Pro-Gay in the name of tolerance

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Homosexuality may be the result of a genetic flaw, the way it is believed some people are genetically predisposed to overeat or be alcoholics. If this is true, these people certainly deserve our understanding and prayers. Yet, how many people endorse alcoholism or obesity as an “alternate lifestyle?”
Homosexuality may be the result of a genetic flaw, the way it is believed some people are genetically predisposed to overeat or be alcoholics. If this is true, these people certainly deserve our understanding and prayers. Yet, how many people endorse alcoholism or obesity as an “alternate lifestyle?”
Some people actually do (trust me, you don’t want to know).

However, alcoholism and obesity both can be objectively said to be harmful. Where’s that direct, physical harm with homosexuality?
Well statistically the “life style” is not healthy as their life expentancy is much lower. Sodomy has potential to cause physical damage. They are at higher risk of disease as well.
Originally Posted by Tantum Ergo
But if it comes down to it, I (or anyone) need to be able to come out and say, “I love you, and I want to help you do the right thing”. They might disagree, but they can’t expect to have people ‘be quiet’ while they say their opinion, but think they don’t have to ‘be quiet’ for the other person in turn. That isn’t tolerance, it’s tyranny.

Mirdath posts:
It’s neither tolerance nor tyranny, it’s simply none of your business. ‘The right thing’ in your eyes may well be completely irrelevant to how they live their lives, and it is not your job to make it that way. Don’t try to proselytize the unwilling; you’re only annoying them and making them resent you and by extension your faith as well. Go right ahead and tell them you disagree, but let them live their lives instead of trying to direct it for them.

Wait a minute. You see, I carefully noted in my original post that this is a case of people who have spoken out their opinion and expected people to listen yet themselves, when confronted with a different opinion, do not permit the other opinion to be heard but cry out"Intolerant! Bigot!"

There is a ‘right’ and a ‘wrong’ and they have nothing to do ultimately with ‘the relevance of how one lives one’s own life’. Something is right whether it is ‘relevant’, whether it is ‘expedient’, whether it is ‘popular’, whether you ‘chose’ it or not.

But many expect their opinion to be not just heard but agreed with–in toto. Therefore, they respond to a different opinion not with tolerance themselves, but with intolerance.

This is not a question of ‘preaching to the unwilling’. (For what, indeed, do you call the person who is out there shoving his or her sexual life into the face of one or many for whom, quite rightly, it is ‘none of their business’?")

You cannot have it both ways.

What do ‘resentment’ and ‘annoyance’ have to do with ultimate truth? To give a ‘secular’ example, plenty of people ‘resent’ the knowledge that they should eat properly and exercise, even when nobody ‘forces’ the knowledge on them. Do we ‘shut up’ about eating right and exercise, lest we turn people resentful and annoyed? I think not.

I note that you are very scrupulous of the ‘right’ of some to a voice, but it appears to me that you do not seem to consider the ‘right’ of another to an opposing voice.

Thus, you seem to make for yourself a ‘value judgment’ even as you speak of tolerance. You have made a choice and every word is shaded with the nuance of that choice. Of course, we all have made our own choices, and it is impossible to ‘filter out’ one’s preferences. Actually, it is not even desirable in moral issues because that is the path to moral relativism and indifference, NOT to ‘neutrality’ or lack of bias. Hate is not the opposite of love; indifference is.
Some people actually do (trust me, you don’t want to know).

However, alcoholism and obesity both can be objectively said to be harmful. Where’s that direct, physical harm with homosexuality?
Homosexuality no, but homosexual acts are very harmful from a medical point of view. There are 6 cases of a new STD alone in Massachusetts and 22 in Canada. The gay culture encourages multiple partners, and despite a very large population of homosexuals in Massachusetts only 8,000 couples have been married many with open relationships. Never mind that the anus wasn’t design for such acts causing permanent physical damage. Lesbians (I’ve known several of them, my best friend in high school that I knew since the age of nine) really have more of a fear of men, then a love of women. Her same-sex relationships were like a drug, avoiding the real issue she had with the opposite sex.

Allowing a friend with same-sex attraction to live a gay lifestyle is one way or another giving them a death sentence whether it is physically, emotionally, or spiritually. That is not a good friend in my book. I care if my friend gets an STD. I care if she is depressed.

Mirdath, I know your response is typical because simply you have no frame of reference what it is like to have same-sex attraction and don’t know what to say or do. But doing nothing and looking the other way in the name of tolerance isn’t what these people truly need. Saying you love them, and saying something in their best interest such as saving their life are two different things.

An interesting medical site is not all medical professionals agree.
Well statistically the “life style” is not healthy as their life expentancy is much lower. Sodomy has potential to cause physical damage. They are at higher risk of disease as well.
The lifestyle of pizza delivery drivers is statistically much more dangerous too. Is carryout the only moral way to ‘do it’ then?

Straight sex certainly has the potential to cause physical damage (and disease) too. Just ask any woman who’s lost her virginity if there was blood – and that’s just the beginning of things that can go horribly, horribly wrong.
Tantum Ergo:
There is a ‘right’ and a ‘wrong’ and they have nothing to do ultimately with ‘the relevance of how one lives one’s own life’. Something is right whether it is ‘relevant’, whether it is ‘expedient’, whether it is ‘popular’, whether you ‘chose’ it or not.
So do what you see is right in your own life, but let others live how they choose – as long as they aren’t forcing you into immorality, what harm is it doing you?
But many expect their opinion to be not just heard but agreed with–in toto. Therefore, they respond to a different opinion not with tolerance themselves, but with intolerance.
Many – like you? Nobody is making you have gay sex. Is it so unbearable to you that other people like to have sex differently that you must butt in on it? If you leave them alone, they won’t come after you – well, except the nuts, but we don’t want em either (and they’re on all sides of the issue anyway).
This is not a question of ‘preaching to the unwilling’. (For what, indeed, do you call the person who is out there shoving his or her sexual life into the face of one or many for whom, quite rightly, it is ‘none of their business’?")
You cannot have it both ways.
You call them exhibitionists. There are straight ones too. Tell them to get a room. Both exhibitionism and ruthless proselytization are exceedingly rude.
What do ‘resentment’ and ‘annoyance’ have to do with ultimate truth? To give a ‘secular’ example, plenty of people ‘resent’ the knowledge that they should eat properly and exercise, even when nobody ‘forces’ the knowledge on them. Do we ‘shut up’ about eating right and exercise, lest we turn people resentful and annoyed? I think not.
They make people not want to hear it from you is what they have to do with it. So even if you do have anything positive and useful to say, your entire message is already lost.
I note that you are very scrupulous of the ‘right’ of some to a voice, but it appears to me that you do not seem to consider the ‘right’ of another to an opposing voice.
Actually I’m quite open to opposing views, so long as they’re polite. I just civilly disagree with them, as is my right. And I debate them defending my own views because we are here to discuss those and the opposing views.

So yes, I think you’re wrong. I haven’t told you to shut up and stop presenting your views – quite the opposite. I’ve merely asked for a little civility.
Thus, you seem to make for yourself a ‘value judgment’ even as you speak of tolerance. You have made a choice and every word is shaded with the nuance of that choice. Of course, we all have made our own choices, and it is impossible to ‘filter out’ one’s preferences. Actually, it is not even desirable in moral issues because that is the path to moral relativism and indifference, NOT to ‘neutrality’ or lack of bias. Hate is not the opposite of love; indifference is.
So, we all have made our own choices; where’s the respect for those choices? We don’t have to be right to command respect as human beings; nor do you.

Relativism’s a total strawman here, by the way.
Some people actually do (trust me, you don’t want to know).
True. But how many alcoholics and obese persons do you see parading for ‘equal rights?’ Every year, my town has a Gay and Lesbian Pride Week (btw, I’d love to see a Chastity Pride week :D). I have yet to see a Drunkenness Pride Week or a Metabolically Challenged Pride Week (although there may just be).
However, alcoholism and obesity both can be objectively said to be harmful. Where’s that direct, physical harm with homosexuality?
I think renee1258 answered that one quite well.
Homosexuality no, but homosexual acts are very harmful from a medical point of view. There are 22 cases of a new STD alone in Massachusetts. The gay culture encourages multiple partners, and despite a very large population of homosexuals in Massachusetts only 8,000 couples have been married many with open relationships. Never mind that the anus wasn’t design for such acts causing permanent physical damage. Lesbians (I’ve known several of them) really have more of a fear of men, then a love of women.
You’re talking about the male gay culture specifically here, right? Lesbian culture doesn’t encourage multiple partners or disease. Straight male culture, on the other hand, does encourage reckless promiscuity just as much as its reflection. New STDs pop up all the time, and not just in homosexuals.

The lesbians you’ve known must have been very unhappy people 😦 The other ones I’ve known have no more fear of men than anyone else – they just aren’t sexually attracted to them. It’s a hard concept to deal with, I know 😛
Allowing a friend with same-sex attraction to live a gay lifestyle is one way or another giving them a death sentence whether it is physically, emotionally, or spiritually. That is not a good friend in my book.
They’re going to die eventually anyway; what you do by letting them live their own lives is potentially sentencing them to a happier, more fulfilling life. Is it more moral to want them to deny what they are? That’s a living death and a curse, not a sign of friendship.
An interesting medical site is not all medical professionals agree.
Plenty of graduates of such programs go on to relapse quietly (and sometimes very loudly). In my opinion they’re dangerous quacks, only a single very short step up from the ‘professionals’ in the old days who used to try to electroshock the gay out of people.
True. But how many alcoholics and obese persons do you see parading for ‘equal rights?’ Every year, my town has a Gay and Lesbian Pride Week (btw, I’d love to see a Chastity Pride week ). I have yet to see a Drunkenness Pride Week or a Metabolically Challenged Pride Week (although there may just be).
You’re Catholic and you don’t celebrate St Patrick’s Day? :eek:
You have posed a lot of interesting words and opinions, Mirdath, but apparently we are having difficulty communicating, you and I.

You see, where you say, So do what you see is right in your own life, but let others live how they choose – as long as they aren’t forcing you into immorality, what harm is it doing you?

I see that statement as not only branding me as judgmental and cruel, but also as proposing that any ‘behavior’ that doesn’t endanger me physically and directly is ipso facto ‘okay’.

But the problem is, we do not live that way. We have all kinds of laws that limit behaviors, behaviors that do not ‘force you into immorality’.

Seat belt laws do not ‘force a person into immorality’ and they do not let others ‘live how they choose’. . .yet we have them. Helmet laws too.

We have laws against littering. We have laws against public drunkness (whether the person is a danger to others or self, or not). We have laws against public nudity. We have laws against shoplifting, against jaywalking, against carrying a concealed weapon, against vandalism, etc.

You may say, and rightly, that I am not an officer of the law (and I won’t even bring up “citizen’s arrest” 🙂 ).

But the point is, this whole subject is not, and never has been, the ‘right of somebody to live as they choose without interference’. . .that right does not exist, not for homosexuals OR for heterosexuals. There is always ‘interference’ between Mr. X’s wish, for example, to live a life of total freedom and Mr. X’s responsibility to himself and others.

To imply that those who have an opposing opinion to the one you hold are trying to "keep others from living as they choose so long as it is not forcing into immorality and thus " is specious.
You’re Catholic and you don’t celebrate St Patrick’s Day? :eek:
I celebrate it, but I don’t get drunk. Most who use St Patrick’s Day as an excuse to get sloshed aren’t even Catholic.
You’re Catholic and you don’t celebrate St Patrick’s Day?
posted by Mirdath as a response to a poster saying he didn’t see people celebrating alcoholism and drunkeness pride week.

I don’t agree particularly agree with your attempt at humor, Mirdath. But you’ll note I’m tolerating it. 😃
You see, where you say, So do what you see is right in your own life, but let others live how they choose – as long as they aren’t forcing you into immorality, what harm is it doing you?

I see that statement as not only branding me as judgmental and cruel, but also as proposing that any ‘behavior’ that doesn’t endanger me physically and directly is ipso facto ‘okay’.
No, it doesn’t. It proposes that people stay out of each others’ private lives when they are not invited, whether or not what is being done is ‘okay’. Does butting in on someone’s sex life and criticizing it make you judgemental? Yes! Cruel – not necessarily; unwanted and annoying – probably.
But the problem is, we do not live that way. We have all kinds of laws that limit behaviors, behaviors that do not ‘force you into immorality’.
Seat belt laws do not ‘force a person into immorality’ and they do not let others ‘live how they choose’. . .yet we have them. Helmet laws too.
Actually I’m all for a little chlorine in the gene pool 😛 I don’t believe that stupidity should be legislated against.
We have laws against littering. We have laws against public drunkness (whether the person is a danger to others or self, or not). We have laws against public nudity. We have laws against shoplifting, against jaywalking, against carrying a concealed weapon, against vandalism, etc.
All those things except jaywalking are harmful to society and detrimental to others. And seriously, jaywalking shouldn’t be a crime.
But the point is, this whole subject is not, and never has been, the ‘right of somebody to live as they choose without interference’. . .that right does not exist, not for homosexuals OR for heterosexuals. There is always ‘interference’ between Mr. X’s wish, for example, to live a life of total freedom and Mr. X’s responsibility to himself and others.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’. It’s not total freedom; you’re still responsible to others. But unless those others are interfering with your or still other people’s ‘inalienable rights’, you have no business interfering with theirs.
To imply that those who have an opposing opinion to the one you hold are trying to "keep others from living as they choose so long as it is not forcing into immorality and thus " is specious.
I’m not understanding that… did you trim the quote off a little past where it should have been ended? It looks like you meant to quote ‘keep others from living as they choose’ and no more, but I can’t be sure.

If so, it’s hardly specious. Homosexuals are criticized all the time for being ‘immoral’ and sinful. People try to ‘reform’ them – look at the poster who linked NARTH in this very thread. The Church tells them that their being attracted to others of the same sex is inherently ‘disordered’ and an illness of the soul. I’m not implying anything, I’m stating it right out.
I celebrate it, but I don’t get drunk. Most who use St Patrick’s Day as an excuse to get sloshed aren’t even Catholic.
I was kidding 😉 But St Patrick’s is pretty close to Alcoholic Pride Day, even for non-Catholics. Along with New Years’ Eve, Halloween, July 4 (in America), and pretty much every other major holiday… the reason there aren’t pride parades is that they can’t walk straight! 😛
Wolseley, would you have everyone in the world dye their skin grey, forsake all customs both good and bad, deny themselves education, and live their lives like ants in a hill? That sounds like an incredibly boring utopia to me.
Odd, isn’t it, that the “diversity” advocates want everybody to be exactly like they are----and if somebody is not, that somebody is promptly labelled a “bigot”. Thus, the “diversity” is found to be not “diverse” at all. In fact, it’s the most rigid form of lockstep one-mindedness you can imagine. If you deviate from the standard multicultural party line, heaven help you.
Give me reality over that any day – it has its faults, but diversity and multiplicity of cultures are not among them.
Nazism is a culture. So is cannibalism and pederasty. Shall we champion those, too?
As for tolerance, in my opinion it doesn’t mean you have to accept what everyone does – just be civil to them. If you disagree or think a particular aspect of someone’s life sinful, go ahead and say it, politely, but don’t hold forth on it at length unless asked to by whoever you’re talking to.
I agree to a point. Certainly, it doesn’t do any good to beat somebody over the head with a Bible and tell them they’re going to hell; but by the same token, it also doesn’t mean that we have to accept their behavior or want ourselves exposed to it on a constant basis. More importantly, it doesn’t mean that we have to accept our institutions being changed and re-defined by a small minority of disordered people (i.e., “gay marriage”).
Calling homosexuality – or heterosexuality – objectively good or evil doesn’t make sense. Those words are simple mechanical descriptors, nothing more.
I am a Catholic. According to the “multicultural/diversity” mantra, the view of my Faith is a legitimate as anyone else’s, and so here it is: the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual behavior is in instrinsically disordered action, and it can in no way be countenanced. Homosexual orientation is a disorder that is in itself not sinful. Acting upon the orientation and engaging in homnosexual behavior, is.
I quite respect many of the things it has said about people who happen to be homosexual), but it would be nice if some of its members would remember that they are sinners too, and that ‘admonishing the sinner’, while a spiritual work of mercy, does not require a soapbox or browbeating.
I freely admit that I am a sinner. And that’s the main difference between me and pro-homosexual advocates: they refuse to see their behavior as sinful. They think it’s normal and good. However, while I am bound to see everyone as an immortal soul loved by God, I am not bound to tolerate anyone’s sin—mine, or anyone else’s.
I don’t find that many in the gay community are very Catholic tolerant, unless we are willing to accept their lifestyle.
You don’t have to be mean. You can in the nicest way tell them Catholic teaching and they will label you intolerant, etc…
Bingo. And once again we see that “tolerance” is a one-way street.
I understand and certainly don’t condone that kind of treatment, but my point is that tolerance should be a two-way street, but it isn’t. Particularly when the battleground is the school system where the gay community wants to teach kids that it is okay to live the gay lifestyle and Catholics object. There is no tolerance of those objections no matter how Christlike one makes the objection.
Bingo again. And this is precisely why my child is homeschooled.
What’s wrong with diversity?
Depends on what kind of diversity you’re talking about. If by “diversity” you mean complete acceptance of any and all lifestyles and behaviors, that, in my opinion, is what’s wrong with diversity. I believe that many of those lifestyles and behaviors are abnormal, perverted, deviant, harmful, sinful, and ultimately perilous to the immortal soul of the practitioners.
If you want to learn more about the prevalence of bisexuality, read Alfred Kinsey
Alfred Kinsey was a latent homosexual who slanted his “research” with fabrications to promote his agenda. His data are completely worthless and have been totally discredited.


However, alcoholism and obesity both can be objectively said to be harmful. Where’s that direct, physical harm with homosexuality?
"The list of diseases found with extraordinary frequency among male homosexual practitioners as a result of anal intercourse is alarming:

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity."

( Catholic website, but read the footnotes and see where the material quoted comes from. As for harmful lesbian behavior, see below.)
The lifestyle of pizza delivery drivers is statistically much more dangerous too. Is carryout the only moral way to ‘do it’ then?
The last time I looked, delivering pizza is not a transgressive action, theologically speaking. Active homosexual behavior is.
They make people not want to hear it from you is what they have to do with it. So even if you do have anything positive and useful to say, your entire message is already lost.
Works both ways. I personally am tired of having homosexual behavior contantly shoved in my face by TV, movies, magazines, newspapers, ad infinitum et adsurdum et nauseam. It doesn’t incline me to be more “tolerant”; what it does instead is cause me to want to never be exposed to it again. In some people—and I am not saying this of myself, although I have observed it in others—this aversion to the constantly touted behavior can lead to backlash against it.
Lesbian culture doesn’t encourage multiple partners or disease.
"Lesbians are also at higher risk for STDs and other health problems than heterosexuals. Bacterial vaginosis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, heavy cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, intravenous drug use, and prostitution were present in much higher proportions among female homosexual practitioners.

Intravenous drug abuse was nearly six times as common in this group. In one study of women who had sex only with women in the prior 12 months, 30 percent had bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is associated with higher risk for pelvic inflammatory disease and other sexually transmitted infections.

Although researchers have only recently begun studying the transmission of STDs among lesbians, diseases such as “crabs,” genital warts, chlamydia and herpes have been reported. Even women who have never had sex with men have been found to have HPV, trichomoniasis and anogenital warts."


Don’t shoot the messenger.
Nazism is a culture. So is cannibalism and pederasty. Shall we champion those, too?
Nazism, cannibalism, and pederasty harm people who have not consented to any such treatment (barring the case of Armin Meiwes, but that’s another topic entirely). A child could make that moral distinction.
I agree to a point. Certainly, it doesn’t do any good to beat somebody over the head with a Bible and tell them they’re going to hell; but by the same token, it also doesn’t mean that we have to accept their behavior or want ourselves exposed to it on a constant basis. More importantly, it doesn’t mean that we have to accept our institutions being changed and re-defined by a small minority of disordered people (i.e., “gay marriage”).
Marriage isn’t your institution, nor are homosexuals perverting your approach to marriage. It is a civil institution with civil rights and responsibilities attached. If a church does not want to marry homosexuals or anyone else, they don’t have to and the government can’t make them.
I am a Catholic. According to the “multicultural/diversity” mantra, the view of my Faith is a legitimate as anyone else’s, and so here it is: the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual behavior is in instrinsically disordered action, and it can in no way be countenanced. Homosexual orientation is a disorder that is in itself not sinful. Acting upon the orientation and engaging in homnosexual behavior, is.
Good for it. I disagree, but you have the right to say that. I favor Voltaire’s attitude towards such matters: ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it’.
I freely admit that I am a sinner. And that’s the main difference between me and pro-homosexual advocates: they refuse to see their behavior as sinful. They think it’s normal and good. However, while I am bound to see everyone as an immortal soul loved by God, I am not bound to tolerate anyone’s sin—mine, or anyone else’s.
They don’t have to see their behavior as sinful. Do you eat meat, fish, eggs, or cheese? Somewhere there’s a vegan preaching about how you’re a murderer just as you preach the sin inherent in homosexual acts. Does that vegan’s preaching make you a murderer?
Alfred Kinsey was a latent homosexual who slanted his “research” with fabrications to promote his agenda. His data are completely worthless and have been totally discredited.
Three of those links are dead. Kinsey was bisexual, and it was hardly ‘latent’. Nor has he been discredited by any respected researcher. Some elements of his work have become obsolete, just as happened to Freud (and Galen, for that matter). But mere revulsion and trumped-up moral objection to his work doesn’t make him wrong. Judith Reisman can make all the claims she wants, but backing them up is another matter entirely.
Sexual transmission of some of these diseases is so rare in the exclusively heterosexual population as to be virtually unknown. Others, while found among heterosexual and homosexual practitioners, are clearly predominated by those involved in homosexual activity.
‘Some’ of those diseases are only carried through anal sex – which isn’t practiced only by male homosexuals (nor is anal sex the only or the most common way gay men make love). The rest are rampant throughout the heterosexual population as well.
The last time I looked, delivering pizza is not a transgressive action, theologically speaking. Active homosexual behavior is.
We weren’t discussing theology. We were discussing physical risk. Pizza delivery is more dangerous than homosexuality. So too, for that matter, is a career in law enforcement. Rail against those first – how do you think you’ll like it without police or pizza?
Works both ways. I personally am tired of having homosexual behavior contantly shoved in my face by TV, movies, magazines, newspapers, ad infinitum et adsurdum et nauseam. It doesn’t incline me to be more “tolerant”; what it does instead is cause me to want to never be exposed to it again. In some people—and I am not saying this of myself, although I have observed it in others—this aversion to the constantly touted behavior can lead to backlash against it.
I’m pretty tired of being told to buy stuff myself 😦 That’s a far more prevalent, far more invasive, and far more pointed message in all such media. So I don’t watch tv, don’t read papers (I get news online), etc, etc.
Don’t shoot the messenger.
Let’s see… one study, the same people writing articles about it, in one city location? Yeah, real trustworthy methodology there. Given how polarizing an issue it is, I wouldn’t be surprised if studies on both sides cherrypick groups and skew results.

Here’re three that say almost the exact opposite for your one:

Solarz, AL Ed. Lesbian Health: Current Assessment and Directions for the Future. Washington DC. National Academy Press; 1999.

Bailey JV, Farquhar C, Owen C, Whittaker D. Sexual behaviour of lesbians and bisexual women. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2003;79:147-150.

Anonymous [Council on Scientific Affairs, American Medical Association]. Health care needs of gay men and lesbians in the United States. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1996;275(17):1354-1359.

According to these, bacterial vaginosis and candidal vulvovaginitis are the only diseases with higher incidences in lesbians than in straight women. Both of those may have scary names, but they’re mild and easily treated. BV is actually most common in pregnant women (ie, usually not lesbians) and CV is just another way of saying ‘yeast infection’, which can be treated by a quick trip to the store.
Well, Mirdath, what it all boils down to is you hear what you want to, and you reject anything that goes against justifying your personal choices and behavior. Unfortunately, I’m not terribly surprised.

Good luck to you.
I have no tolerance/acceptance/respect for acts that are condemned by most if not all major religions (murder, homosexual sex acts, incest…etc.)
Catholic definitions of right and wrong cover way too much ground for me to accept; I prefer the categorical imperative, if we have to pick a system. But, that’s just me 😛
I “pick” a system because it is objectively true, not because it is convenient. Truth is truth even if many refuse to see it.
No, it doesn’t – but it doesn’t give you the right to rant and rave at people about how they’re sinning and bound for hell either. ‘Live and let live’ is a perfectly viable philosophy; you’re under no obligation to make everyone else think exactly the same way you do.
This is the point right here. It is becoming circular. Labeling just criticism as a rant is pejorative. I accept there is a subjective element in all this, but I also accept there is an objective element. It seems calling a vice a vice is to be termed unjust criticism and intolerant because some subset of the population may have a type of persecution complex. I think it is a tactic used, by many, to stop debate.
Well, Mirdath, what it all boils down to is you hear what you want to, and you reject anything that goes against justifying your personal choices and behavior. Unfortunately, I’m not terribly surprised.
Well yeah, and so do you. Different choices but not all that different an attitude. But you have no idea what choices I’ve made in my personal life (and vice-versa). There’s no call to denigrate me for what you don’t know.
I “pick” a system because it is objectively true, not because it is convenient. Truth is truth even if many refuse to see it.
Objectively true because it says so? We can’t know for sure what is and isn’t absolute Truth until we’re dead – and that’s if there is an afterlife.
This is the point right here. It is becoming circular. Labeling just criticism as a rant is pejorative. I accept there is a subjective element in all this, but I also accept there is an objective element. It seems calling a vice a vice is to be termed unjust criticism and intolerant because some subset of the population may have a type of persecution complex. I think it is a tactic used, by many, to stop debate.
You can criticize everything you want, whether justly or unjustly – but you don’t have to say everything you think, do you? Mere criticism I have not labeled ‘ranting’; in fact, my point all along has been ‘say it if you like, just don’t get on a soapbox about it’.

As to persecution complexes, the homosexuals have nothing on many Christians in that regard. Homosexuality does not require belief in a supremely evil being out to destroy you; nor does it apparently walk hand-in-hand with the belief that the fallen world itself is trying to make it impossible to be what one is.
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