President Reagan

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My our Loving Lord receive the soul and give eternal rest and peace to President Ronald Reagan.
My our Loving Lord receive the soul and give eternal rest and peace to President Ronald Reagan.
This is a day of mourning. May God Almighty bless this great President with His Heavenly reward, especially for his destruction of atheistic communism in Russia. Although he was not a Catholic he was far more upright and moral than some of our modern-day “Catholic” politicians. Let us pray for his soul!
AMEN John-Thomas
President Reagan stood for high morals and honesty,much lacking and very much needed in todays society.
Eternal rest grant to him O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.

America,your fellow Aussies are mourning the loss of a wonderful President and man.
My our Loving Lord receive the soul and give eternal rest and peace to President Ronald Reagan.
Yes, President Ronald Reagan is now in Heaven with God at this time.

I shall morn his Earthly passing, but he is very happy right now being with our Lord!
Yes, President Ronald Reagan is now in Heaven with God at this time.

I shall morn his Earthly passing, but he is very happy right now being with our Lord!
…we pray, but cannot assume. Don’t canonize him; he deserves our prayers for his eternal reward.
…we pray, but cannot assume. Don’t canonize him; he deserves our prayers for his eternal reward.
It is true that only God knows of one’s salvation or not, but President Reagan was a born again Christian and his fruits shown it well, so I’ll stand on a limb and say that he is in Heaven with our Lord!
I stood not more than six feet from Mr. Reagan while covering, for a small Midwest radio station, a 1980 campaign appearance. He had not only the capacity to Dream Big, but the wisdom and skill to bring many of those Big Dreams to fruition – and the eloquence to share those dreams with the rest of us. Compromises that may have seemed necessary, given heavy opposition in the State and Federal legislatures, sometimes had unfortunate consequences, but – to paraphrase Harry Truman – “…he done his damnedest.” Reagan, Thatcher, John Paul II – and, to perhaps a slightly lesser degree Lech Walesa – will be remembered as the true Giants of the latter 20th Century.

God bless him for ending the oppression of untold millions, but for giving us an all-too-rare taste of the Founding Fathers original vision.

– And God grant his family peace and comfort.
May God grant President Reagan eternal repose with Him in Heaven and hold the Reagan family in the palm of His hand in their time of mourning.

It is true that only God knows of one’s salvation or not, but President Reagan was a born again Christian and his fruits shown it well, so I’ll stand on a limb and say that he is in Heaven with our Lord!
Again, Ric, I certainly understand your sentiments, but as a Catholic, I know that those in Purgatory are in need of our prayers. We cannot know “where” one is, and it’s for that reason that I say we ought to pray for his repose rather than assume it.
Again, Ric, I certainly understand your sentiments, but as a Catholic, I know that those in Purgatory are in need of our prayers. We cannot know “where” one is, and it’s for that reason that I say we ought to pray for his repose rather than assume it.
As Christian (who is not Roman Catholic), I stand by my statement. 🙂
…we pray, but cannot assume. Don’t canonize him; he deserves our prayers for his eternal reward.
I think there’s a little catholic in all of us on these sad occassions. Even president Bush prays for the dead. I think his words were, “May God bless Ronald Reagan”. Sounds like St. Paul’s prayer for Onesiphorous in 2Timothy. Anyway, may God bless Ronald Reagan.
My our Loving Lord receive the soul and give eternal rest and peace to President Ronald Reagan.
Amen to that!
I remember all the criticism he took for the famous “Just Say No” campaign. Funny that everyone still remembers that phrase. He was a great man.
May he rest in peace. I do not think he was a great president myself, but that would lead to a political discussion which is not the purpose of this thread, I am sure.
But I do find something very, very puzzling about the adulation being paid to him from what appear to be very orthodox Catholics. Not once have I ever heard anyone mention that Reagan was divorced and remarried. He might have been required to leave Nancy, had he become a Catholic.
Had Regan lived fifty years ago in the climate then prevalent, I would bet that many of these same Catholics who honor him lavishly now would have condemned him for divorcing his first wife and marrying Nancy.
I say this not to disparage him in any way about that, but to point out that even very fervent Catholics may forget history.
As governor of California didn’t he sign the law legalizing abortion? I don’t know if he ever repented that… Also, he had many chances to convert to Catholicism, but never did.
You’re on the money–he surely did sign one of the most liberal abortion laws in the country. I don’t know about any “opportunities” he had to become a Catholic, however.
‘the evil that men do lives after them… the good is oft interred with their bones.’
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