Prayer Requests #1

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Dear Grace:

Please pray for Grace McKinnon, whom many of you know through her appearances on EWTN or at conferences and retreats. As you know she is confined to a wheelchair, her legs are paralyzed and her hands and arms partially paralyzed, and drives an especially modified van. After a speaking engagement in Brownsville Tuesday night, she fell in side her van and remained undiscovered for nearly 48 hours. She was found Thursday morning and was still in intensive care Friday night. This report comes from local news channels and from an associate who called our organization to notify us why she could not speak at our event Friday evening. She is an inspiration to all who know her and who hear her testimony, a gifted retreat master, and a staunch witness to the Gospel. Please join all of us in the Valley in prayer for her recovery.

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us, and on the whole world.
From the thread Blasts at oil depot in UK PLEASE pray
Dear friends

There has been a huge explosion at an oil depot in the UK please offer your prayers. No details as yet but there are reportsw of casualties. The blast was felt and heard up to 40 miles away. Houses within one mile have had windows blown out, roofs blown off and doors buckled. Details are very sketchy as this happened at 6am this morning (UK time). Explosions still taking place. People are telephoning news stations and eye witness reports are terrifying some stating that they heard a low flying aircraft before the explosion happened, still no comfirmations officially on the cause of these explosions .

Please, please pray

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Please pray for my son Paul and his fiance Jesse. He and she are pagans and I wish they would return to Christianity. I worry that, since they live near DC, anything could happen and they would die with their souls not right with God. Please pray that they will be reunited with God. Thank you.
:gopray2: Your friend in Christ,
Cyndi Nelson
Also please pray for my family, who are not getting along and are fighting with each other, in particular, my little brother, my mum and my dad.

And please pray for the fighting in the southern part of Sydney to stop. Australian and Middle Eastern gangs have started roaming the area looking to damage things and hurt one another.
Dear friends

Smoke and flames reaching hundreds of feet into the sky, it is not possible to report adequately on the scene as police have limited how close reporters may get to the incident. It is the worse incident in respect of extent of fire and smoke in peacetime Europe, this smoke is visible from space. Thank God as yet there are no reported deaths, that is a miracle!

Read news report here…211055309990001

Thank you all for your prayers, the power of prayer changes the world by God’s grace.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Hello friends of Marie and mine. This is a note that maggideodae has put on the thread of the Chaplet and I took it upon myself to bring it here…I hope she doesn’t mind!

The doctors told us this morning there is no more they can do. The cat scans from his fall yesterday, revealed the cancer has spread to his brain in two spots. Growing fast. Most likely the Melanoma has fired its final shots.

I anointed my love this evening, we prayed together and he is being kept as comfortable as possible. Our beloved Lord should arrive to receive him home in the next 24/72 hours.

Through it all, I reflect on Gods great mercy and love. 44 years of battling the Malignant Enemy will soon be over. God’s Will be done. I praise Him for the miracle of 41 years of marriage to my Gene and the gift of three beautiful children. Three wonderful children, Gene should not have lived to have cherished and nurtured and watched them grow to be the fine young adults they are but for Gods grace so many times through all these years of Cancer. Gods Amazing Grace shall not die with our beloved…for God shall one day wipe away all of our tears.

“Jesus I Trust in You.”
Thank you Jesus for the faith of Marie and her husband Gene. Thank you that we have each other to journey with as we look with great hope to live eternally with You. Holy Mary, mother of God, be with Marie and Gene and cloak them with your mantle of love. Be with them as Gene falls asleep into his new life. For this I ask in the name of Christ…
I just got off the phone with my mom. My uncle, Bill, is in very bad shape. He has cancer in a few areas, as well as an aneurysm. He told my aunt on Saturday to take him to the hospital, where they found that the aneurysm has gotten bigger. They want to operate, but don’t know if he will make it long enough for them to operate. He is in so much pain from the cancer, which WAS getting better. The pain meds aren’t helping, either. Please pray that God will have mercy on his soul and for my aunt, who is devastated.

Oh Marie, I am so sorry. :crying: I pray for peace for the both of you.
Prayers for you and Gene, Marie. And for the rest of the intentions in this thread.
Oh Lord Jesus Christ who suffered so much for us, look down upon your servants as they prepare to surrender their beloved ones to your will. We commit them into your loving arms and release them knowing that your love and mercy is greater than ours will ever be.

Comfort those who weep O Lord and be with those who are pressing on to that end of the race that You have set before us all. Help us all to hurry with joy into your loving embrace.

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I am praying for all the intentions here.
Heavenly Father, in the strong Name of Your Son, our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, we ask that you pour out your blessings on each person & situation here. Lend Your calm, Your love, Your strength, to each one. Bless them with all blessings.
May each one feel the tangible Presence of God in the places where they find themselves. Give all Your peace, the peace that passes all understanding. Amen.

God bless all here.
I have been praying for all those here. I hope the Lord answers your prayers. I was in the emergency room yesterday. I have an infection on my foot that required me to have a cast. It was so painful when the doctors put it on but what was more painful was when they kept asking me where my guardian was. I told them that I didn’t have one. That I didn’t come in with one. Everyone in the emergency room had someone there except me. My boyfriend dropped me off at the bus stop and drove home because he was afraid that his parents would be angry at him for not being home when they were looking for him. So I pretty much crawled my way to the emergency room. Please ask the Lord to put more compassion in his heart. Please ask the Lord to help me through this rough time. Maybe I have to do everything alone, but at least I wish no one will look down on me like some people do.
I am praying for all of you guys.Have we heard anything on Maggie’s husband Gene?Mom of ones uncle???I love all of you guys I am praying for all your intentions.
Thank you for all your prayers. The Lord has shown me the truth. I am so thankful that He answered my prayer. Please continue to pray for me. I would like to get married. Please pray for me. I will continue to pray for all of you. Bless you all.
Lord, tonight, Tookie Williams is scheduled to die. Resting secure in the knowledge that You take no joy in the death of a sinner and that You will all men to be saved, I pray for the gift of repentence for him and I pray that he will receive it. I pray also for the families of his victims. Lord, may they be able to forgive, and through that forgiveness, be healed. May they receive Your peace and know that You love them. Amen.

I am praying for all on this thread, also. May you all find peace in Jesus and be given healing for your hearts and souls.
Please pray for me. I need wisdom and strength. My long-time boyfriend might break up with me tonight because he is angry, but he is not angry with me. He is just frustrated and might give up on our love. I have faith the Lord will not devastate us. Please pray that my boyfriend find the Lord’s peace and be merciful. Thank you. Bless you all.
The prayer is especially for Maggie/Marie and her beloved Gene and ALL here on this thread as they walk The Way of The Cross:

The Sixth Station

A woman wipes the face of Jesus

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you:

**Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. **

We have seen him without beauty or majesty, with no looks to attract our eyes. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not. His appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the children of men. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed.

Restore us, O Lord God of hosts:

**Show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved. **

O God, who before the passion of your only-begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Holy God,

**Holy and Mighty, **
Holy Immortal One,
Have mercy upon us.

Who, on Christ’s dear mother gazing,
in her trouble so amazing,
born of woman, would not weep?
A co-worker’s wife just gave birth to twin babies. The babies were only 24 weeks along and weigh about a pound each. They have holes in their hearts which apparantly is quite common for preemies, but otherwise they seem stable right now. Please keep them in your prayers. Thank you!
Prayers for my brother-in-law who is suffering severe back pain and just received the doctor’s diagnosis that he has a torn disc. We are now just awaiting a follow-up visit to find out how it will be treated.
We praise you and glorify you Lord for Your great gift of bringing Gene home at the Hour of Mercy…the very hour You expired for him and for all. How so sensitive of Your most Sacred Heart to grant such a grace upon Your servant, Gene and his wonderful faithful wife, Marie. We bless You for our community here and may you comfort Marie and her family as they gather to comfort each other. May the mantle of Our Lady be upon Marie and those that she loves and protect her/family from the darts of the Evil One.

May maggieodae kiss Your face, oh Lord, during this time…❤️

Continued prayers for all of the intentions of those who are in need of God’s great mercy…may all of the intentions and the prayers become like incense before His Holy Throne…
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