So the root cause of abortion is sex, not poverty.
Poverty is not a cause it is an effect:
The above reference is not meant to justify abortions, it is to show Democratic policies are more effective for reducing abortions.
The root cause of abortion is an unwanted pregnancy.
The solution is to make unwanted pregnancies into ‘wanted’ pregnancies.
Catholics cannot solve the problem of abortion because they refuse to limit any type of pregnancy - wanted or unwanted. Catholic policy is and always has been “pro-pregnancy”, regardless of your economic standing.
The more Catholic babies the better. It’s so true it is a meme. If the Catholic hierarchy finally agreed that birth control was a “good” thing, I would change my opinion of Catholicism on this issue. But despite the 98% approval rate for birth control in the USA, Catholics leadership refuses to step into the modern age.
Republicans are far worse. They are “pro-birth”. They don’t care about the health of viability of the baby or other. They just want your vote, so they claim to support “pro-birth” policies.
Democrats (and I’m NOT a Democrat) are the only party that promotes policies that not only PREVENT unwanted pregnancies but also convert unwanted pregnancies into “wanted” pregnancies.
In fact, I am STUNNED that a Catholic would even argue with me. Since when are Catholics against health care? Since when are Catholics against helping the poor? I don’t get it. I think you are all being tricked by the Republicans. They just want your votes, and then they do everything they can to get richer.