Which is fine as the church’s definition and you can make a reasonable argument for that case. You can also make a reasonable argument for my case. Hence that’s why I accept abortion and Catholics (at least those following the church’s teachings) don’t.The Church has very clearly defined what a human is and isnt. So by the Church’s definition, a fertilized egg (a fetus) is human.
correct.I believe (correct if wrong) that children are not full citizens until they are 18 in the U.S. and therefore, do not have the right to vote until then.
and mitochondria have a distinct genetic code from their host organism.The DNA makes for a very curious predicament. It is theoritcally possible to “create” a “human” from “scratch” using organic compunds. Incredibly complex, far into the future, but possible and interesting. Also curious is that humans are carrying the partial DNA of various viruses with them (I remember reading this somewhere…the book “Genome”?).
An interesting question but answering it does’t automatically answer the other.Maybe we should ask ourselves at what point do we cease to be human.