Pro Choice/Abortion “Catholics”

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The vote along political Party lines regarding 20-week abortions, when the baby can feel PAIN, is quite tragic on the one hand. We’re not even talking just about conception here. There are only 7 countries that permit abortion after 20 weeks: Canada, China, Netherlands, North Korea, Singapore, the United States (thanks to the Democrats) and Vietnam. Brutal!
Yes, and only 3 individuals have been waterboarded (many in our military used to TRAIN for being the victim of waterboarding as survival training, so I would hardly consider that extreme torture) by the United States. The 3 victims: a mastermind of 9-1-1, a right-hand man of bin Laden, and a mastermind in the USS Cole bombing. And we saved many lives with the information acquired.
I always get a kick out of people who scour through the weeds searching somewhere, anywhere, for an exception that occurred to 3 bad guys, and then try to put it on par with killing innocent senior citizens and killing 50 million babies in the last 45 years.
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Also, please see my earlier comment listing all the great pro-life things that have been done under current leadership since end of January 2017.
Not so fast. Illinois thinking Roe v Wade will be overturned is now providing free abortions, signed into law by a Republican governor. The number of abortions has increased fourfold for the first six months. And to think up to this point the abortion rates were declining under both Republican and Democratic Presidents.
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President Trump’s “Right To Try” experimental life-saving drugs is the exact opposite of the euthanasia on senior citizens that the other Party tries to push.
Not so fast. Illinois thinking Roe v Wade will be overturned is now providing free abortions, signed into law by a Republican governor. The number of abortions has increased fourfold for the first six months. And to think up to this point the abortion rates were declining under both Republican and Democratic Presidents.
Not so fast, that bill was a Democratic sponsored bill. I don’t understand why you write things like you do. It’s not my business who one votes for but always criticizing Republicans. I wonder if one uses their votes to enable abortion supporting politicians as Democrats are about across the board, while that governor did err, it just shows not everyone in the GOP is pro-life.
Please be SPECIFIC. I have no idea what you’re referring to, and I’m not sure that anybody else does, either.
You do know how to use CAF’s search functions, don’t you? ‘Cause this topic has been done to death. That includes definitions of torture (please) and the number of those who die via it. I don’t need to rehash the whole thing to point out that the so-called “5 non-negotiables” was created by a Catholic layman with an incredibly questionable personal background with very specific political leanings. Even Pope Francis has suggested that non-negotiable issues aren’t limited to 5.
I’ve learned that the more pro-life candidate is also normally the candidate that is more agreeable to me on other vital issues, such as RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, law and order, national security, national independence and sovereignty, and a largely Free Market economic system that respects personal property and that has enabled the United States to have a very low 2% poverty rate by global standards (per the World Bank).
bolded yes, but notice the caveat WITHOUT PRAYER, PENANCE, FASTING, AND SACRAMENTS.
The National Right to Life Committee is an excellent source for SPECIFIC votes by all Congresspeople regarding pro-life issues. Go to, and then click the following tabs: Legislation, Congressional-Scorecards-1997-to-Present, and then select either the House or Senate. Listed in order of state, this is easy to follow.
You said a woman who did X, Y, and Z was almost certainly bound for Hell without lots of A, B, C, and D.

This is the wrong way to put it. Those are sins which can lead one to Hell under the usual circumstances: full knowledge and full consent, given that they are grave matter.

But the direction they are each going is not known to us and not discernible to us: it is precisely this which Christ condemns when He says: do not judge.

Of course we have to judge a bunch of stuff in life, so this clearly applies only in the area of judging the state of a person’s soul.
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We’re so fortunate to live in America and have the right to vote as Catholics.
O Lord,
help us to always be faithful to the whole entire Truth of The Holy Spirit;
for the salvation of souls. May we only foster and encourage laws and practices;
that adhere to the God given dignity and value of every human life.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven,
but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day,
‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons
and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you;
depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’” - Matthew 7:21-23
May God convert those who teach His Word and Will with abiguity.
Thank God for the true suffering prophets of our day,
who are suffering greatly for The Gospel of Life;
and with clarity oppose the ‘Utopia’ culture of death;
with it’s culture of relativism, purposely opposed to The Judaeo Christian ethic.
May those who have not researched resent history - (the last 150 years or so) -
where God has allowed this powerful delusion, (ref. Leo xiii, Bishop Sheen, and others);
to see who will choose anthropomorphism or God, hear like Paul The Apostle,
‘Why do you persecute me?’
We The People, perpetrated or allowed the most immense atrocity in the history of the world.
I wouldn’t want to be a pragmatic witness; who would say something like,
but I helped this poor person or that poor person; ‘I didn’t know,’ at the Judgement Seat;
trying to say why I ignored Evangelium Vitae and contributed to the media obscurring
the mass brutal slaying of our tiny helpless brothers and sisters as ‘just one issue,’
and other pragmatics; or consented to those who openly support policies to take away religious
liberty and right to conscience.
“They shed innocent blood—the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed
to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.” - Psalm 106:37
The media quickly obscures this massive shedding of innocent blood;
(one example, the censorship of "Gosnell The Movie.); may those who are blase and bland
with this rather than counter the silence in proportion to the immense injustice;
start to speak for these most helpless on earth.
“And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.
And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:11-13
  1. Repeal child support laws as these motivate men to seek abortions for their pregnant girlfriends. I have mentioned this issue before, and it always amazes me how virulently the so-called “pro-life” crowd opposes it.
I think the better answer is that the biological father must pay a minimum of $10,000 to the mother regardless of if she has an abortion or not.
Or maybe two years worth of child care, abortion or not.
By “must pay” I take it to mean that you are suggesting that the father will be subject to incarceration if he does not pay. This is why I think that the so-called “pro-life” movement really ought to be called the “pro-incarceration” movement as its proposed solution to every problem seems to be arrest and jail-time.
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