Pro-life does not mean anti-gay

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What I find ironic is this - to defend being gay, people say that homosexuals were born that way, making it okay. The same has been said of everything from alcoholics to child molesters to serial killers - that they were born that way. Does it make it okay? Of course not, it’s just a smoke screen.
People are “born” with the genetic tendencies to obesity, alcoholism, drug addiction, but yet we don’t tell these people to accept it, don’t watch what you eat and go out and get high. That wouldn’t be responsible.
Gottle of Geer said:
## Committing abortion is not an orientation - homosexuality is (according to the 1986 Letter on the Pastoral Care of the Homosexual Person): that is the difference:
11. It has been argued that the homosexual orientation in certain cases is not the result of deliberate choice; and so the homosexual person would then have no choice but to behave in a homosexual fashion. Lacking freedom, such a person, even if engaged in homosexual activity, would not be culpable.

Here, the Church’s wise moral tradition is necessary since it warns against generalizations in judging individual cases. In fact, circumstances may exist, or may have existed in the past, which would reduce or remove the culpability of the individual in a given instance; or other circumstances may increase it. What is at all costs to be avoided is the unfounded and demeaning assumption that the sexual behaviour of homosexual persons is always and totally compulsive and therefore inculpable. What is essential is that the fundamental liberty which characterizes the human person and gives him his dignity be recognized as belonging to the homosexual person as well. As in every conversion from evil, the abandonment of homosexual activity will require a profound collaboration of the individual with God’s liberating grace."

my emphasis] ##

Notice the sentence in bold above.

Notice that the chorus has the name “gay” in their title.

This is not an individual case. This is part of a consistent and coordinated effort by groups of homosexual activists to promote the homosexual lifestyle and it’s associated evil behavior.

If an individual person with a disordered homosexual orientation wanted to sing in the church’s chorus without fanfare then no problem.

The problem here is the effort by homosexual activists to promote their behavior as normal and gain acceptance as normal and not evil by other members of the Catholic Church.
Here is another example:

When children reach puberty, they usually gain a natural attraction towards the opposite sex. This is natural and they are oriented this way. Would it be appropriate for them to act out on their inclinations and then start a singing group called “The Fornicator’s Chorus” and then sing in churches with the Blessed Sacrament present?

Or is it not proper and correct for them to

A) Use their will to resist temptation


B) If succumbing to temptation, not to promote it or attempt to normalize it as not sinful in general.
Gottle of Geer said:
## Committing abortion is not an orientation - homosexuality is (according to the 1986 Letter on the Pastoral Care of the Homosexual Person): that is the difference:

The poster was claiming recourse to science, not theology. That one may be born with a predisposition to commit abortion may be a scientific assertion once the entire genome is mapped and understood. The CC does not speak to that issue. So, that one may have an inclination in no way justifies acting on it and that one may have less culpability in no way means that an intrinsically evil act is not sinful, only that one’s culpability may be lessened or eliminated. The document you quoted does not support your position. It supports my position.
Here, the Church’s wise moral tradition is necessary since it warns against generalizations in judging individual cases. In fact, circumstances may exist, or may have existed in the past, which would reduce or remove the culpability of the individual in a given instance; or other circumstances may increase it. What is at all costs to be avoided is the unfounded and demeaning assumption that the sexual behaviour of homosexual persons is always and totally compulsive and therefore

Let us put the entire quote in context.
Notice the sentence in bold above.
I had the same debate with another poster. Why is the word inculpable so easily minimized? The entire quote must be read in context.
I had the same debate with another poster. Why is the word inculpable so easily minimized? The entire quote must be read in context.
I guess we all have agendas. 🙂
You can write a letter to the editor here to correct this young lady:

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Letters should be no more than 200 words.**
Very well said.
Hey, my Viking ancestors weren’t known for being kind and sensitive. So, perhaps I was born with an inclination to hit people on the head. Hmmm… Doesn’t matter what we’re born with at all. What matters is how we choose to live our lives–not what we were born with or without.
Can you beliive this from the Buffalo News opinion page?

Pro-life does not mean anti-gay

6/28/2005 I support the Buffalo Right to Life Committee’s efforts to end abortion, the ultimate in child abuse. However, I wish to distance myself from the committee leadership’s opinion on gays. I was shocked by their rude behavior toward the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus. They do not speak for me or other pro-lifers I know. Gay people are born gay. My gay cousin did not chose to be gay any more than I chose to be straight. It is important to know that pro-life does not equal anti-gay.

I have to point out the unscientific bias of this author’s opinion based on his obvious subjective personal experience (of course, you don’t really know something until you have first hand knowledge, right?). The only thing that this author is distancing himself from is objective empirical evidence.
Perhaps we should start a heterosexual action league;) I would be willing to bet it would be considered a hate group:eek:
I have to point out the unscientific bias of this author’s opinion based on his obvious subjective personal experience (of course, you don’t really know something until you have first hand knowledge, right?). The only thing that this author is distancing himself from is objective empirical evidence.
Is that a polite way of saying the author confuses emotionalism with truth?
Any takers on the letter to the editor. C’mon people it just takes a minute and is sorely needed for educated people to rebut this nonsense. This is one way to fight the multifront war. It hust takes a minute. Turn your time here on the boards into helping others see the light.
Perhaps we should start a heterosexual action league;) I would be willing to bet it would be considered a hate group:eek:
I think the time has come. Spain has gotten us started with the pro-family pro-marriage rallies.
You are wrong. Being part of the Culture of Life means being against the Culture of Death – of which homos are a part of.
I think the letter is fine. The two are not linked.

I mean, we all know what abortion is, right? Abortion is the murder of an unborn child. However evil you believe homosexuality is, it’s not as evil as abortion, and equating the two minimizes the evil of abortion.

I am not on the Buffalo Right-to-Life Committee, and the Committee may do what it likes. It seems foolish to me, though, that a group formed for the specific purpose of combatting the evils of abortion is now branching out into areas of the public debate that are beyond its charter. I think it weakens the organization, and this letter is proof that it is alienating some of its members.

Yes, abortionists and homosexuals “both deliberately separate the sexual act from its life-giving purpose,” no question about that. The point of the Right-to-Life Committee, though, is to provide a pro-life voice in the abortion debate, to speak for the unborn who can’t speak for themselves. It seems like good politics to me to get together as many people as possible to focus on that one issue. It seems like bad politics to branch out and drive people away.
Any takers on the letter to the editor. C’mon people it just takes a minute and is sorely needed for educated people to rebut this nonsense. This is one way to fight the multifront war. It hust takes a minute. Turn your time here on the boards into helping others see the light.
Heck, I’ll write one. No problem.

Penny Plain:
I think the letter is fine. The two are not linked.

I mean, we all know what abortion is, right? Abortion is the murder of an unborn child. However evil you believe homosexuality is, it’s not as evil as abortion, and equating the two minimizes the evil of abortion.

I am not on the Buffalo Right-to-Life Committee, and the Committee may do what it likes. It seems foolish to me, though, that a group formed for the specific purpose of combatting the evils of abortion is now branching out into areas of the public debate that are beyond its charter. I think it weakens the organization, and this letter is proof that it is alienating some of its members.

Yes, abortionists and homosexuals “both deliberately separate the sexual act from its life-giving purpose,” no question about that. The point of the Right-to-Life Committee, though, is to provide a pro-life voice in the abortion debate, to speak for the unborn who can’t speak for themselves. It seems like good politics to me to get together as many people as possible to focus on that one issue. It seems like bad politics to branch out and drive people away.
Actually, it shows great wisdom on the part of the Right-to-Life Committee. They realize that the pro-death lobby and the homosexual agenda lobby are joined at the hip. They understand that both groups are opposed to God’s plan for life. They realize that their is spiritual evil behind both groups. They also understand that you cannot compromise on something as fundamental as marriage and family and still stand for life.
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