Praises to the Holy Spirit! Please tell your story!

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It is sometimes very difficult to seperate the three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit because they are so well connected to each other. It is the Holy Spirit who dwells in our soul when we are baptised into the Church of Christ Jesus. It is the Holy Spirit who leads us to Jesus and to the Father.
The first time that the Holy Spirit came very near to my understanding was on March the 13th “Friday the 13th”. I was driving truck at Heinz Stylecrest warehouse in Fremont, Ohio when I saw another driver leave and cut a corner to short. He caught the half ton marker stone on his left trailler tandum and began draging it. I called him on the CB radio because he just kept going. He stoped and saw what he was doing and was shocked that this huge stone had become lodged and he was draging it.
This got me thinking how we all at times draging along a lot of excess burden that we don’t know we have and need someone to tell us about it. At the time I was doing a study on the meaning of 12 in the Bible and the double portion blessing of Elisha who saw Elijah go to heaven and gained the double portion of his miracles.
It would take more time than I can devote hear to tell the whole story. The combination of the two ideas of 12 and the double portion blessing in my mind caused me to see the number 24 in the Bible and ask how is this like the Day of the Lord and how is it relevant. This is when the Power of the Holy Spirit came on me so strong that I could hardly stay focused without fainting. He said to me if you want to understand 24 go to Psalm 24 and He showed me how this was a symbol and type message of recieving the Holy Spirit. He then also lead me through chapters 24 in the Bible and how these are directly realted from the Old Testament to the New.
He gave me a understanding of the complex weave of the entire Bible from symbols and shadows in the Old Testament to the New in thousands of ways. That the true meaning of 12 in the Bible is to symbolize the Light of God to the people of the earth. Jesus said are there not 12 hours in the day so while you have the light walk in the light so you may become children of the light. In the Old Testament account of Genesis in the Garden it was in the last hour of the day that the Lord would come and be with and talk to Adam. In the way that they keep time then the last hour of the day before dark was the 24th hour of the day.
This very short version of the tens of thousands of ideas that Holy Spirit began to show me on this friday the 13th was just a small for taste of what He would show me 3 days later on March the 15th. This evening just before dark I began to pray at a truck stop in Ohio at Lodi. I ask the Lords help with my teenage Kids at home who where driving me crazy. This time the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of Jesus in His resurection Glory. As He drew near I coward in the corner of the sleeper of my truck and closed my eyes for the intensity of the light. Even with my eyes closed I could see Jesus as if they where still open and He reached out His hand to me and placed it on the neck and said “So that you know who I am”. With these 7 words He began a journey in my walk with Him these past 6 and a half years that has been truly remarkable. God Bless
When I drive over the road now I see His message written all over the landscape of this great country. In tens of thousands of crossroads like, 119 and 99, “Psalm 199,99” “I have more understanding than all my teachers when your word is my meditation” In great combination of States and Cities and Rivers that tell the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
He made Indiana like a left foot to remind us we started out on the wrong foot but by faith He will show us how to walk right, and on Highway 69 in Indiana, just before you get to the right hand of Michigan you cross exit 156 Because in Genesis 15,6 Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as faith making him right with God. The last mile marker is 157 because after Abraham believed God said to him “I am the Lord that brought you out of UR of the Chaldees, to give you this land to inherit it”. Michigan is shaped like a Right hand and on Highway 69 the first 12 miles take you from the darkness into the light at Highway 12 and twelve miles more you reach Highway 60 “Rise and shine for you light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you” Isaiah 60.
IF Indiana teaches us Faith, than we learn Hope from the Right hand of Michigan. So to learn Love go from Lansing where the land sings on Highway 99 “The number of the saved sheep” to Pioneer Ohio where it has become 15 and it was a 15 year old girl who said " I am a servant of the Lord let it be done unto me according to thy WORD". It is this seed of the woman when in the fullness of time that will bring peace on earth and good will toward man. Here also at Pioneer is Highway 20 “Read Revelation 20”.
God Bless
Each time that I preach a homily, I begin by asking everyone to pray with me to the Holy Spirit. I hope that each person will hear what God wants them to hear. This differs from person to person listening to the same homily. Later, people relate what struck them and indeed they hear differently. The Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony SFO
For there is only ONE Spirit,[Eph.4] Its the same spirit that dwells in all of us as christians.Praise God, Jesus did not abandon us. He left us The Holy Spirit to be our guide ,our teacher,our comforter. I want to praise God for allowing the Holy Spirit to live and dwell in us.I realize I cannot do anything without the power of the Holy Spirit. To exclude the Holy Spirit in my life would be to deny the Father and the Son. So once again PRAISE GOD FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT.When we praise God,those praises are also recieved by the Son and the Holy Spirit,Thus ONE SPIRITas in Eph.4. God Bless
Dear friends

Not one single thing happens without the power of the Holy Spirit. No prayer can be said, no consecration of the bread and wine at Mass, no absolution given, no baptism, no confirmation, nothing!!

Every sacrament of the Church, everything, every moment in the life of faith is in the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit and with the Holy Spirit, Who is in, by and through Christ Jesus proceeding from God the Father.

Faith is the movement of the Holy Spirit in each one of those with faith in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God the Father whether part of a church or not, but all leading towards and under the premise of His Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The Holy Spirit is the Eternal love of our spirits and humanity. He is my favourite of the Holy Trinity. He is my guide and consoler, direct love from God the Father and Christ Jesus, inseperable from them and from humanity. You will feel Him burn in your heart and whisper Truth and enlighten it to you, you will soar on moments of love with Him, you will look around at creation and humanity and He will clarify and confirm your faith. He will render your heart speechless and cause you to cry for no reason but sheer love, (though folks may look at you strangley to see you cry!🙂 and there be NOTHING wrong). He is a silent worker, He moves slowly through the heart and spirit, raising it to grace and to a worthy apparrell for Eternal and everlasting life in mystical union with the One and Truine God, the Beatific Vision, for our Eternal Inheritance which we were created for.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

This is awesome. I love the wonderful and different ways that the Holy Spirit touches our lives. It brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart.

Lord, I pray that this thread will continue with constant new stories of what the Holy Spirit has done for “me”. Touch the hearts of your believers and bring words of praise to our lips (fingers?). I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Hi Maria ,Great story. It goes to show you how many oppertunities we can miss out when we say no. You never know but God does. God Bless.
Hi Spokenword,
What you said is one of the great truths. If we dont respond we just go on, not knowing what a joyous time we have just missed. unwittingly we have lost a chance to build our faith, a chance to communicate with Jesus, and really the essence of being a Christian, which is the joy of having Christ and the Holy Spirit guiding us lovingly. Sure we have tribulation,but never more than we can handle and then we have this flood of communication which overpowers us with a blossoming love. How do Christians keep on without the knowledge of the joy in following the lead of the Holy Spirit who takes us to Him.
Christ be with you:thumbsup:
walk in love
Hi Edwin:wave:

I am glad you found this thread.

I will try that before I go to bed each night. Interesting though. I have had a song running through my head for the last few days. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey.” I feel the Lord is trying to get me to just follow His leading even if I cannot see the reason why. Thankfully, I have obeyed and been greatly blessed.

:rotfl: Are you a fly on my bedroom wall? I have been doing the same thing. I realize through your post I have not been obeying Him in this matter. I need to go to bed earlier and give the Lord not just a few moments before I fall to bed exhausted.

Oh I know that it can happen without praying to Mary. I know God is speaking to me through you Edwin, but I hope He is speaking to you also through me.

I won’t ask you to ask Mary to pray for you. I know that you could not do so. But how about this. I will do my evening prayer without asking Mary to add her prayers to mine. But maybe you could somewhere in your morning, recite a few lines of Scipture.

Luke 1:21 …Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you.
Luke 1:42…Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.

You could then ask the Lord to help you to understand the Love Catholics have for the Blessed Mother.

If not, I will still do my evening prayers without asking Mary to pray for me.

God Bless,
Hi Maria,
Thanks again for this wonderful thread. I have read your first post twice and I am going back for a third after I post this. Yes I will read the Magnificat ( spelling) several times and I will ask God for understanding, in Jesus holy name.
Let us hope your thread starts and avalanche of witnessing.
May Christ grow abundantly in you Maria
walk in love
wow, these were powerful posts. The past year, I have realized the power of the Holy Spirit. I am sure that He was always there urging us before, but we never paid attention.

It sounds as if those who have posted here, including myself, are finally tuning in and hearing. The Holy Spirit has urged me to make many very big changes in my life recently.

I know these are the urgings of the Holy Spirit because I would have never thought of them on my own. And I can always tell when they from HIm because often they are especially difficult to follow through on doing…daily mass, etc. Most of these requests from Him have been difficult, but strength and faith building.

Praise be the Holy Spirit. May He open up more hearts.
Hi jrabs,
I am very pleased for you that you are noticing the Holy Spirit working in your life. Just a word of caution to you. Having the Holy Spirit guide you is not a guarantee that you are free from interference,in fact the opposite is the fact. Now please think very carefully about recognising His leading. Just because they are difficult is definitely not a true indication they are from Him. Christ’s yoke is gentle and He is lowly and the Holy Spirit only leads you in Christ. Most of the leading of the HolySpirit will fill you with joy. You now have an (unfair) advantage over everyone in the world except fellow Christians who follow His lead.In all matters. Take eating. Now on Friday evenings I eat at a McDonalds at 6pm and finish about 6.30. It is busy most times, and as I walked into the store last Friday, I had this big grin on my face because I knew when I walked around the corner I would see my favourite space waiting for me. Christ keeps my chair for me. He does this on vans as well. ( 14 seats and used as minibuses in Thailand. I dont speak Thai so if I sit close, but not in the front seat, I can reach across and give my money and the driver knows I want to get off the van at the next stop. I am talking 5/6 times a week for months.) You see, Christ loves us and the rest of the world has to wait while He with the aid of the Holy Spirit looks after us. Why wouldnt you want to be a Christian? My path is so smooth. ( Of course I have tribulation and often, but that aside, WHAT A LIFE)
So to repeat, Be careful if it is difficult. If you feel suspicious, avoid it. Always avoid it if it is contary to scripture. As you practise you will become familar with His ways as your understanding grows. Expect your heart to swell with love as time goes by.
Christ be with you
walk in love
When I drive over the road now I see His message written all over the landscape of this great country. In tens of thousands of crossroads like, 119 and 99, “Psalm 199,99” “I have more understanding than all my teachers when your word is my meditation” In great combination of States and Cities and Rivers that tell the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
He made Indiana like a left foot to remind us we started out on the wrong foot but by faith He will show us how to walk right, and on Highway 69 in Indiana, just before you get to the right hand of Michigan you cross exit 156 Because in Genesis 15,6 Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as faith making him right with God. The last mile marker is 157 because after Abraham believed God said to him “I am the Lord that brought you out of UR of the Chaldees, to give you this land to inherit it”. Michigan is shaped like a Right hand and on Highway 69 the first 12 miles take you from the darkness into the light at Highway 12 and twelve miles more you reach Highway 60 “Rise and shine for you light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you” Isaiah 60.
IF Indiana teaches us Faith, than we learn Hope from the Right hand of Michigan. So to learn Love go from Lansing where the land sings on Highway 99 “The number of the saved sheep” to Pioneer Ohio where it has become 15 and it was a 15 year old girl who said " I am a servant of the Lord let it be done unto me according to thy WORD". It is this seed of the woman when in the fullness of time that will bring peace on earth and good will toward man. Here also at Pioneer is Highway 20 “Read Revelation 20”.
God Bless
An amazing revelation of His work. In my understanding - in God’s sight we are individuals and that is why the Holy Spirit is given. Each has his own work to do, in his own place, and his revealation is personal. Yours to you and mine to me and Marias’ to her etc. What I am trying to say without offending any readers is that your beautiful revelation is personal and others should not try the number game. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, confusion would be the winner.
Please forgive me for hopping onto your wonderful post.
May Christ continue to grow in you
walk in love
For there is only ONE Spirit,[Eph.4] Its the same spirit that dwells in all of us as christians.Praise God, Jesus did not abandon us. He left us The Holy Spirit to be our guide ,our teacher,our comforter. I want to praise God for allowing the Holy Spirit to live and dwell in us.I realize I cannot do anything without the power of the Holy Spirit. To exclude the Holy Spirit in my life would be to deny the Father and the Son. So once again PRAISE GOD FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT.When we praise God,those praises are also recieved by the Son and the Holy Spirit,Thus ONE SPIRITas in Eph.4. God Bless
Hi Spokenword,
Yeah Yeah Yeah, amen.
May Christ grow in you
walk in love
Dear friends

Not one single thing happens without the power of the Holy Spirit. No prayer can be said, no consecration of the bread and wine at Mass, no absolution given, no baptism, no confirmation, nothing!!

Every sacrament of the Church, everything, every moment in the life of faith is in the Holy Spirit, by the Holy Spirit and with the Holy Spirit, Who is in, by and through Christ Jesus proceeding from God the Father.

Faith is the movement of the Holy Spirit in each one of those with faith in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God the Father whether part of a church or not, but all leading towards and under the premise of His Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The Holy Spirit is the Eternal love of our spirits and humanity. He is my favourite of the Holy Trinity. He is my guide and consoler, direct love from God the Father and Christ Jesus, inseperable from them and from humanity. You will feel Him burn in your heart and whisper Truth and enlighten it to you, you will soar on moments of love with Him, you will look around at creation and humanity and He will clarify and confirm your faith. He will render your heart speechless and cause you to cry for no reason but sheer love, (though folks may look at you strangley to see you cry!🙂 and there be NOTHING wrong). He is a silent worker, He moves slowly through the heart and spirit, raising it to grace and to a worthy apparrell for Eternal and everlasting life in mystical union with the One and Truine God, the Beatific Vision, for our Eternal Inheritance which we were created for.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Hi Teresa,
Beautifully said and inspiring. My heart felt thanks to you for your witness which touches me.
May Christ grow more abundantly in you
walk in love
Hi Edwin:wave:

I am glad you found this thread.

I will try that before I go to bed each night. Interesting though. I have had a song running through my head for the last few days. “Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey.” I feel the Lord is trying to get me to just follow His leading even if I cannot see the reason why. Thankfully, I have obeyed and been greatly blessed.

:rotfl: Are you a fly on my bedroom wall? I have been doing the same thing. I realize through your post I have not been obeying Him in this matter. I need to go to bed earlier and give the Lord not just a few moments before I fall to bed exhausted.

Oh I know that it can happen without praying to Mary. I know God is speaking to me through you Edwin, but I hope He is speaking to you also through me.

I won’t ask you to ask Mary to pray for you. I know that you could not do so. But how about this. I will do my evening prayer without asking Mary to add her prayers to mine. But maybe you could somewhere in your morning, recite a few lines of Scipture.

Luke 1:21 …Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you.
Luke 1:42…Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.

You could then ask the Lord to help you to understand the Love Catholics have for the Blessed Mother.

If not, I will still do my evening prayers without asking Mary to pray for me.

God Bless,
Hi Maria,
Well it is another day here. It is 8:13 on Monday the 6th December 04. Before going to bed I prayed about our difference concerning our relationship with Mary, where you ask Mary to aid you and I believe she is resting and not to be disturbed. Here is the answer. I am to fast. Funny answer. Well, my fast began at midnight 5/6 of December. We are in God’s hands. You will have to believe I am fasting, my fast will consist of water only without any additivies. I still maintain that Mary is resting. I guess I will hold onto this view unless something happens to change my mind. Obviously, if my mind is changed, I will stop fasting. If not , I will continue to fast and possibly your mind will be changed. I dont know, but here I am fasting.
Praise and glory be to our blessing Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Isnt it funny, I always thought of Jesus’s blood as spreading out to cover our sins, but no, His blood covers only Him and in Him , not outside of Him, are we blessed and washed clean. God continues to pour out His love on all of mankind but until we come and live in Jesus His blood does not work, the blood releases His blessings in our life.
My love to you Maria,
May Christ ever abound in you
Let love be your source of energy this day,
Hi edwinG,
Before going to bed I prayed about our difference concerning our relationship with Mary, where you ask Mary to aid you and I believe she is resting and not to be disturbed.
I realise that this is not the thread for discussions relating to Mary, but allow me to butt in.

EdwinG, I understand that you’re concerned about us, that we may be doing something which is not right in God’s eyes, but I think there needs to a proper discussion on this (elsewhere), if you are truely seeking the truth.

God wants us to love him with all our mind as well. If we do not do our part, he isn’t going to spoil us and give us all the answers. We must all be searching and be open, and at the same time being discerning. Like it or not, all of us have our own prejudices, especially with regard to religious differences. The chances are, this is one of them. Do pray about it, yes, but please do not neglect to be open to what was and is discussed here and in the previous thread, and continue to seek the answers actively. Remember that the Holy Spirit works in Catholics too, and there are those filled with the Holy Spirit yet ask Mary to intercede for us.

Now, as for your belief regarding the saints in heaven, Revelation 5:8 seems to indicate that they do not necessarily “rest”, as in “do nothing”, but are given tasks to do. Here in this passage, we see that they are presenting our prayers to God. That’s intercession: “And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints”. Same thing happens in Rev 8:3, this time with angels: “And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne”. Saints and angels are powerful intercessors, because they have been purified and made perfect by God. There is nothing which blocks their prayers to God. Remember that the rich man interceded for his family even while in torment. How much more would saints in heaven, who are perfected in their love, want to intercede for us?

Likewise, Mary, who is the Arc of the New Covenant, actively intercedes for us. This is why she is so powerful when invoked during Exorcisms - she is the weapon in the spiritual battlefield, more powerful than the Old Arc.

Anyway, the forums are open for discussing this, but let us take this elsewhere. This is a thread dedicated to praising the Holy Spirit!

Hi edwinG,

I realise that this is not the thread for discussions relating to Mary, but allow me to butt in.

EdwinG, I understand that you’re concerned about us, that we may be doing something which is not right in God’s eyes, but I think there needs to a proper discussion on this (elsewhere), if you are truely seeking the truth.

God wants us to love him with all our mind as well. If we do not do our part, he isn’t going to spoil us and give us all the answers. We must all be searching and be open, and at the same time being discerning. Like it or not, all of us have our own prejudices, especially with regard to religious differences. The chances are, this is one of them. Do pray about it, yes, but please do not neglect to be open to what was and is discussed here and in the previous thread, and continue to seek the answers actively. Remember that the Holy Spirit works in Catholics too, and there are those filled with the Holy Spirit yet ask Mary to intercede for us.

Now, as for your belief regarding the saints in heaven, Revelation 5:8 seems to indicate that they do not necessarily “rest”, as in “do nothing”, but are given tasks to do. Here in this passage, we see that they are presenting our prayers to God. That’s intercession: “And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints”. Same thing happens in Rev 8:3, this time with angels: “And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne”. Saints and angels are powerful intercessors, because they have been purified and made perfect by God. There is nothing which blocks their prayers to God. Remember that the rich man interceded for his family even while in torment. How much more would saints in heaven, who are perfected in their love, want to intercede for us?

Likewise, Mary, who is the Arc of the New Covenant, actively intercedes for us. This is why she is so powerful when invoked during Exorcisms - she is the weapon in the spiritual battlefield, more powerful than the Old Arc.

Anyway, the forums are open for discussing this, but let us take this elsewhere. This is a thread dedicated to praising the Holy Spirit!

I have become acquainted with those passages. I do not agree with your understanding of them. But this is beside the point. I do not say that as a rebuff to your post. I welcome your post. Maria and I are seeking the truth and working together in Christian love.
As Jesus sees the difficulty of our coming to agreement on this issue through scripture it may be the very reason He has suggested fasting. As our words are not benefiting each other and we are locked into opposing beliefs on this issue, I invite you TTM to join me in fasting and praying for understanding. I came on line to write to Maria about my fasting.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Hi Maria,
Well it is another day here. It is 8:13 on Monday the 6th December 04. Before going to bed I prayed about our difference concerning our relationship with Mary, where you ask Mary to aid you and I believe she is resting and not to be disturbed. Here is the answer. I am to fast. Funny answer. Well, my fast began at midnight 5/6 of December. We are in God’s hands. You will have to believe I am fasting, my fast will consist of water only without any additivies. I still maintain that Mary is resting. I guess I will hold onto this view unless something happens to change my mind. Obviously, if my mind is changed, I will stop fasting. If not , I will continue to fast and possibly your mind will be changed. I dont know, but here I am fasting.
Praise and glory be to our blessing Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Isnt it funny, I always thought of Jesus’s blood as spreading out to cover our sins, but no, His blood covers only Him and in Him , not outside of Him, are we blessed and washed clean. God continues to pour out His love on all of mankind but until we come and live in Jesus His blood does not work, the blood releases His blessings in our life.
My love to you Maria,
May Christ ever abound in you
Let love be your source of energy this day,
Hi Maria,
It is early in the evening here and I feel I must explain something to you in case you have not been involved before. Forgive me if what I say is old hat.
Our conversation and our search for the truth will attract attention by evil spiritual forces. You need to realise that you are just as much involved as I am and while I am fasting you are going to be attacked. Things are going to be out of kilter for you. You are going to have two left feet, things are going to go wrong, you may become sick or have pain. Arguments may crop up between friends, in fact anything that is likely to spoil your peace and health in Christ may fall upon you. Be wise and realize. Dont blame your 3 year old, Say oops it is evil that causes this, and hug her and dont lose your cool. Dont let anything get under your skin. Now nothing can happen to you except that which Christ allows, and He wont let you face any test that you are not ready for, so be sure that however difficult it may appear, you are going to be victorious and then flooded by his love and revelation. Dont be upset or think you have done anything wrong or His love is leaving you. Talk to me if you have any doubts.
I gave the names of these books to Alan from Witcitha ??? but he has not mentioned if he has developed an interest.
The books are in a set of three. I have two because the book shop only had two and they wont order.
Name- " The Christian in Complete Armour" A modernized abridgement of the Puritan Classic by William Gurnall.
Probably, I have never read such concisely packaged English. As prose, it is in the realm of poetry for its depth of meaning. It is purely from scripture, so it can not do any harm.
I would be so pleased to hear that you are reading this set of books. I feel positive that the original book would be too difficult except for an accomplished reader of old English. It was first published in 1665.
To me the truth is beyond words in its treasury. More precious that gold and silver and its revelation is sheer joy. We are digging for the truth.
May Christ abound in you
walk in love

All the way from here I sense the movement of the Holy Spirit in your heart. My prayer is with you. Clearly you are very good friends. It is intriguing that you begin your fast on the Feast of St. Nicholas.

In my pre-Catholic days, I always knew in a kind of pre-rational way, that Our Lady cared a great deal more for me than I did for her. I agree that she is “resting” – as in the “rest” of the Lord into which the Lord would not admit those who tempted him in the Desert. But, as in our Lord’s retort about why he healed on the Sabbath: I work because my Father is always working. Paradoxes, paradoxes. Our whole world in God is full of paradoxes.

Semper ad Amorem!
posted by EdwinG
Well it is another day here. It is 8:13 on Monday the 6th December 04. Before going to bed I prayed about our difference concerning our relationship with Mary, where you ask Mary to aid you and I believe she is resting and not to be disturbed. Here is the answer. I am to fast. Funny answer. Well, my fast began at midnight 5/6 of December. We are in God’s hands. You will have to believe I am fasting, my fast will consist of water only without any additivies. I still maintain that Mary is resting. I guess I will hold onto this view unless something happens to change my mind. Obviously, if my mind is changed, I will stop fasting. If not , I will continue to fast and possibly your mind will be changed. I dont know, but here I am fasting.
Wow! That is great! I will pray about this and see what God calls me to do. But I will say I will offer many prayers for you Edwin.
posted by EdwinG
It is early in the evening here and I feel I must explain something to you in case you have not been involved before. Forgive me if what I say is old hat.
Our conversation and our search for the truth will attract attention by evil spiritual forces. You need to realise that you are just as much involved as I am and while I am fasting you are going to be attacked.
I did not even realize that I may be attacked while you fast Edwin. Thank you for the heads up. I wish I had read it about 7hours ago. The attack has begun. I can only thank God that the joy of the Lord has been a constant and full companion to me the past week. Satan tried to steal my joy, lose my focus on Christ. I am happy to say that even before I read your post, I had regrouped and placed my trust in the Lord. Now that I realize where the attacks are coming from, I will put on the full armor of God.

Thank you Edwin for your faith in God. Thank you for the warning. You will be in my prayers as I know I will be in yours.

Your sister in Christ,
Hi edwinG,
I have become acquainted with those passages. I do not agree with your understanding of them. But this is beside the point. I do not say that as a rebuff to your post. I welcome your post. Maria and I are seeking the truth and working together in Christian love.
That’s fine, I respect your view. However, I think sometimes we can risk being overly “spiritual” (ie. neglecting to love God with our minds) and be blinded by our own preconceptions, as well as spiritual pride (the latter being a major blockage in the willingness to learn - yes, I know, I can be guilty of this too!). I guess that’s what I’m weary of.
As Jesus sees the difficulty of our coming to agreement on this issue through scripture it may be the very reason He has suggested fasting. As our words are not benefiting each other and we are locked into opposing beliefs on this issue, I invite you TTM to join me in fasting and praying for understanding.
Yes, fasting and prayer are great! Very powerful. As a matter of fact, I’ve requested prayer and fasting against the Civil Union Bill in New Zealand (read: legalization of Gay marriage), and I’m doing my best to keep it up (in half day lengths, on bread and water) - so please pray against this while you are at it!

God bless,
Hi there,

I’d just like to post the prayer of consecration to the Holy Spirit that I say in the morning. I began saying this prayer because I wanted him to work in me, at me, and through me. Without him, I can do nothing good. So, here it is:


On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses,
I offer myself soul and body to Thee,
Eternal Spirit of God.
I adore the brightness of Thy purity,
the unerring keenness of Thy justice,
and the might of Thy love.
Thou art the Strength and Light of my soul.
In Thee I live and move and am.
I desire never to grieve Thee by unfaithfulness to grace,
and I pray with all my heart to be kept
from the smallest sin against Thee.
Mercifully guard my every thought
and grant that I may always watch for Thy light
and listen to Thy voice
and follow Thy gracious inspirations.
I cling to Thee and give myself to Thee
and ask Thee by Thy compassion
to watch over me in my weakness.
Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus
and looking at His Five Wounds
and trusting in His Precious Blood
and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart,
I implore Thee Adorable Spirit,
helper of my infirmity,
so to keep me in Thy grace
that I may never sin against Thee.
Give me grace O Holy Ghost,
Spirit of the Father and the Son,
to say to Thee always and everywhere,
“Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth.”

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