spiritual family, be it here on Earth or with those in Heaven. My communion with Mary, my heavenly Mother, helps me to know Jesus more. In fact, I feel I am a lot closer to Jesus when I pray the Rosary (especially the Sorrowful mysteries) than during praise and worship sessions.
As Mary will not be jealous and you donā€™t need her because you area sure of her love for you,
I do actually need her, and I do want to honour her. As 1 Cor 12 says, ā€œThe eye cannot say to the hand, ā€˜I have no need of you,ā€™ nor again the head to the feet, ā€˜I have no need of you.ā€™ā€ and, ā€œif one member is honored, all rejoice togetherā€. I need her, because Christ gave her to me to be my Mother and Queen. I need her, because her intercessory prayers are very powerful, and I do not presume myself to be so holy.
in faith, fast and ask for the truth, just you and God, in Christā€™s holy name.
I ask God to reveal more of himself to me, and I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me, but yes, Iā€™ll be fasting too, on Fridays, if I can manage. I do believe though, that the reason why I became a Christian is because I was ready to accept the Truth, and to be formed according to it (rather than forming the Truth according to my preconceptions).
I assume you (alone) are allowed into Godā€™s presence without a catholic intercessor Fast until you receive an answer, because your faith will ensure you are answered.
Then come here on this thread and tell us what you were told.
I eagerly await your answer.
I donā€™t believe that seeking the Truth is a quick one-week fasting session. It is a journey, and a process that takes a lifetime. So, Iā€™ll be praying and also fasting occasionally, but Iā€™ll also be working on my formation, since God can work in me better if I am closer to him. I believe that this is how the Holy Spirit works in us. This is why he lives in us, rather than just to speak to us occasionally. Our search for Truth is in itself a prayer, because God is that Truth.

Also, the ā€œcharismā€ of infallibility rests only on the authority that Jesus set up, which is on Peter and the Apostles:
Matthew 16:
18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Just as Eliakim was given the Prime Ministerial authority in the same way:
Isaiah 22:
20 In that day I will call my servant Eliā€™akim the son of Hilkiā€™ah, 21 and I will clothe him with your robe, and will bind your girdle on him, and will commit your authority to his hand; and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. 22 And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David; he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. 23 And I will fasten him like a peg in a sure place, and he will become a throne of honor to his fatherā€™s house

This is why unity is so important - because God sets up certain Earthly authorities to follow. How else would we know the truth for sure?

Anyway, feel free to read the CA tract, Praying to the Saints and what the early Church fathers had to say about the Intercession of the Saints. I think these may provide some insight into why we believe what we believe.

Hope these help in some way. God bless,
Today (and yesterday) were trying daysā€¦and I have many ahead. Life has been difficult in general lately and Iā€™m always so tired!

Yet I never seem to have time to myself for realā€¦or I use the time I do have unwisely. I have a long spiritual journey ahead, also.

Today I had to go in on an ultrasound of my thyroid, and Iā€™d be lying if I said that I wasnā€™t concerned about it. Iā€™m worried about my work, getting ready for having Mom here at Christmas, the dinner Iā€™ve never done before, the stuff I have to do before thenā€¦etc.

So today I completed some shopping and my last stop on the way home was the church. Shortly before arriving I realized Iā€™d be there by 3 pm, today, a Friday. The hour of divine mercy.

So I walked into the adoration chapel, said a Divine Mercy prayer, and struggled through it. Then I just sat down and looked at Jesus, praying for understanding. I was so tired! And you knowā€¦my head just fell forward, and I actually napped, with the words in the back of my mindā€¦ā€œCome, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.ā€

I havenā€™t been that relaxed in a long time. I actually felt comfortable enough to just sit in silence and quietly praise God, laying everything that I am at his feetā€¦all my worriesā€¦all my concernsā€¦all my thankfulness. And he let me rest my head on his shoulder for awhile and just take a time out in his presence.

Itā€™s exactly what I needed this afternoon. I couldnā€™t do any more than just be thereā€¦and apparently it was all he wanted. It was the Holy Spirit that brought me to adoration, the Holy Spirit that helped make me comfortable and remind me that taking time out for Jesus doesnā€™t have to be ā€œone more thingā€, but rather, the very thing we need at that very time.
I donā€™t know if it is praise, but I do know it is prayer to the Holy Spirit.

We talk, sometimes we laugh and sometimes we are quiet. I can say truthfully that since about 1988 ( 16 years) the Holy Spirit has been in my prayers. The Holy Spirit is special.

Somewhere I was told that the Holy Spirit is very much a Gentleman. He likes for you to talk softly, to pray for the intentions of others and to be humble.
I donā€™t know if it is praise, but I do know it is prayer to the Holy Spirit.

We talk, sometimes we laugh and sometimes we are quiet. I can say truthfully that since about 1988 ( 16 years) the Holy Spirit has been in my prayers. The Holy Spirit is special.

Somewhere I was told that the Holy Spirit is very much a Gentleman. He likes for you to talk softly, to pray for the intentions of others and to be humble.
and my personal experience since I was confirmed at the age of eight years, is that He loves us even more than that, when we listen, when we make a sincere attempt to hear, to actually hear what He has to tell us.

Sometimes He encourages us, helping us see we really are on the right track to Holiness.

Other times He suggests the means we need to get back on track, and of course there are times when He really comes on strong concerning our failures to love Jesus in our neighbor.

The point is, we have to be open to hearing Him, to really hearing Him and not our noisy ego-filled selves.

For example, from Pope John Paul II in ā€˜ORIENTALE LUMENā€™:

ā€˜This is what man needs today; he is often unable to be silent for fear of meeting himself, of feeling the emptiness that asks itself about meaning; man who deafens himself with noise. All, believers and non - believers alike, need to learn a silence that allows the Other to speak when and how he wishes, and allows us to understand his words.ā€™

Holy Spirit, you are amazing. I want more of you in my life!

Knowing Godā€™s love, I think, is knowing the Holy Spirit. The more you realise how much God loves you, the more you realise the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Donā€™t you think?
Today (and yesterday) were trying daysā€¦and I have many ahead. Life has been difficult in general lately and Iā€™m always so tired!

Yet I never seem to have time to myself for realā€¦or I use the time I do have unwisely. I have a long spiritual journey ahead, also.

Today I had to go in on an ultrasound of my thyroid, and Iā€™d be lying if I said that I wasnā€™t concerned about it. Iā€™m worried about my work, getting ready for having Mom here at Christmas, the dinner Iā€™ve never done before, the stuff I have to do before thenā€¦etc.

So today I completed some shopping and my last stop on the way home was the church. Shortly before arriving I realized Iā€™d be there by 3 pm, today, a Friday. The hour of divine mercy.

So I walked into the adoration chapel, said a Divine Mercy prayer, and struggled through it. Then I just sat down and looked at Jesus, praying for understanding. I was so tired! And you knowā€¦my head just fell forward, and I actually napped, with the words in the back of my mindā€¦ā€œCome, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.ā€

I havenā€™t been that relaxed in a long time. I actually felt comfortable enough to just sit in silence and quietly praise God, laying everything that I am at his feetā€¦all my worriesā€¦all my concernsā€¦all my thankfulness. And he let me rest my head on his shoulder for awhile and just take a time out in his presence.

Itā€™s exactly what I needed this afternoon. I couldnā€™t do any more than just be thereā€¦and apparently it was all he wanted. It was the Holy Spirit that brought me to adoration, the Holy Spirit that helped make me comfortable and remind me that taking time out for Jesus doesnā€™t have to be ā€œone more thingā€, but rather, the very thing we need at that very time.
Ohā€¦I so needed to hear thisā€¦thank you for sharingā€¦
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