thank you peter46. I am sorry to hear that you are going through the same difficult circumstance that I am going through right now. I dont know what else to do right now, but I feel like I have my answer be what it may. I was listening to a tape on marriage counselling although dh is not here to do it with me and trying to make sense of what I did wrong in the marriage. I hope this will help me in some form.hi mariam, i am also praying for you and your marriage. i can relate so much to you, a few months back i too was at a point where i was crying a lot, i couldn’t eat, everything that i did took so much effort. thank God that only lasted for a few months, i began to pray differently, i began to rely on what God was wanting me to do. i has been a very painful journey for me, unfortunately i was the one who hurt my wife so much that she asked me to leave. at that point i was blaming everyone except myself, i am now in therapy and praying more than ever. i feel that God is really molding me into the kind of man that i was supposed to be. i have since expressed sincere regret for my actions.
since i have began to pray and asked religous orders to pray for me and my marriage i have seen what seemed like an impossible task turn into something that will indeed be hard, but seems doable. i have changed my life around, i am really starting to live my faith and learn more about it. i thank God for this trial, i thank my wife for not putting up with me. now i pray that she can show me some mercy and allow me to be the husband that God wants me to be.
I will pray for you too… and God Bless~