Personally, I am disgusted by the Republican view. Republicans are NOT pro-life. They are pro-birth.
The facts is that you CANNOT have a free society if you force/control a woman’s body. Period. It is not a religious issue, it is a political, society and cultural issue.
That being said, it does not mean numerous regulations and policies can be put in place to stop women from needing to have abortions. If you want to reduce/stop abortions:
- Provide free contraception, without question (Dem > Rep)
- Provide health care for pregnant women so they can have healthy children ( Dem > Rep)
- Provide health care so children can grow up healthy (Dem > Rep)
- Provide sex education so young women understand the challenges they face. Abortion is NOT an alternative to birth control. (Dem > Rep)
- Fund foster care and support adoption (Dem > Rep)
- Fund medical research (ie, stem cells) to improve children’s health (Dem > Rep)
- Fund safety net programs and welfare so the poor can have families (Dem > Rep)
- Provide funded daycare and work return programs for women (and men) (Dem > Rep)
Yes, I also think there should be limits on abortion, perhaps 18-24 weeks. I don’t know the exact period. I’m torn about notifying parents. And I would never recommend an abortion to anyone in almost any circumstance. But regardless, I firmly believe that Democratic policies are far more useful for reducing abortions than Republican.
It is not surprising that the rate of abortions in the USA plunged under Clinton and Obama and basically were steady under Reagan and the two Bush’s. We’ll see what happens under Trump, but given the hatred, bigotry, sexism and flat out evil this man spews forth, I’d bet abortions stay steady or perhaps even rise under his administration.
The answer is to give women OPTIONS. I not only have a clear conscience supporting abortion rights given the above policies, I believe I have the moral high ground (Full disclosure, I am NOT a registered Democrat - but they seem to be the more Christian party nowadays). How can you claim Republicans have moral policies when they destroy our environment, poison our drinking water, give money to the rich, cripple our education system, take away people’s health care, take away support for the poor, take babies from immigrant mothers, lie on a daily basis, promote violence and bigotry and sexism, …I can go on and on.