Union Station, unfortunately, has a big misinformation
booth near one of its main doors. It’s unfortunate
they couldn’t at least have something with the
opposing viewpoint. I have to give the KC Star (the
big newspaper in Greater K.C.) credit in that they had
an article once with both arguments. This will affect
us all not as some precedent, but it will only add big
time to reasons God should send chastisements sooner.
With the Church getting back on its feet more (we
could still do with a low or no influence position for
clerics like L.A.'s Cardinal) and conserve values
getting more adherents (though not to all values)
amongst the youth, more time would be great! I fear
for so many souls going south in their winter–a most
unpleasant place for souls.
I don’t want to make God sound like a tyrant. After
all, the sooner the chastisement, the less souls that
would go to Hell because there would not be all the
materialism and smut if Earth went berzerk for some
days on us. Obviously, there are always opportunists
(unless, like the great flood of Noah’s day, they
would be wiped out), but less soul drain from all the
bad media and literature. Also, many would cry for
mercy and repent. That is a kind of mercy for this
generation when Divine Mercy devotions and other
positive incentives as well as smaller negative ones
like 9/11 (yes, small compared to an ultimate
chastisement) don’t hold the attention of those who
still don’t get it. I am still wimpy when put to the
test. I still get weak. I still watch questionable
entertainment at times even though I don’t seek out
hellbait. I may need the worse negative stuff if I
don’t get my act together. I have an idea though for
something to contemplate on.
Have you ever read the Good Friday liturgy in La tin
Mass Missals? Over the course of some stanzas, it has
Jesus saying how he did all these good things for us
and look what we do in return. He then asks (as a
kind of refrain) what had he done to deserve that?
“Answer me!” There is a N.O. version that uses a
period instead of an exclamation point there but,
unless you had someone looking like a sad, inquiring
Jesus saying those lines, it wouldn’t have an equally
powerful effect.