Dear SeminarianDan,Remember where these ‘traditions’ came from though: In the OT the Levite priests were required to abstain from sexual relations while they were at the temple offering sacrafices for their tour of duty. In the NT All of 1st Corinthians 7, especially verses 32-35 show the superiority of celebacy for those who wish to be completely dedicated to the service of the Lord.
- Maried Eastern clergy are require to abstain from relations with their wives before serving as part of their liturgical fast. (Which, BTW, begins the evening before the Lirugy, not 1 hour beforehand.)
- So, if we want to properly dedicate ourselves to the Lord, as all good Christians should do… celibacy for everyone! That would solve all of the problems facing the Church today. Well, in a few generations.
Perhaps it is time for the Eastern Catholic Church to follow the lead of celibate ministers like the Roman Catholic Church.
- Perhaps it is time for the Roman Church to concern itself with the Roman Church and stop meddling in the affairs the Eastern Churches! Roman ‘supremacy’ has already done enough harm to the other Churches with which it is in communion.