Prayer to Pachemama

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In context this has to do with the Temple of God in the sense of our bodies (and possible marriage).

But in a secondary sense the Temple of God, is also supposed to be reflected in our Churches too. So this has an extended meaning. . .
2nd CORINTHIANS 6:15-18 15 What accord has Christ with Be′lial?
Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 16
What agreement has the temple of God with idols?
For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
“I will live in them and move among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
17 Therefore come out from them,
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
and touch nothing unclean;
then I will welcome you,
18 and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be my sons and daughters,
says the Lord Almighty.”
Emphasis mine.
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The Incan prayers do make you think about why we are short on invoking the prayers of Our Lady for the health of the precious earth on which our nourishment and existence depend. We have taken the earth for granted and failed abysmally to recognise it as a gift of God to be blessed and honoured.
While we don’t offer sacrifices to Mother Mary for her to eat or drink, those with a devotion to her have pleaded for her intercessions for protections, good harvest, good weather, good health, about anything good we need her prayer requests and assistance for.

If there are offerings for pacha to eat or drink, that’s not Mama Mary. That’s an idol. Christ is the sacrificial offering and Mother Mary is our intercessor through prayer. She prays for us and only does God’s Will.
The Incan prayers do make you think about why we are short on invoking the prayers of Our Lady for the health of the precious earth on which our nourishment and existence depend. We have taken the earth for granted and failed abysmally to recognise it as a gift of God to be blessed and honoured.
While we don’t offer sacrifices to Mother Mary for her to eat or drink, those with a devotion to her have pleaded for her intercessions for protections, good harvest, good weather, good health, about anything good we need her prayer requests and assistance for.

If there are offerings for pacha to eat or drink, that’s not Mama Mary. That’s an idol. Christ is the sacrificial offering and Mother Mary is our intercessor through prayer. She prays for us and only does God’s Will.
(Note that I did say that we invoke the prayers of Our Lady rather than worship her.)

Pagans didn’t have a way of distinguishing between God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit… and the Saints. Can’t really criticise them for that.

Mary is regarded by Catholics as a powerful intercessor and number one Saint. A highly revered and venerated symbol of motherhood and fertility. It’s not a great leap to see how the Gospel could recognise a symbol of pregnant, fertile, motherhood as satisfied by the Holy Mothers intercessions in the light of Christ. And in this age where our world idolises methods of infertility and regards fertility as a curse to sexual freedom… could we not learn how nature requires the ultimate respect for this precious gift of God. Fertility and birth. Our survival and spiritual health depend on those principles.
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t’s not a great leap to see how the Gospel could recognise a symbol of pregnant, fertile, motherhood as satisfied by the Holy Mothers intercessions in the light of Christ.
I 100% agree with you.

Funny story, I was a quasi new age pagan before my conversion to Catholicism.

In formation class toward the end of my conversion journey, my teacher told me to pick a saint. I said, “Oscar” for Bishop Romero. Teacher denied my request because he was not a saint in the church yet (it would be about 2 more decades).

I had heard of Brid and Saint Brigid and liked that St. Brigid was the patroness of cows and beer and dairy products. So, I picked St. Brigid, or really she picked me.

So one day shortly after my reception into the church, I excitedly asked my Irish confessor if he was “familiar with Saint Brigid, a pagan goddess that incarnated to follow Christ and become a Catholic saint”. I’ll never forget the incredulous look on his face. I don’t know if he wanted to laugh out loud or run out of the confessional. He was so sweet though and responded that “it wasn’t exactly” what we Catholics believed about her. But, boy, what I did learn about her over the years, I’m glad she picked me because she was just what I needed at the right times.
From LifeSiteNews and Fr. Mitch Pacwa . . . .
. . . Pacwa, who is familiar with Pachamama worship from his work in Peru, was not impressed by the attempts of the Vatican’s Communications team to spin the figures as mere symbols of fertility and motherhood.

“Knock it off,” he said with uncharacteristic anger. “We’re not stupid. We’re not. This is an idol.”

One fruit of syncretistic Catholic interest in Pachamama has the appearance of a prayer to the pagan goddess published by the Mission Office of the Italian Bishops’ Conference.

Pacwa went on to read part of a “prayer” to Pachamama that was published by the Mission Office of the Italian Bishops’ Conference in the leadup to the Amazon Synod: “Pachamama of these places, drink and eat as much as you like of these offerings, so that this land may be fruitful. Pachamama, good Mother, be propitious!”

“Stop,” Pacwa shouted. “You’re talking about making an offering to a goddess that the people of the Andes put higher than Jesus and his Blessed Mother.”

The priest told his audience that “Pachamama was still adored and worshipped in Peru, especially in the mountains.

“She was part of a hierarchy of deities,” Pacwa explained.

“The gods of the mountains were the chief deities. Pachamama, or Mother Earth, was under them. Below Pachamama were Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the saints. And then the rest of us. So they had integrated Pachamama into a pseudo-Catholic view of the world.”

Pacwa stressed that there is only one God, one God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

“There is no other god!” he proclaimed.

The priest said he hoped that the Conference of Italian Bishops had no idea the prayer had been published in their name. . . .

. . . do we look to Pachamama to give her sacrifices, something we may not do to the Blessed Mother! We cannot offer her sacrifices! Sacrifices are offered to God and to God alone!” he continued,. “This other nonsense has to stop. And it’s spreading.”
(Bold mine)

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“Knock it off,” he said with uncharacteristic anger. “We’re not stupid. We’re not. This is an idol.”
Father Packwa is correct in his assessment. We are not stupid and many of us have been protesting here on various CAF threads, against idol worship that involved pacha mama.

As we were doing so, the Vatican and various bishops were either in full denial or pleading ignorance.

Are we, the more tradition-minded Catholics, able to see what is plain to see, while our church hierarchy are incapable of seeing the obvious?
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You might want to read the preceding posts to get the gist of the matter.
I am still confused.
I have been reading posts, listening to the news, reading the press releases from the Vatican, and watching recordings of the proceedings.

I have no idea what is going on.

Is it possible that my Pope has no idea what is going on around him, does not get advised about the ceremonies he will be involved in, and does not care to explain?

Or is my Pope complicit in what appears to be a clear violation of the 1st commandment?

I cannot see any other possibilities here.
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