A friend of mine sent me a blurb from her church’s bulletin last Sunday that was the tail end of their Epiphany reflection. How powerful. What an amazing shepard to his flock. God bless him!
It is being united to our Lord through charity and the light of Faith (first received at baptism) that we become members of the Church and we, in turn, must bring this Faith to others. The Faith needs to be communicated to others by the faithful living out their faith with humility and charity, thus calling people out of the darkness into the light. When charity lacks in our approach to others, we drive them away from the Church and even cause an impediment from their returning anytime soon. We commit a serious sin, if we do so intentionally, and we bear responsibility for the souls estranged from the Church by our lack of charity.
Why do I mention this during this festive season? Because we continue to have issues with a few people who take it upon themselves to secretly correct others on the way they dress or behave. Though there is a time and a place for fraternal correction, the way it is being done here is uncharitable, completely out of place and destructive of the parish. If someone approaches you or your children about the way you or your loved ones dress or you hear of someone doing this, please let me know so I can deal with these vigilantes.