stanley,Yes, it does support the teaching that chastity is the way to go. But I am not sure about the celibacy part. For example, suppose that the priest were allowed to marry this woman at the time he were a seminarian, and still be ordained a priest. That would make him a priest with a wife and son. Wouldn’t his son be better off with a father that gives him support and comfort, rather than a father who appears to be rejecting him?
I attended a liturgy in an Eastern Church and after the liturgy we were invited to the hall for socialising. It turned out that the wife of the priest was a wonderful person and she added a nice touch and was well liked by everyone. It looked like it was a wonderful situation for the priest and his wife and family and for the congregation.
I know we have clashed a bit as of late but I must say I agree with you here 100%.
But we must keep in mind that this man is a member of a religious order. So unless he left that order to be a secular priest, he could not be ordained as a married man.
Also, as I pointed out above, he was most likely already under vows, which means this act violated his vows in the first place.
I do question the actions of the order in keeping him and having him ordained, but as I said, we do not have the whole story.