I suppose it depends on what you mean by “reparation”. If you are talking about fixing the offense you made to God for real, well, thank goodness Jesus did that, because what in the world could we offer to God that we didn’t receive, etc? Our recitation does not fix that. It can’t. Neither can doing charity or scripture reading.
However, it can partly repair us. Any prayer whatsoever addressed to God is a good thing that should bring about good effects in us for having prayed it. Praise offered to Jesus (blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus) is good for us and rectifies our minds. The prayers of others for us (pray for us sinners now) should be helpful to us.
Our saying of any penance, no matter what its content, is saying to God that we are sorry. God will not despise a humble and contrite heart Ps51. Our prayer is the expression of that. Expressions like that are healthly and restorative to us; they fix us (at least a little).
Note, the hail mary is Not part of absolution. It is the priest’s attempt at offering some healthful activity to repair you. It also applies to “temporal” punishments. (as opposed to eternal).