Pro life reponse to opening economy

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So…I figure when people accuse us of killing people by opening economy but we are against abortion…best way to articulate the difference …
Who is “us”? Neither I, my priest, my bishop nor the Holy Father have any control over the economy.

This is a very ineffective way to talk about life. We believe that every life is sacred from conception til natural death. Taking precautions in this time is the pro-life choice.
The negative impact of the economy being shut down will outweigh the initial negative impact of the virus. If people can’t work and pay their bills they will fall into poverty.
Don’t kill people by opening the economy too soon. The problem dissapears…
economy being shut down
The economy is not shut down. Things are still being bought and sold and most people are still working and being paid. Yes, there are many who have lost jobs and cannot pay their bills, but by no means is it a shutdown of the economy.
If people can’t work and pay their bills they will fall into poverty.
Completely true. What else is completely true is that if precautions are dropped too soon and someone goes out through economic necessity and then gets sick and dies from the virus, the bills still won’t get paid.

In short, there really isn’t a one size fits all answer; those charged with deciding these things have to take all the variables into account and decide based on facts and science rather than emotion, and based on the best overall strategy for everyone as a group, not just the extreme cases.
Depends on what closed sectors of the economy you want to reopen. The service industry has been hardest hit…restaurants, small shops, the travel industry. The problem is, even if we reopened that tomorrow, most people aren’t going to go out and spend yet. Is it profitable to open a large restaurant that only gets three customers a day?

We have to be beyond the rising curve of the virus where infections are dramatically lower before people feel safe to return to a more public life…and that may take a long time. If we abruptly open too soon and cases rise again as predicted, everyone is still going to shelter. Businesses will have to adapt as well. They might find employees unwilling to risk their lives just so profits move again. Then what? Demand people show up to work that won’t?

Do you have any idea how easy it is for me to say, “But if this economic shutdown saves just one life!”
According to the worst predictions, 99 out of 100 of us will survive.
But there is another story… The one about an unstoppable financial meteor that’s about to hit 99.99 percent of our country.
The government shut down Margaret’s company.
Margaret can’t pay her invoices to Jimmy’s company.
Jimmy’s company can’t pay Jimmy.
Jimmy can’t pay his landlord.
Jimmy’s landlord can’t pay his mortgage.
Jimmy and his landlord are now sitting at home totally helpless as they watch their bank accounts and 401Ks melt away along with the supplies necessary to feed their wife and children.
And ’round and ’round we go.

So please allow me to put this starkly as I can…
No, the government is not asking us to just sit at home and watch Netflix.
What the government is really doing is this…
Asking us to sit at home as our bank accounts dwindle, as our small businesses barrel towards bankruptcy, as the company that employs us teeters on the edge of closing down.
And sitting at home helpless as everything falls apart is agonizing… Is a recipe for despair… And despair means stress, and stress is — for the those of you who thump your chest over your fidelity to science — a killer.
The privileged media living through their exciting disaster movie don’t want to talk about the economic death toll of shutting down the economy — suicide; drug overdoses; crime; murders driven by despair, desperation, and fear; spousal abuse.
During the first four years of the Great Depression, the suicide rate jumped by almost 25 percent.
Well…that wasn’t exactly what I was asking…I see the hypocrisy on the left where “oh my gosh we have to save lives at all cost.” …and yet they allow abortion up to 9 months in some cases.
Question is…how do we respond when they say…" Oh you prolife people only care if it is a clump of cells dies, not real people who might die because of virus"

Something along the lines direct abortion is “formal” cooperation and the virus would be "material " cooperation…we weigh these choices every day…get in a car…might kill someone
The problem is, even if we reopened that tomorrow, most people aren’t going to go out and spend yet. Is it profitable to open a large restaurant that only gets three customers a day?
It’s true that often the market works things out for itself. My favorite Indian restaurant was SLAMMED with customers the other night getting take-out. Every one was properly distanced outside on the sidewalk. The wait was worth it for the mutter paneer. 😋
Businesses will have to adapt as well. They might find employees unwilling to risk their lives just so profits move again. Then what? Demand people show up to work that won’t?
There are no easy answers. I worry for my pregnant hairstylist who really needs the money. It seems inconsistent that chiropractors in my state can stay open while hairstylists, who legally must take the same precautions with sanitation, cannot.

But again, I have no easy answers. You’re right that a lot of people will simply choose not to get haircuts and back adjustments.
So…I figure when people accuse us of killing people by opening economy but we are against abortion…best way to articulate the difference
Who is “us”?

I’m not with any of the “USes” who want open up the economy.

I’m staying put, my family is staying put.
It’s a generic use of the word “us” to pose a question…glad you and your family want to stay…you are an adult and can make choices…think the government should treat “us” all as adults…instead of the people in some government positions thinking they are the only adults in the room
Don’t kill people by opening the economy too soon. The problem dissapears…
Also, ban cigarettes and high sugar foods, and bacon. Because they all kill WAAAAAY more people than the virus.
(yea, I know, you don’t choose the virus you choose cigarettes. But are we talking about choices and fine rhetorical lines, or are we really concerned with lives? Cause if you are really concerned about human life, abortion, cigarettes, distracted driving, on and on, all make the virus seem like a sniffle. )
Well…that wasn’t exactly what I was asking…I see the hypocrisy on the left where “oh my gosh we have to save lives at all cost.” …and yet they allow abortion up to 9 months in some cases.
Question is…how do we respond when they say…" Oh you prolife people only care if it is a clump of cells dies, not real people who might die because of virus"
Why do you need to kiss up to pro abortion people?

They’re going to think whatever they like and facts be darned.

Which frees you up to do pro life activities
Deliberately, and intentionally killing someone (abortion) is strictly unjust. However, tolerating unintended deaths as a risk of normal human social and economic life is not. All societies have done this since the dawn of human society.

When it comes to the latter, it is a matter of of public authority weighing the different elements of the common good to determine which measures best serve that common good given the circumstances. It’s a political question in the best sense of the term.
So…I figure when people accuse us of killing people by opening economy but we are against abortion…best way to articulate the difference …
Our vocations are used to care for our neighbor. Extreme lockdown is not sustainable nor does it preserve life in the manner that people think it does. It is only used for the purpose of slowing the spread of the disease so that medical capacity can be expanded to meet the forecasted need. We have actually increased our medical capacity and without a game-changing breakthrough in either vaccines or therapeutics (which is not on the horizon in the near-term), we will have to restart the economy. There is nothing anti-life about saying that people have to be able to perform their vocations to feed their families and care for their neighbor. We can implement common sense risk mitigation steps to both protect our neighbor and engage in our vocations.
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The way to take those precautions is to encourage the elderly,immune compromised to,shelter in place as much as possible.Allow those who desire and are able to get back to their livelihoods,etcThays proliferate in every sense
Oh you prolife people only care if it is a clump of cells dies, not real people who might die because of virus"
I don’t want anyone to die, but you’re the one who says I can do what I want with my own bode, even if it leads to someones death, and these restrictions are worse than a pregnancy.

As close to them as I can get.
So…I figure when people accuse us of killing people by opening economy but we are against abortion…best way to articulate the difference …
Ironically opening up the economy fits very well with the pro-choice ideology.
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