President Trump makes Christmas Eve a federal holiday

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Many presidents have granted extra leave on December 24th … why do you feel the need to demonize Trump … do you nit pick every other president? … Like Obama who did similar things
Seeing as I misunderstood what was being granted, no. I did every bit as much of nitpicking of Trump as I did of all past presidents…and I’ve lived through quite a few.

Was it necessary to reply three times on how I was wrong? That’s a bit of nit picking, too.
My first post was not directed to you but to the topic in general …

The second two of my posts were individually directed to one post that you had posted - so that is one for one …

Thus of my three posts on this thread only two were directly a reply to you - so No … that is not menit picking or targeting you in general … I am sorry if you read it that way
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Normally they work 24/7 over the Christmas season. At least when I worked there part time during the Christmas break.

(There, I just allowed you three more posts 🙂 )
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Christmas Eve is tr aditionally given off to federal employees. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when, I started my career as a federal employee, and we were given it off by the Pr2009esident each year.
More often than not - the time off is the last four hours of the shift not the entire day and when Christmas Eve falls on a Thursday - 4 hours is norm. Occasionally its 8 hours and some years its zero … The 8 hours usually comes when Christmas falls on a Tuesday and Monday is Christmas eve. Trump gave 8 hours for Christmas Eve in 2018 a Monday and in 2019 Tuesday

Thursday Christmas eve federal employees received 4 hours from:
Obama [2009/2011]; Clinton [1998] Reagan [1987] Nixon [1970]; Eisenhower [1953/1959] and Truman [1948]
😅 😂 🤣

Express delivery works pretty much year round - the Post Office like all feds had 10 paid Holiday when post offices are closed …

My sister worked nearly 34 years for the USPS … they do work hard and Christmas is a very busy time … I bet as a seasonal you unloaded lots of truck … I worked on summer as a temp - so not the crazy Christmas season you had 👍 … 6 days a week and that mail truck arrived at 0530 in the morning …
Occasionally its 8 hours and some years its zero
I’m fairly sure I got two full days off (eight hours), but that was a very long time ago, and my memory might be failing me.

I only worked for the federal government for about a year and a half.
You may have taken four hours of leave with the four hours of extra time off … to make the day …

I wont benefit this year as I have use or loose leave and already have leave approved … was the same last year too … I have enjoyed an extra 2 hours Thanksgiving eve a couple of times and 4 hours Thanksgiving eve once … but the last few years - I have asked for leave in PP26 … happy for some co-workers but only a couple of my direct report employees are not in use or loose status this year
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After my hearing deteriorated, I felt very fortunate to secure a job there, retiring after 26 1/2 years, 23 of which, I usually worked a 56-hour week. That included every year on Christmas Eve, and sometimes on Christmas Day. Small town post offices and branches in large cities close down on Sundays and holidays, but at processing plants like the one in which I worked, employees are on duty 24/7, 365 days a year.

It hurts to see the employees maligned when I know how much production we had to turn out and how Congress has constrained polices and tied the hands of those at the top. Delivering mail to every address in the nation on a bare bones budget for six days a week is a gargantuan undertaking.

Merry Christmas to all on CAF!
Glad you got to retire … You were probably CSRS - that is what my sister was. She started as a carrier and ended as a postmaster … USPS is a hard job and people earn their pay …

Congrats on your well earned retirement
Correction …because this was given as a full day 8 hours, those with approved leave will be able to use the additional holiday pay instead of annual leave …a slight difference than the 4 hours which typically only accrues to those in a work status … essentially early release from work.

For those in a use or lose situation - they may not have available time to place that displaced leave this week …which means that time could be forfeited …

I instructed my staff in use or loose status to review their schedule this week and if the didn’t feel they could day a full day off they should consider using some time for extended lunch, late arrival or early off as Friday is the end of the pay period. Next pp will only have 56 work hours and 24 holiday hours
I started at USPS in 1984, so I was near the beginning of FERS. For those new to the terminology, CSRS was Civil Service Retirement System, and FERS is Federal Employees Retirement System. At the time I started, DC government had closed the CSRS program, which was viewed, in general, as being more generous for retirees. During a certain time frame, CSRS employees could transfer to the new FERS, which put more responsibility upon the employee for planning his retirement, but careful saving could yield a higher retiree monthly income.
I get Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Day off every year.
Same here. I’ve always gotten these days off.

Thank you, President Trump, again, for highlighting the importance of Christian traditions.
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