Pro-life “taking a stand” on an Airplane

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My feelings are that this is why God is sovereign. If a republican claims to be pro-life for infants but supports the act of deporting someone to a combat zone, it is equally a loss of life. We need to preserve human life as the Bible says.
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My feelings are that this is why God is sovereign. If a republican claims to be pro-life for infants but supports the act of deporting someone to a combat zone, it is equally a loss of life. We need to preserve human life as the Bible says.
I’m sorry, but this is nonsense.

The man was being deported. There is nothing immoral about that. Even if he’s being deported to a country at war, it is hardly a certain death sentence.

The matter of who is let into the country is one of prudential judgment, and does not carry an inherent moral quality. I can be pro life for infants, adults, and the elderly while still also believing that the country has a right to control who enters its borders.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’

Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’

He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’

And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
I’m not saying that I agree with the decision to deport him. I know nothing of the circumstances, so I can’t make an informed decision about that.

My issue is with equating deportation with abortion, and saying that in order to be pro-life we must be anti-deportation. That is a false comparison, and just plain wrong.
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14CFR91 pilot in command is the final authority. I’d have booted passengers for less.
My problem with what you state is that you focus on a republican. Were you also upset with the Clinton’s government when they refused a pregnant Chinese woman asylum when her government threatened to abort her baby or are you only concerned with a man convicted of abuse in Sweden being deported. Where does it state in the Bible to preserve human life?
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I’m not saying that I agree with the decision to deport him. I know nothing of the circumstances, so I can’t make an informed decision about that.

My issue is with equating deportation with abortion, and saying that in order to be pro-life we must be anti-deportation. That is a false comparison, and just plain wrong.
I don’t know the circumstances of the deportation, so for all I know this specific deportation may have been a gross injustice.
But I agree with ProdglArchitect on the general principle.

Deportation is not equivalent to abortion, and being pro-life does not oblige us to be anti-deportation.
What does this have to do with “pro-life” at all? A person can be in favor of deporting illegal aliens and opposed to abortion, and or opposed to deporting illegals and in favor of abortion.

I can understand where people are opposed to deportation, but the hijacking of the “pro-life” label seems to dilute the efforts and the movement to end the holocaust at Abortion Mills.
He was convicted of abuse. He beat his wife and two young daughters one almost to death.
He was convicted of abuse. He beat his wife and two young daughters one almost to death.
I’d say that’s as good a reason as any to throw the man out of the country.

We have enough problemsome characters here already, why allow violent foreigners to stay? I’m sure that if Afghanistan had a bad apple from America in their custody, they’d send him home too.
Oh, in that case I completely agree with deporting him, and the attempt to make this a pro-life issue is even more misguided.
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The guy was being deported because he beat women 🤣 and the bleeding hearts think he should stay in Sweden. What happened to believing victims!
Oh come on, you know reasons don’t matter. People are being deported and I think that’s awful, so I’m going to completely disrupt everyone’s lives to stand up for my justice, despite not having the slightest clue what’s going on…

it’s the liberal way!
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I just tried to read the article and it looks like it’s gone.
I just clicked the link and it’s still there. I might be accessing what’s cached on my machine though.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they took it down. They probably realized the dude was a wife beater and wanted to distance themselves from the story.
The story doesn’t say that the student here , Ms. Errson , was Pro-Life at all. According to polls, 87% of Swedes are anti-life, and considering the fact in the story that several of the other passengers stood with her, how do they know Errson was Pro-Life?
do you have more than what you posted?

how could anyone make an informed decision on what was in the article?

why was he seeking asylum? why didn’t they grant it? the swedes have allowed a lot of people in their country, it seems there may be more to the story.

but, alas, the truth doesn’t always matter.

the emotions of the moment are what’s important in this world.
Oh my gosh, I wonder if the young lady defending him on the plane knew that.
I don’t much care for people trying to apply the pro-life “label” to every issue that they’re particularly passionate about.
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