I have seen a lot of threads about pregnancy lately, so we must be having an epidemic of pregnancy on these boards. So all you pregnant women (and spouses whose wives are pregnant) register here with expected Due Date. And any other info you want - first kid, expected sex, potential names, etc.
I’ll start. I am due end of Sept/begining of October. (date is uncertain due to irregular periods.) This will be our third. Already have one of each. So far the kids think we should name this baby Thumper. (Last month it was Pocahontas or Cruela DeVille)
I’ll start. I am due end of Sept/begining of October. (date is uncertain due to irregular periods.) This will be our third. Already have one of each. So far the kids think we should name this baby Thumper. (Last month it was Pocahontas or Cruela DeVille)