I disagree that this act constituted an “extreme gesture,” but I agree with the general sentiment of your post. What are laypeople to do when leadership drifts so far from orthodoxy? We are supposed to be obedient to our leaders, but what do we do when our leaders themselves seem to be in disobedience to the teachings of Christ and His Church? It puts the laity in a difficult spot, and you are right that we may see more of this kind of thing in dioceses or parishes where the shepherds are not particularly trustworthy in matters of fidelity to Church teaching.But Cdl. Cupich is probably partially to blame for incidents like this given that he is subtly trying to push a homosexual agenda in his archdiocese and in the Catholic Church in general. Lay people and clergy are going to strike out in extreme gestures like this in order to try to shift the momentum back towards orthodoxy when the balance has gone too far in the other direction.