Penny Plain:
These issues are all linked. One of the most important links to these culture of death issues is contraception. I see no reason why anti abortion groups should not speak out on all life issues. Abortion, euthanasia, homosexual acts, etc are all part of this culture and all need to be addressed.I think the letter is fine. The two are not linked.
I mean, we all know what abortion is, right? Abortion is the murder of an unborn child. However evil you believe homosexuality is, it’s not as evil as abortion, and equating the two minimizes the evil of abortion.
I am not on the Buffalo Right-to-Life Committee, and the Committee may do what it likes. It seems foolish to me, though, that a group formed for the specific purpose of combatting the evils of abortion is now branching out into areas of the public debate that are beyond its charter. I think it weakens the organization, and this letter is proof that it is alienating some of its members.
Yes, abortionists and homosexuals “both deliberately separate the sexual act from its life-giving purpose,” no question about that. The point of the Right-to-Life Committee, though, is to provide a pro-life voice in the abortion debate, to speak for the unborn who can’t speak for themselves. It seems like good politics to me to get together as many people as possible to focus on that one issue. It seems like bad politics to branch out and drive people away.