I have to say, this is not based on what Jesus said, further it appears to be in contradiction to what Jesus said. Do you give any weight to the words of Jesus, if not, why not? Where does Jesus say Serious assurances, oh, nowhere. But he did say what I set out. How about dealing with those words. So has the church ever been wrong? Gallileo? It’s handling of Martin Luther? How about it’s dealing with pedaphile priests? Would you like to say it is always right?
I know of good people, regular attenders at Sunday Mass, who when a new priest came in with his rules, they left after having tried to have a discussion with him. Are priests always right. Is it possible to improve anything to do with the church organisation. Well we can see that some of the curia don’t think the Pope is right about things. Which of them is in the right?
This is my last post on this matter, I am not into banging my head against a brick wall. Thank God for Jesus.