. You might advise them that He lives in the Catholic church, and He is what attracted you to the church.
I did say this kind of thing to the obstinate person aforementioned… I mentioned just about everything i could about the RP & he still… rejects… Frankly, i think he just doesn’t want to agree with me… He & i have had a problematic relationship for years. In another post, i asked if i should just let the “friendship” go because, in a nut-shell, it seems more “abusive” than productive… or edifying or whatever…
I am very thankful for you reminding me about how Jesus was what attracted me to the Church. I had kind of forgotten about that… I was baptized/raised Catholic (minimally Cathlic), and then even went through one of those “born-again” things, but then, later, for some mysterious reason, i began to fall away… and kept falling & falling (long, weird, tragic story…
)… until i hit rock bottom, but then God brought me back
. I know it was only God who can be credited because, well, what happened to me was just too awesome to have been of human doing…
Anyway… once God got me back, I fell in love w/ and was committed to Jesus before i began to make my way back to the Church. Maybe the guy i am trying (No, was trying) to convert well, Sad to say, maybe he just isn’t in love with Jesus, despite him quoting scriptures at me, reading the Bible every now and then, etc…
You might describe the Tabernacle and the immense inner peace that comes from spending time in Christ’s presence. You do go to Adoration, right?
Yes, i spend more time @ the Blessed Sacrament than probably most Catholics do… (most of the ones i know…).
I don’t always feel that inner peace you refer to, though… I DO, but only after having been there for a long time… I have to get the worldly “gunk” out of my system before the peace settles in… (I think there are other reasons for the lack of peace i sometimes experience, but that is another one of those long stories…
being in Christ’s presence has called many souls to the faith.
Right - if i could only get them to GO there.
You know, now that i think about this, i realize that in some ways, i am letting this one “failure” get me down. I haven’t been telling many people about hte RP lately… (even though that is partly because i have been isolating…but anyway… ).
I am easily discouraged, but should not let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch…
thank you so much for the help.