QUOTE] tabsieI can’t make any claim to know anything that anybody else doesn’t, but some things in the Bible always made me wonder exactly how the “pre-destined” thing worked myself.
Look at Abraham: “If there are only 5 good people, are you still going to destroy the city?”
“No, if you find five good people, I won’t destroy the city.”
Look at Jonah: God would have destroyed the city and everyone in it, human or animal, if Jonah hadn’t gone and preached to them, and thus saved them all.
I don’t begin to pretend that my assessment might be “right,” but it’s something that I’ve considered. God is
totally all powerful. He’s not constrained by ANYTHING. And time doesn’t really exist,
If God is all-powerful, and He is, then it would seem to ME (this isn’t Catholic teaching, so you can discard it if you want to) that God should be able to modify things within time, so that the outcome differs depending on His absolute Divine Will.
NOTE: Because of the length of the post and my reply this will be on two cosecutive post… it’s too important to shorten it further.
Thank you for pointing out that this “is NOT a Catholic teaching.” Actually its not even “Chrsitian” " in that it denies the Very Divine Nature of God.
Simply put we can define God’s Nature as " Only Everything good… Perfectly."
What we are saying is that **God, by God’s own Divine Nature must be, has to be **“all good” and cannot do or cause evil. [He can and does PERMIT Evil but that is NOT causing it.]
So in you’re premise, God being as you say “All-Powerful” could modify things to come into line with His Will for us."
Actually, God cannot do this, because if He did, He would not be the "Only and all Perfect God that God must be.
In order to do as you suggest {because we are human we cannot truly know and understand the mind and heart of God … Isaiah 55: 6-9,} we tend to these type of judgements, somewhat naturally. But God has endowed every human person with
Super natural Spiritual gifts, for a very specific purpose. These gifts include our minds, intellects, the ability to reason, our freewills, and that which annimates all of these gifts and also our physical bodies; our very souls. We should note that no two human beings are exactly alike, because of these spiritual gifts.
**These gifts are given to humanity, that "we might know, love and serve the Lord in this world so that we can be happy with Him in the next. **
Isaiah 43: 7 "every one who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."
Isaiah 43: 21 “the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.”
So God would have to give up being God if He were to overide our freewill and intellect, given to us precisely to PROVE our Love of Him.
It is precisely with this understanding that we can know with complete certitude, that “Biblical Predestination” speaks only "of God being “all-knowing” and thus aware of what decisions we will make, without influencing our decisions towards evil.
** Catholic Holy Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Confession are clear and abiding evidence that God does go way out of the way to save us. BUT IT IS ALWAYS our personal choice, and God simply affirms what we ourselves have decided will be our eternal fate!**
It helps me to think of Predestination as a framework. God knows what He wants to have done and He picks and chooses when and where and how He lets things happen. He has absolute control.
NO!, God could have, but does not have “absolute control” because God CANNOT violate our freewill and intellect, and still be a “perfect God.” Can’t happen!
He knows both what will happen and what might have happened.
NOT if it effects ones Salvation, which is and must always be one’s own personal, uninfluenced decision!
So let’s say that I’m predestined to go to Hell. I live a rotten life, keep doing horrible things, deny God, etc. Now, God is all merciful, too. So he throws my way a friend who’s a good Catholic who loves God and enjoys sharing His Word with others. She’s also someone I can put up with because she’s got a great personality, and I “forgive” her for being Catholic.
"Predestion" simply does not exist…PERIOD!
Please see next post