Pray for Missouri! Pray for us all!

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Pray for the Amendment 2 to be defeated early November in the ballots. Its passage would allow unrestricted embryonic stem cell research and probably all they do to get those cells. (.com?) have more.

Let’s slow chastisement!
Yes, please pray for us. I live in Missouri and I can testify that we’ve been beaten when it comes to funding and advertising. The wording of the amendment is so misleading, that there is virtually no hope of people figuring it out at the polling booth. People will think they’re voting AGAINST human cloning, when in fact they’re voting FOR it.

We’ve just begun our volunteer mobilization, and it’s an uphill battle. I’ll be handing out yard signs and bumper stickers to parishioners after mass this Sunday.

You just won’t believe how bad the amendment really is – in addition to changing our state’s constitution to allow for human cloning and embryonic stem cell research, it also makes funding for such procedures a top priority of the state – above funding for all child and family services, etc. In addition, the amendment makes it virtually illegal to attempt any legal challenges to the amendment. Lastly, it’s worded in such a way that it looks like a proposition actually banning human cloning, when it fact that is what it’s designed to promote.

All the odds are stacked against us. All we have left now is prayer for a miracle.
Union Station, unfortunately, has a big misinformation
booth near one of its main doors. It’s unfortunate
they couldn’t at least have something with the
opposing viewpoint. I have to give the KC Star (the
big newspaper in Greater K.C.) credit in that they had
an article once with both arguments. This will affect
us all not as some precedent, but it will only add big
time to reasons God should send chastisements sooner.
With the Church getting back on its feet more (we
could still do with a low or no influence position for
clerics like L.A.'s Cardinal) and conserve values
getting more adherents (though not to all values)
amongst the youth, more time would be great! I fear
for so many souls going south in their winter–a most
unpleasant place for souls.

I don’t want to make God sound like a tyrant. After
all, the sooner the chastisement, the less souls that
would go to Hell because there would not be all the
materialism and smut if Earth went berzerk for some
days on us. Obviously, there are always opportunists
(unless, like the great flood of Noah’s day, they
would be wiped out), but less soul drain from all the
bad media and literature. Also, many would cry for
mercy and repent. That is a kind of mercy for this
generation when Divine Mercy devotions and other
positive incentives as well as smaller negative ones
like 9/11 (yes, small compared to an ultimate
chastisement) don’t hold the attention of those who
still don’t get it. I am still wimpy when put to the
test. I still get weak. I still watch questionable
entertainment at times even though I don’t seek out
hellbait. I may need the worse negative stuff if I
don’t get my act together. I have an idea though for
something to contemplate on.

Have you ever read the Good Friday liturgy in La tin
Mass Missals? Over the course of some stanzas, it has
Jesus saying how he did all these good things for us
and look what we do in return. He then asks (as a
kind of refrain) what had he done to deserve that?
“Answer me!” There is a N.O. version that uses a
period instead of an exclamation point there but,
unless you had someone looking like a sad, inquiring
Jesus saying those lines, it wouldn’t have an equally
powerful effect.
I understand that they can do what they want to get those embryonic cells if the amendment passes.

There is a site called that filmed an event at a Babtist church in KC, Mo., where the Bishop of KC Missouri (Finn) and Alan Keyes gave talks (I didn’t know the latter could be so animated!). A doctor gave evidence how the embryo is fully human and a preacher, I heard, made some good points also. I could have gone but regrettably forgot the date and missed it. I’ll have to see if the DVD can be bought from there.
Knights of Columbus already on the case. $250,000 donated toward fighting Amendment 2, and word has it another $250,000 is on the way. In contrast, we’re going up against a well funded adversary. Supporters of Amendment 2 have put up $16 million dollars for advertisement. Nothing is going to defeat this thing except a total grassroots campaign, coupled with a miracle of God. Pray for rain on November 7th – lots of it! Personally, I’m praying for a blizzard – especially in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas. Supporters of Amendment 2 are the type who would be more likely to stay at home and not vote under such weather conditions.

The misinformation campaign sponsored by supporters of Amendment 2 is amazing. They’re telling people it will ban human cloning, when in fact, it actually funds it. They’re leading people to believe that if they vote for this amendment on November 7th, their suffering loved one is going to leap out of his wheelchair on November 8th. It truly is sickening what they’re doing!
Knights of Columbus already on the case. $250,000 donated toward fighting Amendment 2, and word has it another $250,000 is on the way. In contrast, we’re going up against a well funded adversary. Supporters of Amendment 2 have put up $16 million dollars for advertisement. Nothing is going to defeat this thing except a total grassroots campaign, coupled with a miracle of God. Pray for rain on November 7th – lots of it! Personally, I’m praying for a blizzard – especially in the St. Louis and Kansas City areas. Supporters of Amendment 2 are the type who would be more likely to stay at home and not vote under such weather conditions.
Things like this are why I am proud to be a Knight.
Missouri voters - BEWARE! THe ballot’s explanation on amendment 2 is not an accurate portrayl. If this amendment is passed, your state will not only promise unlimited funds for human cloning and embryonic stem cell harvesting, it will grant constitutional protection carte blanche for all those involved in this industry. It will also set a prececdent for the other 49 states as well, just as Roe v. Wade did almost 30 yrs ago.

Missourians, is there any way to get the truth out before the vote? Can you wage a peaceful protest outside Stouwers Institute?

Myself, I’m planning a Novena for you all. You are now on the front line in the Battle of Life vs. Death. Prayer will be the most effective, but we also need education for the voters.

I’m also praying for the couple who has fronted the majority of this amendment (the last number I heard was 30 million). We will definitely need the Holy Spirit’s guidance here!

For in depth info, see and
It is true. What the voters will see on the ballot makes it look like they will be voting** against cloning** while they will be doing just the opposite: voting for cloning. The fine print in the Ammendment is very confusing and deliberately so. There is not one generally sounding good provision which has not been contradicted and overwritten by a superceding clause as one moves deeper into the document. So if someone is:

[sign]Confused - simply vote NO.[/sign]
Missourians, is there any way to get the truth out before the vote? Can you wage a peaceful protest outside Stouwers Institute?
There’s a lot going on here. Our church has hosted two speakers-one during the K of C meeting and one during the women’s group meeting. Our diocese (Springfield-Cape Girardeau) has put together a video that our church showed before all the Masses this weekend. I thought that was a fabulous idea, since not everyone is able to get out during the week to come to a talk, but they do get to Mass. I’m hoping that all the other churches have or will have shown this by the time election day comes around. I also listen often to the Bott Radio network (a protestant network) and they have spent all kinds of time on the issue.

I’m hoping this sort of thing is going on all over the state and a quiet majority will stand up for what’s right. The no cloning side may not have the money, but from where I sit, there is a wonderful word of mouth effort going on.

We still need lots of prayers, though. My husband is convinced that there’s no way this will pass; I’m hoping he’s right!
You can find the surveys of candidates at Missouri Catholic.Org

We need to pray, vote and be prepared. I am copying all the information I can, to print out as fliers for the Poll I am assigned to vote at. Missouri Catholics need to vote and to hand out information to show how the wording of Amendment 2 is designed to decieve.
We still need lots of prayers, though. My husband is convinced that there’s no way this will pass; I’m hoping he’s right!
Prayer is the most important thing here. Pray as Esther prayed when Haman ordered that all Jews be killed. Pray as Susanna prayed when she was falsely accused. Pray as David prayed in the Psalm “De Profundis” (I don’t remember the number). Pray the Rosary, and go to Adoration as often as you can for the defeat of this amendment.

Many people think of Missouri as a conservative state…at least as far as morals go (in Southern Missouri, and the rural parts of Northern Missouri at least). If this passes here, it may convince others that it isn’t so bad, since a “conservative” state decided it was ok. This proposed amendment is dangerous on so many levels. It’s a good thing the dioceses of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, and the Archdiocese of Saint Louis both have outstanding bishops who are really working to educate people on this. God bless Bishop Finn and Archbishop Burke!
Did anyone catch the World Over last Friday on EWTN? They were talking about Ammendment 2. Our one digital channel was breaking up during most of the show and in fact we lost the last twenty minutes of the signal from Alabama completely. Did anyone else experience this problem?

The good new is it will be re-aired again Oct. 27.😦

One of the guests was Fr. Tad Pacholcyzk. {forgive me if I misspelled his name I can’t even pronounce it} :confused:
I think that the Michael J Fox ad may have assured Talents victory and killed the chance of Amendment 2 passing.
I think that the Michael J Fox ad may have assurend Talents victory and killed the chance of Amendment 2 passing.
??? I haven’t seen this, but I hope you’re right. The pro ads I’ve been hearing on the radio are just so maddening.

Another good thing–we got a letter from Bishop Liebrecht today that I’m assuming was mailed out all Catholics in our diocese. It contained a letter from him about the admendment and a flyer about it. Thank God for all good priests, bishops, and ministers of all denominations who are working so hard against this to educate their people.
Prayer is the most important thing here. Pray as Esther prayed when Haman ordered that all Jews be killed. Pray as Susanna prayed when she was falsely accused. Pray as David prayed in the Psalm “De Profundis” (I don’t remember the number). Pray the Rosary, and go to Adoration as often as you can for the defeat of this amendment.

Many people think of Missouri as a conservative state…at least as far as morals go (in Southern Missouri, and the rural parts of Northern Missouri at least). If this passes here, it may convince others that it isn’t so bad, since a “conservative” state decided it was ok. This proposed amendment is dangerous on so many levels. It’s a good thing the dioceses of Kansas City-Saint Joseph, and the Archdiocese of Saint Louis both have outstanding bishops who are really working to educate people on this. God bless Bishop Finn and Archbishop Burke!
Amen! Bishop Finn has arranged for the “Pilgrim Statue of Fatima” to visit all over our dioceses this week. It is here today at the Cathedral. He is battling with education and Prayer! A very good Bishop he is indeed. 👍
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