Praises to the Holy Spirit! Please tell your story!

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Thanks for the prayer TTM,
I was going to print it out and pray with it tonight, and :hmmm: my printer which worked just fine 2 minutes ago won’t print it. I know I may sound slightly paranoid, but I feel as Satan is at work. This along with the other things that happened today, (too much to go into) and with EdwinG said to watch out for, :eek:

Anyway, I am just going to write it down. Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer.

Your sister in christ,

All the way from here I sense the movement of the Holy Spirit in your heart. My prayer is with you. Clearly you are very good friends. It is intriguing that you begin your fast on the Feast of St. Nicholas.

In my pre-Catholic days, I always knew in a kind of pre-rational way, that Our Lady cared a great deal more for me than I did for her. I agree that she is “resting” – as in the “rest” of the Lord into which the Lord would not admit those who tempted him in the Desert. But, as in our Lord’s retort about why he healed on the Sabbath: I work because my Father is always working. Paradoxes, paradoxes. Our whole world in God is full of paradoxes.

Semper ad Amorem!
Hi mercygate,
Thank you for your supportive and wonderful post. I was not aware of the occasion when I started my fast but it is nice to know I am in good company.
Yes Jesus is in charge of all days, including Saturday and like all days Saturday is a day of doing good. Christ does not want us bound to festivals or occasions, In Him is total sufficiency.
May you walk in Christ
and love
Hi edwinG,

That’s fine, I respect your view. However, I think sometimes we can risk being overly “spiritual” (ie. neglecting to love God with our minds) and be blinded by our own preconceptions, as well as spiritual pride (the latter being a major blockage in the willingness to learn - yes, I know, I can be guilty of this too!). I guess that’s what I’m weary of.

Yes, fasting and prayer are great! Very powerful. As a matter of fact, I’ve requested prayer and fasting against the Civil Union Bill in New Zealand (read: legalization of Gay marriage), and I’m doing my best to keep it up (in half day lengths, on bread and water) - so please pray against this while you are at it!

God bless,
I am not very well versed in appropriate action from a traditional viewpoint. My short intense Christian life of some 5 to 6 years ( since my re-awakening) and my calling (3 1/2) has been in the hands of His guidance. I would feel as if I were diluting the purpose of my fasting and prayer were I to add to the reasons. I am not saying this is so, just that I don’t know and for this reason I prefer to do one purpose fasting at a time.
Re the gay marriages. It sickens me. I was very opposed to homosexuals, especially males and then my son joined. Well my son is a lovely person with a wonderful heart. His situation led me to the true meaning of love the person and hate the sin. I really love my son and I really hate the sin, but my love for my son has not diminished. I prayed to God about this and asked that my son be released, because I felt my son was bearing this cross for me, so that I could learn to love the people and hate the sin. Now , with all my heart I understand, I feel his cross, for my part has been fulfilled and I have asked that he , my son , be released from this bondage. But I do not know His purpose, and accept His will.
I will pray for the New Zealand government.
Christ be with you TTM
Walk in love
Thanks for the prayer TTM,
I was going to print it out and pray with it tonight, and :hmmm: my printer which worked just fine 2 minutes ago won’t print it. I know I may sound slightly paranoid, but I feel as Satan is at work. This along with the other things that happened today, (too much to go into) and with EdwinG said to watch out for, :eek:

Anyway, I am just going to write it down. Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer.

Your sister in christ,
Hi Maria,
First I want to thank you for your prayers. What a huge strength this knowledge is to me.Today on the way home from teaching, I teach conversation English at a local school, the motorbike taxi I was on was involved in a tyre screeching episode, a taxi ( car) was too close to us. I could see the front of his bumper out of the corner of my eye. But these things are not as off putting as the multitude of little things that wont flow. Like your printer, you cant find some letter, and many many small things. But they add up if you are not carefull and your patience is finally tested. Just keep saying to yourself, " I know what is going on and I am in Christ." Old injuries, teeth and chronic stuff like sinus and headaches all rear their ugly heads. Be very careful with your daughter, I dont mean you are going to drop her, but she will try your patience and it wont be her. Satan will use her to get at you, I talk about your daughter because I know you have a 3 year old. My wife and I go through some testing times. Satan is no gentleman.
I am still fasting.
I feel you are being called Maria. Has Christ given you a specific work to do for Him. If not maybe this will happen shortly if you keep your awareness of His will in your life.
My prayers are with you,
obviously my thoughts are frequently on you and this issue
Before coming on line I read Luke 1:39-55
Walk in Christ
and in love
Hi Maria,
Thanks for the prayer TTM,
I was going to print it out and pray with it tonight, and :hmmm: my printer which worked just fine 2 minutes ago won’t print it. I know I may sound slightly paranoid, but I feel as Satan is at work.
you’re most welcome 😉

Hm. I would suggest the Rosary 😃 . It helps to have the protection of the Arc in spiritual warfare.

God bless,
Hi edwinG!
I am not very well versed in appropriate action from a traditional viewpoint. My short intense Christian life of some 5 to 6 years ( since my re-awakening) and my calling (3 1/2) has been in the hands of His guidance.
I am not sure that I am in any position to be advising you here, since I myself have been a Catholic/Christian for less than 2 years. It has been a phenominal time of growth for me, and I thank God for working in me, all the while revealing to me my unworthiness!

I think you what you have said is already the key; to let God guide you. We can do nothing on our own! This means that we must be open to him to speak to us, in our minds and through other people, and through our own response to his love - that is, the efforts we make with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Indeed, why else would we be seeking the Truth, if we were not moved by God himself? And will not God reward us for our search for him? Seek, and we shall find him.

It’s also necessary to remove the blockages that derail us from the path to the truth (that is, prevents God from guiding us). Forgiveness, for example, is crucial, because it affects everything that we do, everything we perceive. So, please forgive me if I have ever been a pain in the backside. 😃
I would feel as if I were diluting the purpose of my fasting and prayer were I to add to the reasons. I am not saying this is so, just that I don’t know and for this reason I prefer to do one purpose fasting at a time.
Yes, I know exactly what you mean. That’s fine, and I respect that.
Re the gay marriages. It sickens me. I was very opposed to homosexuals, especially males and then my son joined. Well my son is a lovely person with a wonderful heart. His situation led me to the true meaning of love the person and hate the sin. I really love my son and I really hate the sin, but my love for my son has not diminished.
Yes, I can see what a cross that would be. Yes, we must really love homosexuals themselves as Jesus loves us. It’s not easy, of course, especially when the people you care for sees you as trying to condemn them, when in reality we are not. 😦

If it is at all possible, I recommend you to read this and maybe prayerfully share this with your son (did I say prayerfully? 😉 :
(especially the section on “Is Change Possible?”)

I’ll be praying for your son.
I will pray for the New Zealand government.
Thank you!

Bless you,
Tell my story?..I’m not sure where to begin.

Just this morning, I was praying regarding my struggles with my perseverence in the faith because of my sinful tendencies and how God could help me overcome them…while praying, my four-year-old daughter started talking about a baseball game I had taken her to earlier this year. She was going on and on on how much she loved the fireworks display. Before that game, we couldn’t get her to come out of the house on the 4th of July to watch the fireworks because she was afraid of them. However, at the baseball game, I held her up high when they started the fireworks display and it was comforting to her.

My 4-year-old daughter is not a girl of many words. To have her carry on about something that happened several months prior was very nice to see. It was a very pleasureable experience for her and she wanted to share it with her father. It was God’s way of telling me that He has been pleased with my actions. I was very humbled by the experience because I am a servent of the Lord and am thankful he entrusted me with the care of our daughters and my wife (we have four girls).

I teared up because I realized that I have been truly blessed by God. Every time in my life that I asked God for help, he has supplied me with the answers. Any doubt I have encountered, God has alieviated the doubt with a response.

I pray often that others in my life would experience this peace of mind knowing God will answer our prayers always. I see others struggle with faith day after day, year after year, and never recognizing the power that the Holy Spirit wants them to draw nearer to Christ. I also am confident God will reach those I am praying for because I’ve seen some of my loved ones become transformed, or in the process of becoming transformed. Not all in my life have been changed towards Christ yet, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is working in them.
posted by EdwinG

Like your printer, you cant find some letter, and many many small things. But they add up if you are not carefull and your patience is finally tested. Just keep saying to yourself, " I know what is going on and I am in Christ." Old injuries, teeth and chronic stuff like sinus and headaches all rear their ugly heads.
I am good company then! I would not have thought about the injuries and stuff. Thanks. Kind of funny, this morning I woke up and thought, oh no, looks like I’m going to get a sinus infection again. Then I get online and read this. 🙂
Be very careful with your daughter, I dont mean you are going to drop her, but she will try your patience and it wont be her. Satan will use her to get at you, I talk about your daughter because I know you have a 3 year old. My wife and I go through some testing times. Satan is no gentleman.
I will be very careful. It is a 3 year old son. I will have to just make an effort to spend extra time with him to head off any mischief Satan can cook up. **Once again, thank you for such specific warnings. **They really are very helpful for me.
I am still fasting.
I feel you are being called Maria. Has Christ given you a specific work to do for Him. If not maybe this will happen shortly if you keep your awareness of His will in your life.
My prayers are with you,
obviously my thoughts are frequently on you and this issue
Before coming on line I read Luke 1:39-55
Walk in Christ
and in love
You are right Edwin, I tried to post this last night, but the computer was acting up. I wanted to tell you that I am starting a clear liquid fast today.

Thank you for reading the Scripture about Mary. I prayed my prayers last night, earlier than usual:) I did not ask Mary to pray for anything for me last night. But I prayed for you, me and my family. As I write this, I realized I did not pray for your family. I will do so now.

God lead us to all truth. Show us what you want us to learn. Protect us and our families as we seek this truth. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
posted by Stylteralmaldo
I pray often that others in my life would experience this peace of mind knowing God will answer our prayers always. I see others struggle with faith day after day, year after year, and never recognizing the power that the Holy Spirit wants them to draw nearer to Christ. I also am confident God will reach those I am praying for because I’ve seen some of my loved ones become transformed, or in the process of becoming transformed. Not all in my life have been changed towards Christ yet, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is working in them.
It is so awesome when we see the small ways that God is constantly blessing us. And to have the confidence in God to know that He is working on those you have been praying for. That is a gift all in itself.

edwinG and MariaG (?)! – has it occurred to you that since the Holy Spirit is Our Lady’s spouse, you can’t really get close to one of them without encountering the other?
edwinG and MariaG (?)! – has it occurred to you that since the Holy Spirit is Our Lady’s spouse, you can’t really get close to one of them without encountering the other?
I know that I never used to understand the Catholic position and belief. I know I prayed to God alone to show me the truth. I know that I now am a 100% practicing Catholic Christian who completely understands and loves Our Blessed Mother and frequently asks her to pray for me.

Understanding, head and heart, of the Blessed Mother can happen through prayers to God alone, it did for me. It would be wrong for Edwin to ask for prayers from those who he believes are unable to pray for us. He asked me to pray to God alone and not include Mary in my evening prayers. I completely understand where he is coming from, and choose to honor his request. I asked Him to read Scripture about Mary and ask God to show him why Catholic Christians love Mary so much.

I trust in God to let the truth be revealed.

Your sister in Christ,
Praise to you oh Lord. My head hurts with a huge headache, but I can do all things through Christ.

Praise to you oh Lord, I have not eaten all day yet I am not hungry.

Praise to you oh Lord. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading and guiding me today. As I did my liquid fast today, seeking truth with Edwin, I had You as my constant companion. When I wavered and thought what did it matter if I ate or not, You strengthened my resolve. Help me to continue to not look past this moment. Help me to live for You now, and not worry what the future will bring, (or when food will be in it!) Thank you Holy Spirit!

Praise to you oh Lord. My head hurts with a huge headache, but I can do all things through Christ.

Praise to you oh Lord, I have not eaten all day yet I am not hungry.

Praise to you oh Lord. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading and guiding me today. As I did my liquid fast today, seeking truth with Edwin, I had You as my constant companion. When I wavered and thought what did it matter if I ate or not, You strengthened my resolve. Help me to continue to not look past this moment. Help me to live for You now, and not worry what the future will bring, (or when food will be in it!) Thank you Holy Spirit!

Rule # 1, when one fasts one is suppossed to keep it between one and God, not let everyone know one is fasting:
Tell my story?..I’m not sure where to begin.

Just this morning, I was praying regarding my struggles with my perseverence in the faith because of my sinful tendencies and how God could help me overcome them…while praying, my four-year-old daughter started talking about a baseball game I had taken her to earlier this year. She was going on and on on how much she loved the fireworks display. Before that game, we couldn’t get her to come out of the house on the 4th of July to watch the fireworks because she was afraid of them. However, at the baseball game, I held her up high when they started the fireworks display and it was comforting to her.

My 4-year-old daughter is not a girl of many words. To have her carry on about something that happened several months prior was very nice to see. It was a very pleasureable experience for her and she wanted to share it with her father. It was God’s way of telling me that He has been pleased with my actions. I was very humbled by the experience because I am a servent of the Lord and am thankful he entrusted me with the care of our daughters and my wife (we have four girls).

I teared up because I realized that I have been truly blessed by God. Every time in my life that I asked God for help, he has supplied me with the answers. Any doubt I have encountered, God has alieviated the doubt with a response.

I pray often that others in my life would experience this peace of mind knowing God will answer our prayers always. I see others struggle with faith day after day, year after year, and never recognizing the power that the Holy Spirit wants them to draw nearer to Christ. I also am confident God will reach those I am praying for because I’ve seen some of my loved ones become transformed, or in the process of becoming transformed. Not all in my life have been changed towards Christ yet, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that God is working in them.
Hi Stylteralmaldo,
What a great witness, Often the witnessing we do is not earthshattering to anyone on the outside, but to those who have experienced His wonderful loving ways, His revelation of the truth, His easy yoke, His leading, ( and this word, leading, has a true meaning) His gentleness and His surety, but to us who have received it is always a joy and edifying.
Thank you for sharing.
May Christ grow in you
walk in love
Hi edwinG!

I am not sure that I am in any position to be advising you here, since I myself have been a Catholic/Christian for less than 2 years. It has been a phenominal time of growth for me, and I thank God for working in me, all the while revealing to me my unworthiness!

I think you what you have said is already the key; to let God guide you. We can do nothing on our own! This means that we must be open to him to speak to us, in our minds and through other people, and through our own response to his love - that is, the efforts we make with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Indeed, why else would we be seeking the Truth, if we were not moved by God himself? And will not God reward us for our search for him? Seek, and we shall find him.

It’s also necessary to remove the blockages that derail us from the path to the truth (that is, prevents God from guiding us). Forgiveness, for example, is crucial, because it affects everything that we do, everything we perceive. So, please forgive me if I have ever been a pain in the backside. 😃

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. That’s fine, and I respect that.

Yes, I can see what a cross that would be. Yes, we must really love homosexuals themselves as Jesus loves us. It’s not easy, of course, especially when the people you care for sees you as trying to condemn them, when in reality we are not. 😦

If it is at all possible, I recommend you to read this and maybe prayerfully share this with your son (did I say prayerfully? 😉 :
(especially the section on “Is Change Possible?”)

I’ll be praying for your son.

Thank you!

Bless you,
Thank you so much for you support to Maria and myself.
I am sure Maria is encouraged and strengthened as I am.
May Christ grow in you
walk in love
edwinG and MariaG (?)! – has it occurred to you that since the Holy Spirit is Our Lady’s spouse, you can’t really get close to one of them without encountering the other?
Hi mercygate,
I have read Maria’s post and I agree wholeheartedly with her. We are seeking the truth from God in Jesus’s Holy name and know the Holy Spirit will lead us to the truth.
By fasting and through prayer we hope to show our sincerity to our Lord Jesus.
Of course you are very welcome to join this fast and prayer occasion. Maybe using the members here on this list we can organise a perpetual fast, each in turn sharing the load in his own fasting technique. Do you have any ideas on this? The thought just popped into my head.
May Christ grow in you
walk in love
Praise to you oh Lord. My head hurts with a huge headache, but I can do all things through Christ.

Praise to you oh Lord, I have not eaten all day yet I am not hungry.

Praise to you oh Lord. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading and guiding me today. As I did my liquid fast today, seeking truth with Edwin, I had You as my constant companion. When I wavered and thought what did it matter if I ate or not, You strengthened my resolve. Help me to continue to not look past this moment. Help me to live for You now, and not worry what the future will bring, (or when food will be in it!) Thank you Holy Spirit!

Hi Maria,
My heart goes out to you. My headache was only small ( a nuisance) and it went after the 2nd day. In Matthew 15:32 " Now Jesus called His disciples to Himself and said," I have compassion on the multitude because they have now continued with Me three days and have nothing to eat.And I do not want to send them away hungry lest they faint on the way."
Jesus kicks in. I suffer from tiredness, but not when I am actually working, but when the work finishes like between classes and at home, but my normal bed time is more like 12 O’clock, which is too late as it should be around 10:30, but last night I went to bed at 7:30.
As I said to you before Maria, Jesus has placed me in circumstances which make my life very easy.
Your life is not your own. You have a three year old boy to care for and you have to give a lot of attention to him and cook for him and care for him as well as you normal work and daily activities. You should recognise your circumstances. I do know this though, if you have an overwhelming desire to eat and you do, know this, it is God’s will. You have to trust in the Holy Spirit. If you are sincere and against your will you eat, accept this as His will.
Some many months ago, I was feeling bullet proof and felt I could overcome eating completely to my satisfaction , by being complete boss of my food intake, but one night I stood at the door of the fridge and I could not leave. My stomach was bursting with the food in it and still I could not stop eating. That really scared me. I try very hard not to get in front of Him now and to wait patiently for Him, knowing that what is happening to me is His will ( permissive), even if I dont understand.
Having said this, I know that Christ is very pleased that our thoughts are with Him, confirmed by our actions.
My fast continues.
My prayers are with you and your family,
I pray Christ will grow abundantly in you Maria,
May love be the source of your strength,
Hi misericordie,
Yes that is a rule, but the Law of Liberty is the truth. What Maria and I are doing is pleasing to Jesus: we are aware of this as we are the participants and He is helping us.
If our public display is displeasing to you, I pray that you do not follow this thread because we dont want our faith to cause you to be unsettled.
I recognise your compassion in not wanting us to waste our good works. I love your cartoons. Gems.
Please assist us in this,
Christ be with you
walk in love

All the way from here I sense the movement of the Holy Spirit in your heart. My prayer is with you. Clearly you are very good friends. It is intriguing that you begin your fast on the Feast of St. Nicholas.

In my pre-Catholic days, I always knew in a kind of pre-rational way, that Our Lady cared a great deal more for me than I did for her. I agree that she is “resting” – as in the “rest” of the Lord into which the Lord would not admit those who tempted him in the Desert. But, as in our Lord’s retort about why he healed on the Sabbath: I work because my Father is always working. Paradoxes, paradoxes. Our whole world in God is full of paradoxes.

Semper ad Amorem!
Hi mercygate,
It is another day, and I was just coasting down to find a posts of Maria to give some information to her and I saw and read your post again,
Yes God never stops working because He is always pouring out His love on all of creation. Judgement doesnt come until Christ comes. In the mean time He is moved only by love. Which involves protecting some against others and in pruning those He loves, but only in love is He moved. As is Christ.
May Christ fill you
walk in love
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