Presidential debate commission to meet Monday to discuss potential rule changes ahead of final contest

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“We are going to consider what changes we are going to make with regards to the debate on Thursday night,” one commission member said. The member added that there is a chance no changes are made, saying the conversation will be on “what, if any, changes will be made.”

The commission members did not tell CNN on Monday what changes were being considered in the meeting.

After a chaotic first debate where Trump frequently flouted the rules and interrupted Biden, the commission acknowledged the chaos and said it would look into rule changes in order to “ensure a more orderly discussion.” The commission had said after the first debate that they would announce the changes “shortly.”
There is only one way to stop interruptions. Kill the Mic of one while the other is giving his answer.

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Can’t blame Biden there considering Trump refused the test on the last debate.
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The Interruptions are key
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Self Explanatory
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I vote for microphone kill switches. If someone violates the rules twice or won’t stop after being warned, cut 'em off!
I second this, to avoid interruptions and making this yet another circus, they literally need to put each person in a sound proof booth and CUT THEIR MICS after their time is up, no questions asked. Just MUTE Them.
President Donald Trump and Joe Biden will have their microphones cut off during Thursday’s final presidential debate while their opponent delivers initial two-minute answers to each debate topic, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Monday.
Both microphones will be on during open-discussion segments of the debate.
Trump and Biden’s only previous debate last month was marred by frequent interruptions from Trump, leading to calls for the debate moderator to have the ability to cut off each candidate’s microphone while their opponent spoke.
The commission previously denied it would make any rule changes.
NBC News’ Kristen Welker is the moderator of Thursday’s 90-minute debate, which will be at Belmont University in Nashville. It starts at 9 p.m. ET.

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President Donald Trump and Joe Biden will have their microphones cut off during Thursday’s final presidential debate while their opponent delivers initial two-minute answers to each debate topic , the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Monday.
Love it!!!
The Commission on Presidential Debates will meet Monday afternoon to discuss potential rule changes to the final contest between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden, two members of the commission tell CNN.

“We are going to consider what changes we are going to make with regards to the debate on Thursday night,” one commission member said. The member added that there is a chance no changes are made, saying the conversation will be on “what, if any, changes will be made.”

Changing the rules afterwards.

Rule change number one:

The subject of the debate was to be about foreign policy. That will be one rule change.

The “debate” was SUPPOSED to be about foreign policy.

With the possibility of a
Ukraine to Hunter to Joe Biden kickback scheme,
there has to be at least some suppression of this information during the “debate”.

The “debate” now cannot focus on foreign policy.

This is magnified by Joe’s thinking problems.
There will be NEW information coming out almost daily.

It is tough to have dementia and practice thinking on your feet. Joe Biden will NEED well-rehearsed lines and talking points.

Possible new information will make him look bad like it did last time. Even with Chris Wallace interrupting to save Joe on thinking “answers”.


Rule change number two:

Since President Trump will say things about this corruption publicly,
they Democrats running the debate will HAVE TO be able to cut President Trump’s microphone.

They will not want the public hearing information about Joe’s financial corruption with Ukraine.

Nor will they want President Trump warning the American people about Joe Biden’s court packing paradigm that he said voters don’t deserve to hear about. A court-packing scheme that Kanala has said se is open to.

Therefore they will need to suppress President Trump’s microphone.

If they want to suppress anyone’s microphones it should be the debate referees…


Rule change number three:

Look for pretexts to just cancel the “debate”. It has to be blamed on Trump and/or the “Debate Commission” though. Not Joe.

As I have said before. There was absolutely no medical or scientific reason that Oct. 13th debate (the “Second Debate”) should have been cancelled. Both Biden and Trump were out doing ah hem, “Town Halls” instead.

I’ll be surprised if Biden doesn’t duck this debate too at this point. But as I have said before: He (they) will do what he thinks is politically advantageous for Biden.
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President Donald Trump and Joe Biden will have their microphones cut off during Thursday’s final presidential debate while their opponent delivers initial two-minute answers to each debate topic , the Commission on Presidential Debates announced Monday.
Awesome sauce
I don’t understand why anyone would want some third party, unaccountable to anyone, determining what the American people can hear from a candidate during a debate?

Based on the negative press, I doubt that Trump will be as aggressive in interrupting Biden this time. And if Biden can’t figure out how to get his point across in a debate, how will he do when negotiating with the leaders in Congress or foreign leaders?
I don’t understand why anyone would want some third party, unaccountable to anyone, determining what the American people can hear from a candidate during a debate?
It has always been like that for as long as I can remember
Based on the negative press, I doubt that Trump will be as aggressive in interrupting Biden this time.
You really thing Trump is going to change his stripes? Trump is Trump. He whined about it.
Speaking to reporters on Air Force One as he headed back to Washington from the campaign trail, Trump expressed he’s not happy with the change, but said he would attend.

"I’ll participate. I just think it’s very unfair," Trump told reporters.
It has always been like that for as long as I can remember
I’ve never heard of a mute button in any debate ever.
You really thing Trump is going to change his stripes? Trump is Trump. He whined about it.
I think a lot of people choose to accept everything he says at face value. Of course he is complaining - the rule change is a deliberate jab at him. His constant interruptions were an attempt to get Joe to blow up and say something stupid. Since that didn’t happen, I think he might try something different. I think asking Biden questions about China, Ukraine or the Supreme Court and just letting it be dead air while Biden tried to respond would be a great tactic.
I’ve never heard of a mute button in any debate ever.
That is just a device to enforce the rules Trump agreed to. It is not a rule change.
“We realize, after discussions with both campaigns, that neither campaign may be totally satisfied with the measures announced today," the commission said in a statement. "One may think they go too far, and one may think they do not go far enough. We are comfortable that these actions strike the right balance and that they are in the interest of the American people, for whom these debates are held.
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That is just a device to enforce the rules Trump agreed to. It is not a rule change.
It’s just enforcing the rules.

This will hamper Trump. Part of his shtick is to poke, prod, interrupt, and bluster to keep his opponent off guard and unable to build up any momentum.

His followers see it as being a fighter; his detractors see it as being a bully and boor.
I’ll place my markers on Biden, Trump has problems walking.
I watch the debates to hear what the candidates have to say. Hearing from them is more important than adhering to some arbitrary set of rules.

There have been other techniques used, like green, yellow, red time lights that were seen both by the candidate and on screen that could accomplish nearly the same thing, but that would not be as humiliating to Trump.

The concept of muting a speaker at a debate is just childish.
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